Beautiful Blogger Bests - The Feminine Masculine Look
One of the first bloggers I started following was Catherine of Not Dressed as Lamb. Catherine lives across the "big pond" in England and has been nominated for the coveted UK Blogger Awards. She has a huge following and it is no wonder! She's got sass, charm and a "I don't care what you think" approach to fashion. As far as she is concerned a woman can wear whatever she wants regardless of age. She approaches fashion with a flare for combining nontraditional colors and pattern mixes and makes it look fabulous!
Photo from Catherine's post with her permission.
The post that inspired me for today's outfit was from January 25th and is titled: Wide Leg Trousers: How to Get the Katharine Hepburn Look. In Catherine's original post which you can see if you click on the title, she styles a lovely outfit that has a "masculine chic" vibe. The plaid wide leg trousers and black longer coat have a menswear inspired feel, but Catherine adds a touch of the feminine wearing a peach blouse with white polka dots, pointy toed heels and a sweet box handbag.
For my look, I took a pair of wide leg trousers that I thrifted and paired them with a sheer blue and pink top.
When I threw this outfit together I didn't realize the blue in the blouse matches the thin blue stripes in the pants. Hey I'm a pattern mixing fool! Ha, ha.
I kept my accessories similar, so the belt and the purse matched and the necklace and bracelet pulled together the pinky orange in the top.
It was a balmy 31 degrees with a wind chill of 25 when we were taking these pics. Catherine wears a black coat, which looks lovely with her outfit. I opted for my JJill velvet gray jacket.
For my shoes I wore a simple black pump. I thought this bag a good mix of masculine and feminine. It kind of resembles a mini brief case. At least that was the idea I was going for.
I think the look on my face is saying, "Hurry up! I'm freezing!" I think I need to take a modeling class. Ha, ha. I'm seeing my Dad's side of the family in this picture. Isn't that funny? Do you ever do things or look at yourself and think, "Oh my goodness. I'm doing just what my mom/dad does/did!" Or, "I know that face! That looks just like Aunt Mildred!" Actually, that is just the face I am displaying and I did have an Aunt Mildred! Ha, ha. ha.
Enough of my familial silliness! Do you think this outfit says, masculine chic? Is it too masculine? Leave me a comment in the comments section below. I love to have your input, good and bad!
Be sure to check back on the blog tomorrow when Jodie and I will be finishing our series on styling a white blouse in a variety of ways.
Until then, have a great day.
Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull. Make up Rachel Christensen.
This post contains affiliate links. All opinion are my own.
Thursday linking up with Nicole of High Latitude Style and Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge. Friday linking up with Nancy of Nancy's Fashion Style. Saturday linking up with Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb.