Awesome Accessories - The Infinity Scarf

Whenever I see the word, infinity, all I can hear in my head is Buzz Lightyear saying, "To infinity and beyond!" The word infinity as defined by Webster means to have no limits or end. So how exactly Buzz could go to infinity and beyond is quite beyond me! Ha, ha. I may not understand the physics behind infinity, but I am here today to tell you how to wear an infinity scarf.

Basically an infinity scarf has no end. It is a loop. The following are pictures, albeit goofy ones, of me showing the different ways you can wear this type of scarf. I wore a white top and chose a bright colored scarf so you could get a better idea of what each style looks like. I do want to preface this by saying, I did this outside, on an 80 plus degree evening, without a mirror to look at what I was doing. Ha, ha. As I said, my daughter and I both agreed, next time we will figure out a different way to do this type of thing.

1. The first and probably most common is the simply double loop:

2. Next is the triple loop:

3. Here is the end through the loop. This is accomplished by putting the whole scarf behind your neck, then bringing both ends forward. Now take the one "end" and put it through the "loop" of the other end. Pull it so it is as snug as you want it to be. If you wanted it a little looser you could use a pretty pin or brooch to hold it in place.

4. This one is done by simply tying the scarf rather than looping it.

5. Next is the vest. This one didn't turn out in the picture as I had practiced it in front of a mirror, but you get the idea. It is a simple way to add a pop of color or pattern to an outfit. I'm showing you the front and the back. Sorry for my mug shot!

6. Finally I did a shawl type look, by taking the whole scarf open, putting it over my head, so my shoulders are inside the loop, then gathering the front excess and making a simple knot.

I hope you enjoyed this post on how to wear an infinity scarf. For a whole different take on scarves and other ways to wear them check out Janeane at Designing From My Closet. In Three Unconventional Ways to Style a Large Scarf she shows three great ways for taking those big scarves and adding them to more than just your neck. In an earlier post she shows how to wear a variety of scarves. Check out How to Wear a Scarf

What about you? Do you like to wear scarves. I have three drawers full of scarves and I love to wear them. I am even excited about finding more different ways to add them to my waist, bag or wrists. I hope you found today's post helpful. Let me know what you think.

Have a great rest of the week.

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull. Make up Rachel Christensen.