Having Fun with Layers - Plaid Skirt

I have been trying to get back to more of a regular posting schedule, but I am still struggling, so bear with me for a little while longer. Everything takes time, which is often the thing I am not really good at managing. Just when I am on the cusp of making changes and doing better, something seems to happen to throw me off. Last night I hardly got any sleep due to a sore neck. I have no idea what happened. I didn’t twist it or jerk it, but during the day I got a bad headache and by evening, my neck on one side felt like it was cramping up. Ugg. Now I have a big lump back there. Like many people, I carry my stress in my neck and shoulders. Yes, we carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. Ha. ha. Anyway, thank the Lord for ibuprofen, heating pads and frozen bags of corn and peas!

Having fun with layers - plaid skirt

Today’s outfit revolves around a thrifted plaid skirt. I have styled this Michelle brand skirt on the blog before. You can see how I styled it with a gingham shirt. It is a simple a-line piece with a fair amount of stretch, but still enough structure. The plaid pattern is embellished with an embroidered floral arrangement in the lower front corner of the skirt.

Having fun with layers - plaid skirt

Because I love when things have some continuity I chose to wear a sweater that matches the blue in the flowers. This is a thrifted Croft & Barrow cable knit piece. As you can tell, I like these types of sweaters and have a number of them in various colors.

I have been looking for an excuse to wear this thrifted HSZ Studio wide wale corduroy jacket and this seemed to be the perfect look to combine it with. The lighter color says spring, yet the material is still plenty warm for the chilly days still to come. I almost got rid of this piece, because after I got it I never wore it. The sleeves are a little short and for a time, I thought about cutting off the sleeves and making it into a vest. However, I hung it back in closet and now I am glad I did. I think it will work well, even with the shorter sleeves as then I can have other colors peeking out by my wrists with long sleeve tees, sweaters, or button downs.

Having fun with layers - plaid skirt

Once again I used my heavier sweater tights to keep my legs warm. I chose my thrifted, Nine West, black, buckle loafers instead of boots and my green Axcess bag.

Having fun with layers - plaid skirt
Having fun with layers - plaid skirt

I like the length of this skirt. Do you like your skirts shorter, longer or in between. I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section down below. Since so much of this outfit is thrifted, what the best piece you have found thrifting?

Having fun with layers - plaid skirt

I am including a few shopping links for you to look over. These are affiliate links, but are brought to you at no cost. If you click on the link, I get a few cents, but every penny counts.

I hope you are having a great first week of March!