Actual Amy - Home Alone - Getting into Mischief

Merry Christmas everyone! I intended to have this post done yesterday, but I was cooking and wrapping. We celebrated with both daughters, our son-in-law and grandson, this morning, but last night we spent a few hours watching a movie and having snacks with our younger daughter and grandson, so there was additional prep. Needless to say, I never even got this post started. Now that brunch and the gift opening is over, we have some quiet time this afternoon to relax.

It is a gloriously snowy day. My younger girl is calling it a Christmas miracle and I told her it was my gift from the King of Kings. Whatever you want to call it, we were all rather happy that it was finally a White Christmas. Everyone seemed very pleased with their gifts and I got a lot of nice things as well, including a new printer and a steamer. No more wrinkly clothes for blog pictures. Yay! I also got a bunch of new books, a trilogy by Brandon Sanderson and a few books on writing. I am very excited and am looking forward to the new year, to try to establish some reading and writing habits (as well as some better physical habits).

This post is going to be short and mostly about the pictures. This red sweater and olive utility pants outfit was inspired by Home Alone. This movie is another favorite. Both the first and second movies with Macaulay Culkin playing, mischievous and resourceful, Kevin McCallister as the young boy, who is left home alone when their large extended family goes on a trip really, are the best out of the Home Alone series. The first one follows Kevin as he protects his home from bumbling bandits Marv and Harry and the second one follows Kevin in NYC, once again outwitting and out maneuvering Harry and Marv as they try to take down a NYC toy store. Both movies are full of painful looking physical comedy and even moments that pull at your heart strings.

Enjoy the pictures and have a wonderful Christmas day!

Actual Amy - Home Alone
Actual Amy - Home Alone
Actual Amy - Home Alone
Actual Amy - Home Alone
Actual Amy - Home Alone
Actual amy - HOme Alone
Actual Amy - Home Alone
Actual Amy - Home Alone

This open weave red sweater was a treasure I found at our local American Cancer Society Discovery Shop around the counter. I love the look of this thrifted piece and it is actually quite warm with a long sleeve tee underneath.

Actual Amy - Home Alone

My olive utility pants I have styled with many things on the blog before. They were a JC Penny purchase a number of years ago and are Gloria Vanderbilt brand. You can see them with other olive utility pieces and with other neutrals from this past fall Pantone series.

Actual Amy - Home Alone

This old gray hat was actually my hubby’s, but it worked for this outfit. My scarf was from a few years ago.

Actual Amy - Home Alone

These fuzzy, sherpa lined ankle boots are SO brand and a Kohl’s clearance purchase from last year.

Actual Amy - HOme Alone

I hope you enjoyed this post. Have a blessed, peaceful Christmas!

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.