Take the Steak
I am not a vegetarian. I do occasionally eat a meatless meal and I also occasionally cook without meat. I am definitely not a vegan. I really like my cheese, butter and eggs. I like chicken, beef and pork. I also like fish and wild game like venison and pheasant. I do not judge those who don’t eat meat as being less than me. I think it is honorable to choose a lifestyle that makes you feel healthier and gives your life purpose and fulfillment. What about our spiritual lives?
Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay
“ For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant.”
This statement in the book of Hebrews is pertinent to our study of Romans 8. As we progress through the chapter it becomes obvious that this is written to people who are followers of Christ in the true sense. It is Christ followers who are able to eat the meat of the word, and delve into the deeper layers of God. There are many people today, who call themselves Christians, but when asked what makes them a Christian the answers are often a complex web of political points of view on social justice and tolerance. A true Christian is one who follows Christ. What did Jesus say about himself?
““I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.”
Jesus is the one who made this statement. Christians did not make this stuff up. Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. He didn’t say He was one of many ways to God. In fact, He goes on to say, “…no one comes to the Father but through Me.” That is pretty narrow minded thinking, isn’t it? Not really. The one saying it is God and He dictates what truth is. I want to get back to Romans 8, so I will not get into a philosophical talk on truth or the fact that God exists. The fact of the matter is, just like most things we cannot fully know and understand, it is an act of faith. It is to those who put their faith in Jesus Christ, that Romans 8 is written. Let’s look at the next few verses.
“12 So then, brethren, we are under obligation, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh—
13 for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. ”
I’d like to point out several points of truth.
1 - We are not under obligation to the flesh.
What exactly does that mean? It means that we don’t have to listen to our flesh. We have the capacity, because we are in the Spirit to actually say no to the pull of the flesh. Once again, let me clarify, we do have an obligation to our flesh, to take care of it. Good nutrition, exercise, sleep, healthy relationships, all help to nurture our flesh in the appropriate ways. However, we are not obligated to over eat, watch pornography, participate in self harm through things like cutting, alcohol or drugs, or live in a state of anxiety and fear, such that we are incapacitated.
Image by bluebudgie from Pixabay
2 - We will die.
Verses 12 and 13 are pretty straight forward. We are not obligated to the flesh, to live according to it. In fact, if we are living according to the flesh, we must die. Let me head down the rabbit trail for just a minute. All of us will die. Thus far, there has been no discovered fountain of youth, Holy Grail (Indiana Jones) or cure for this end of life event called death. Death came into the world because of sin. Do I think man kind would have lived forever if there had been no sin? I don’t know the answer to that, but I believe God created Adam and Eve with the ability to procreate and to live an extremely long time. It was the choice to sin that brought the darkness of death into our world. This darkness will remain with us, until Christ comes to set up His kingdom.
As Christ followers we are not exempt from physical death. Unless, Christ comes before I die, I too will leave this physical body behind.
3 - We can live.
The last part of verse 13 says, “…but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live.” This is talking about spiritual life, not physical life. Why is it important to be putting to death the deeds of the body? What does God’s word say?
“And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’”
Judging from this verse anyone who calls on Jesus name will be saved. They will have eternal life. Even though they die a physical death, their spirits will live on forever with Jesus. Why then, does verse 13 of Romans 8 say that putting to death the deeds of the body will give us life? I think it has to do with our true heart.
There can be a lot of emotion involved in making a decision to turn one’s life over to Christ. Often the call comes at a time when things are not going well, and is made as an act of desperation. A person can make an emotional response, without fully realizing or making a true commitment of their heart. A person who has made a real response to Christ will realize that is only the beginning of a life long commitment to their Savior. Just as in a marriage, the commitment must be worked on and guarded, so too our commitment to Christ must be continually before us and we should be constantly putting to death the things in our flesh that come between us and Christ. This death of our flesh, will allow the life of Christ to manifest itself more abundantly in us and we will truly live.
Our Christian lives should be never be stagnant. We should be growing and learning and enjoying the deeper layers of God. These layers are where we really begin to eat the meat that He intended for us. It is not easy to grow to this point. I have been struggling for years to overcome and put to death my flesh, but I also realize, growth often happens in spurts, just like with our children and grandchildren. One minute they are tiny toddlers and the next minute they are ready to join the basketball team. God knows we can’t learn everything all at once, but if He is offering you a steak instead of a potato, take it and enjoy.
Next week we will rediscover an amazing truth about our relationship with God. Until then. Have a great week.