Let's Talk about Love
With Valentine's Day coming up it seems appropriate to talk about love. Have you ever been kissed by God? Some of you know exactly what I mean....others, well you may be starting to wonder if marijuana was legalized in my state and have I been smoking it. I assure you, the closest I come to drug use is the caffeine in my tea and Diet Coke and the euphoria I feel when I find a good deal at a thrift store!
The truth is, God loves you. Jesus loves you. John 3:16 states, "For God so loved the world...." That means you. His Spirit waits with bated breath to love on you, minister to your needs and tell you once again, "I have loved you with an everlasting love." He never tires of telling you. He never stops wanting you. He will never abandon you. He is the Great Warrior Prince who desires to sweep you off your feet.
Some of you may be thinking, "Okay, this is getting a little weird for me. I mean really, God isn't that personal or intimate, is He? Isn't He hanging out, up there in heaven, judging my mistakes and my sins, just waiting for the day when He can squash me, or pull the rug out from under my feet because I am such a failure?"
Our view of God is often skewed by our relationships with our own earthly fathers. Many of our dads worked hard, and came home to fall asleep on the couch, not sweep our mom's off their feet, or pick us up and twirl us around like we were their little princesses. They were removed from us and rarely did they get in our faces to tell us they loved us.
Photo Credit: Rebecca Trumbull
As I have grown in my walk with Christ, I have come to realize God is so much more than what I think. The Bible gives us a picture of who God is, but even that, limited by human language, does not fully unveil the awesomeness of the Almighty. As I have mentioned before, I am all about layers and I believe God has layers too. It is through obedience to Him that we are drawn deeper into those layers.
Look at His many names. How do we fathom a God of pure holiness with a God of tenderest love? How does a God of terrible judgment line up with a God of child-like delight? As we come to know His character, He leads us. The road wanders through mountaintops and valleys, across oceans and rivers, into caves and under buildings, but each place He leads is a chance to choose. Will I love the unlovely? Will I go the higher road? Will I rejoice when my heart is heavy? Will I pray when worry has become my new companion? Each time I follow His word, do His will, walk in His Spirit, He pulls me in like the gentlest lover, bringing me to new levels of delight and joy.
And in a sense, my obedience is my kiss back.