Spirit to Spirit
As we move along in our study of Romans 8, I hope that you are being encouraged to keep fighting the fight and running the race. It is very easy for us to let life knock us down, often to the point of not wanting to get back up. We often feel alone in our struggle, but today’s verses reassure us, we are not alone.
“16 The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God,
17 and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him so that we may also be glorified with Him.”
We are taking this slowly as there is no reason to rush. There is too much information in this one chapter alone, to just fly through. We must savor each bite, delighting in the flavor and deliciousness of the words of God that He imparted to us through His servant Paul. To not do so would be to leave behind that scrumptious chocolate cake served to us for dessert.
Image by Kevin Petit from Pixabay
Let’s take a few bites.
The Spirit Himself
I like that this verse begins like this. We just got the message that we have been adopted. That adoption happened because we chose to place our faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Because we made that choice we are now able to call God, Abba! Father! We are now allowed into the inner circle with the triune God head. We are now convinced of the intimacy we have with the Father and the Son, but what about the Spirit? This verse confirms that we are now intimate with Him as well. The Spirit isn’t sending someone else to do the job, He is doing it Himself. What is the job He is doing?
We all have probably seen enough police shows or read enough murder mysteries to know, in order to put the bad guy behind bars, someone has to testify or give evidence against him. In addition, if we are applying for a job or trying to do something that requires character references, we want someone on our side who will testify to our strengths and why we are fit for the job or the new venture.
It is the Holy Spirit’s job to testify. He is the witness on our behalf and on behalf of the Son. He is the one who gives the evidence of our choice to follow Christ. He also gives evidence to us of the authenticity of Christ’s claim to be our Savior. How does He do this?
…with our spirit…
This truly is a spiritual thing. The testimony of the Holy Spirit is to our spirit. God created us with a physical body, a mind, a soul and a spirit. It is this spirit, that when nurtured and fed, will hear and understand the things of God. I have heard many stories of missionaries who have gone to native villages in countries all over the world where someone in that village was praying, or desiring to know God. This comes about because of the spirit God put within each of us. It is that spirit that is meant to fellowship with His Spirit. I believe that our spirit will shrivel up if it does not come into contact with the Holy Spirit of God. Sure we may still have “spirit” meaning more like a will to live or fight or win, etc. But the spirit that God created us with is meant to know His Spirit.
“We pursue God because, and only because, he has first put an urge within us that spurs us to the pursuit.”
When we believe in Jesus the Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit. In other words His Spirit and our spirit become one. We now have the ability to know things of God, not merely head knowledge, but true heart knowledge. Our spirit and His Spirit become a united entity. Knowing this, it suddenly makes sense that when we sin, we grieve the Spirit of God. When we choose to live by the flesh we quench His Spirit in us, like a pail of cold ice water thrown on a flame. We are meant to burn with the Spirit of God. This is no milk toast relationship, meant to pander to our little feelings of pride or self-righteousness; this is a burning flame meant to consume us.
“To have found God and still to pursue him is the soul’s paradox of love, scorned indeed by the too easily satisfied religionist, but justified in happy experience by the children of the burning heart.”
…that we are children of God,
The Holy Spirit of God, then, testifies to our spirit that we are children of God. Without His Spirit in us we do not have assurance of this familial link. It is only the Spirit that speaks to our spirit, letting us know that we are, indeed, His most beloved children.
I feel the need to save verse 17 for next week. I hope you don’t mind. Savor each morsel. Think about what these words and phrases mean for you as a Christ follower. Leave me a comment on what you came up with as you think this verse over. I’d love to hear from you.
Have a wonderful day.