Outfit Inspiration - Let There Be Light
This series wouldn’t be complete without a contemporary song or two. Point of Grace is a Christian Contemporary group made up of three ladies, Shelley Breen, Denise Jones, and Leigh Cappillino. In 2005 they came out with a Christmas album called, “Winter Wonderland.” The song, Let There Be Light, became one of my favorites from that collection of both old and new Christmas songs. The song was sung by John David Webster with background vocals by the girls.
“From the beginning the Father
Had a magnificent plan
Revealed through the law and the prophets
To fulfill the redemption of man
You spoke after centuries of silence
In the midst of a still, starry night
And Emmanuel came down among us
And the Father said, ‘Let there be light’”
I love the imagery. We were walking in darkness, but God sent His son, the light. Indeed a magnificent plan. With those words in mind, I came up with an outfit full of shimmer and light.
My Hollister, Light up the City crop tee was a thrift find. I don’t typically wear cropped tees or tops, but when I saw this one and the one in my O Holy Night outfit, I knew I could afford to purchase them and give them a try. This one boasts dots that make it look like there are splotches of light on the tee.
I wanted to have my arms covered so I added this thrifted gold George button up under the crop top. Originally, I was going to let the gold top hang out the bottom of the crop top, but it is a little small and didn’t look quite right, so I tucked it, instead.
This pretty velvet skirt was a Kohl’s clearance find and is Chaps brand. I love some of the Chaps brand pieces, but they are typically a higher price point than I want to pay, so finding this on clearance was perfect. I really like the way the velvet has a light of it’s own and definitely takes the outfit up a notch. Once again, the dark blue makes me think of that night sky over the fields of Bethlehem, when baby Jesus was born.
You’ve seen these shoes a few times on the blog now. I think they are fun and classy and the black suede could be a first cousin to velvet, but without the shimmer and shine. These are Easy Spirit brand.
My accessories were meant to add further bling and light to the outfit. The multi strand bead and metal necklace, the gray stone and bling bracelet and the sparkly black envelope clutch all bring added light.
I love the light: sunshine, candles, Christmas lights, fairy lights, fireworks, fires in a fireplace, campfires, lamps in all their various shapes and forms. The light is so important to our lives and to our world. We couldn’t grow food without sunshine. We couldn’t see in the dark without a candle, flashlight or lamp, or at least the light of the moon. Light gives our lives meaning and purpose, especially the light that came into the world over two thousand years ago.
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.”
“For God so loved the world,[a] that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
“Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.””
What do you think of this outfit? Do you like to wear clothing that is luminous and reflects the light? What sort of light do you like? At Christmas do you decorate your house with lights? Where do you put them and do you have a lot of lights or just a few? I have enjoyed so much, reading your comments. People have been sharing their Christmas memories from going to get the tree with their family to Christmas caroling and giving out food. These just make me smile, so thank you everyone who has been willing to comment and share.
Here is the song, Let There Be Light by Point of Grace. Enjoy!