Creative Christianity: The Widow's Quest - Part 5

(This story and its previous parts are based on the story of the widow and the judge found in Luke 18:1-8. This is a fictional story with a world and characters built by me.)

Connie had been working for two hours on the old water heater, but she finally managed to find the problem. Several of the pipes had become clogged with mineral deposits and rust. It was amazing the pipes had not started leaking. She moved up the basement steps and found Rocky playing with Adam and the pups. She found Maribelle in the kitchen working on a pot of soup.

Image by Tom from Pixabay

“That smells delicious!”

Maribelle smiled. “It was my mom’s recipe. It lasts a few days if we are careful. It’s not as rich as she used to make it, but…well…things are not as easy as they were when she was alive.”

Connie nodded her head. “A lot has happened in the last few decades. How long has she been gone?”

“About three years. She got the lung illness, and my dad was already gone. We tried the best we could to help her, but it finally took her.”

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Connie wiped her dirty hands on a rag that Maribelle had given her and then put her hand on the younger woman’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry. It is never easy to lose a mother. Mine has been gone for almost twenty years, but I try to remember the good days we had together. Your mother was very fortunate to have you and your husband to help care for her.”

Maribelle nodded and seemed to brighten a bit. “I guess you are right. I never really looked at it that way. I only wish she would have lived long enough to meet Adam. He’s our future.”

Connie looked at the waning daylight out the window and realized she would not get to the Manor of Minward on this trip. She was going to have to return to the Rift by tomorrow morning, or Neopolo would send a few of his goons after her. It seemed ridiculous. She was nobody, but De Caro believed everyone in the Rift was his. If you went out, you came back, or you died.

Maribelle must have noticed her gaze out the window. “If you have to be going, I understand. It has been wonderful for Adam to have a few playmates for a while. Please don’t feel the need to stay.”

Connie turned, her mind already made up. “I’m not going anywhere, leastwise not until later tonight when I have to make my way back to the Rift. I found the problem with your water heater, all I need are a few clean pipes, and a torch. I already have solder and the other necessary tools. Usually at steam works they have torches for workers to use. Any ideas?”

Image by Ken Boyd from Pixabay

“My husband, Lukas has a torch. He does metal work for the Hy-Breds. They like all them fancy fences and designs on their moving vehicles. I’m not sure about clean pipes. You could check at the church. They take in a lot of scrap stuff in trade for food. I’m pretty sure, it is just another way to get people in to hear their message.” She laughed.

“If you think Lukas would let me borrow his torch, then just point me in the right direction and I will go see if I can get the pipes I need for the job.”

“Oh, I am sure Lukas will be happy to loan you his torch in exchange for a hot shower. I’ll write the address of the church down for you. It’s just a few blocks away.”

“Do you mind if Rocky hangs out here while I’m gone?”

Maribelle peeked around the corner to where Adam was giggling and puppies were yapping. “Not at all. He’s the first babysitter I’ve had since Adam was born.”

* * * * *

The church was a solid, old structure built from brick, with large wooden doors and stained glass windows that still looked mostly intact. There were only a few open churches in the Rift, and they were barely hanging together. De Caro gleaned anything and everything shortly after he came into power. He wanted all the residents of the Rift to know they, and everything they had, belonged to him.

Image by Couleur from Pixabay

Connie saw a few people standing outside one of the sets of doors, so she moved in their direction.

“Excuse me, I was told I might be able to find some usable scrap materials here.”

A very large, dark skinned man gave her a stern look. “Who sent you?”

Connie had no idea who these people were and she wasn’t about to give them Maribelle and Lukas’ names, especially after they were being so kind to her.

“Well, you can see I am a steamer, but I live in the Rift and often when I get sent to a job out here, I try to pick up a few odd jobs, just to help stretch the coin…I mean who can blame me…my name is Connie by the way. What is yours?”

The man looked a little unsettled by Connie’s friendly, matter-of-fact tone. He hesitated. Another voice from behind him said, “His name is Reggie, and he is being very rude.”

An older man stepped past Reggie and extended his hand towards her. “I’m Andreas Eastman. I help out around here when I have time.”

Connie took his hand and smiled at him. He was a nice looking man, and she suddenly felt mortified at how dirty her hands and everything else on her was. She quickly pulled her hand away and adjusted her hair behind her ear.

“What can we do for you?”

“Well, I am doing a job nearby on an old water heater and a few of the pipes need to be replaced.”

“Come on. I’ll show you where we keep the scrap metal.”

Connie followed Andreas into the church. They went through the sanctuary where a small group huddled together with their heads bowed. They came to a hallway which led past several rooms and what looked and smelled like a kitchen. Connie’s stomach growled. Eventually they went through another outer door into a small yard. Taking up about one fourth of it was an area filled with all sorts of metal, wood and other material scarps.

Image by andreas N from Pixabay

“Wow! This is impressive, and everything is so well organized.”

Andreas chuckled. “We do a lot with volunteers. It’s our way of trying to keep people off the streets. It gives them a place and a purpose. The scrap is here for locals to purchase.”

Connie felt her heart sink. “I’m afraid I don’t have much in the way of money.”

Andreas smiled at her warmly. “Oh, you misunderstand. When I say purchase I mean barter. People can stay for a message, help in the kitchen, even do some cleaning. No currency is ever exchanged. Around here that is hard to come by.”

Connie still felt wary. She didn’t have much time.

Andreas seemed to sense her hesitation. “I overheard you say you are from the Rift. You are a ways from home aren’t you?”

Connie nodded, but didn’t speak. She was feeling overwhelmed.

“Listen, I am aware of how it works. I have a few friends in the Rift. You have a time limit. Did you get all your legitimate business finished?”

Connie felt herself coming unhinged. She was so tired of carrying this burden alone. “Well, I…I actually didn’t have legitimate business. My work papers were forged. I was on my way to the Manor of Minward. I expected to be there and back before my time was up. I didn’t know I would meet an orphan, a mother pup and her babies and a family who needed a little help…”

She looked up at Andreas and noticed his light eyes looking at her intently. “Why were you going to the Manor of Minward?”

Connie took a deep breath and stood a little straighter. She was not going to be deterred in her efforts. “I am going to talk to the Lord of the Manor. He needs to do something about the Rift. People are living in squalor and Neopolo De Caro needs to be taken down!”

As soon as it came out of her mouth, Connie worried that she had said too much. How did she know that the “friends” this man had inside the Rift weren’t a part of DeCaro’s mob?

“Look,” she started. “You don’t need to worry. I’m not going to hurt anyone. I’m just one person who would like to make a difference. You get that, right?”

Image by wal_172619 from Pixabay

Andreas smiled. “Yes. All of us who are at this church want to make a difference.”

"Why don’t you just let me scrounge through the scrap, tell me how to pay and I’ll be out of your hair.”

“Sure! Have a look. When you are done you’ll need to talk to our pastor. He’ll tell you how you can pay.”

Connie nodded then slipped past Andreas and began scouring the scrap pile. She found several pieces she thought would work, plus a few flexible stainless steel pieces with the appropriate attachment ends. She was delighted by that find. When she was finished she made her way back into the church.

She was just going to step back into the sanctuary when Andreas called to her from down the hall. “Connie?”

She turned and he motioned her to follow. She moved down the hall and saw him slip into a doorway a few feet further on.

When she stepped inside she took a sharp breath. Sitting in a chair on one side of the desk was a man she assumed to be the pastor. Across from him sat the guard from the first check point in the Rift.

“Hey there, Sunshine!”

Creative Christianity: The Widow's Quest - Part 3

Rocky was an amiable companion. It seemed he had not had anyone to talk to, or at least anyone who would listen to him for quite a while. He talked about the neighborhood he lived in before his father had left and his mother died. He told her how when he was very small it had been a decent place; a place where people looked out for each other and took care of each other.

“I’m not sure what happened. I think I was so caught off guard when my dad left and didn’t come back that I didn’t realize what was beginning to happen in our neighborhood. The older people were dying, and the other adults were taking off, just like my dad…”

Constance was surprise at how perceptive and willing to share this young man was. Again, her heart swelled with feelings, not only for this boy, but for the children she had always wanted to have.

Image from Pixabay

They had left the area closest to the Rift boundary behind and were slowly making their way through an an industrial part of the lower south side of Minward. This is the area her forged work papers said she was assigned to do maintenance. She wanted to get as far from there as possible. She saw workers milling about waiting for the morning whistle to open the gate and let them inside.

Just as they crossed an alley way they both heard a soft bark. Connie turned her head, but kept her pace. Rocky, turned into the alley.

“Hey, come look at this!”

Connie stopped, but didn’t venture into the alley. “Rocky, I think it’s a bad idea to get too close to any wild animals around here. Not only that, but we need to keep moving.”

“But Connie, we can’t leave her. She needs our help.” Rocky was persistent.

Connie finally relented. She looked around again, and moved slowly into the alley. She drew up next to the boy and there, in a partially decomposed wooden crate, was a female dog with four young pups who were currently eating their breakfast.

Before Connie could stop him, Rocky had bent down and was petting the mother and all her babies. The dog licked his hands and face causing him to laugh. The little pups whimpered and wiggled, their attention distracted from suckling to a new play companion. Rocky soon had his lap full of yapping, licking, biting puppy ardor.

Connie was about to scold him, but then she realized this was probably something he needed. She wondered how long it had been since he had been able to be just a boy. She decided the Manor at Minward wasn’t going anywhere, and neither was the Rift. She could give the lad a few minutes of joy. She plopped down on the ground beside him, and soon had puppies in her lap as well which made her forget for a few moments the hardship life had brought her.

After a few more minutes Connie put her hand gently on the boy’s shoulder. “We really should not stay here any longer. We might draw someone’s attention that isn’t friendly.”

“But what about the dogs? We can’t just leave them.” Rocky’s voice was concerned.

“I’m sorry, Rocky, but where I am going there won’t be any place for a dog, let alone her pups. It would be different if you had a home you could go back to, or if I wasn’t on a quest.”

“A quest?”

Constance hesitated, but then she made a decision. “Yes, Rocky. I am on a quest to talk to the Lord of Minward about bringing justice into the Rift.”

Rocky’s attention left the puppies and focused on her face. “You’re from the Rift? I didn’t think anyone ever left there, unless they are a Hy-Bred.”

“Well, that’s mostly true…unless you have friends who can forge work papers.”

Rocky’s eyes widened. “You mean, you are kind of like a spy?”

Connie laughed. “Hardly! I’m no more a spy than you are the Lord of Minward. I’m just one person trying to make a difference and find redemption and justice for people suffering in the Rift.”

She stood up. “We need to get going.”

Rocky put each of the pups back by their mother then stood up. “I wish we could give them some food or something…especially the mom. She looks like she needs it more than them.”

“She’s doing what mothers do; giving up her own comfort and needs to give life to her own.”

Rocky gave a little wave and they moved quickly out of the alley.

It wasn’t long before they began walking again that they heard numerous tiny yips and yaps coming from behind them. They both turned around and there came the mama dog with one pup in her mouth and the other three waddling along behind her as quickly as their little legs could carry them.

“Connie, look! They want to come with us.”

Constance watched the dogs struggling to follow them, and once again her heart softened. She knew at the rate they were going she might never get to the Manor of Minward, but somehow that didn’t seem quite as urgent as it had a few hours ago. She looked at the boy, and then at the pups. She began unraveling the scarf she had around her neck, then she opened her pack and got down on her knees.

“What are you doing?” Rocky asked.

“Well, we won’t get very far if we don’t give all those short little legs some help. I’m going to make a soft place in my pack where the smaller two can lay. Those two bigger ones should be able to keep up.”

Image by Aleš Háva from Pixabay

Rocky looked excited. “You mean we are going to take them with us?”

Connie nodded.

“Oh yippee! I’ve never had a pet.”

Connie picked up the two smaller puppies and put them gently down into her side pack. They snuggled together and almost immediately fell asleep.

“Come on. We’ve got to get some food some where soon, for us and them.”

Connie was not sure why she was accumulating this rag tag band of misfits, but she knew she had to help those who were less fortunate. Maybe it was how she had been raised. Maybe it was something she knew her husband would have wanted. Maybe it was God trying to show her she was not alone. Whatever the answer she knew they were now in it together.

Creative Christianity: The Widow's Quest - Part2

(This is a fictional piece based on the parable of the widow and the judge from Luke 18. I wrote this piece for entertainment purposes only.)

By the time Constance got to the second check point the rain was torrential. Her coat felt heavy as it took on water, and her tool bag was completely soaked. Thankfully, there was a long line of people which, she hoped, would make it easier for her to just slide through without much notice.

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

As she stood in the line, she noticed the other people waiting. It was a hobby of hers, people watching. She had always enjoyed sitting in obscure places to watch people. People were so interesting and unique. That was how she and Amos had met. He had been sitting on a different bench a little way away from her at the small park near her parents’ home. Apparently, he enjoyed doing the same thing. It wasn’t that unusual. If you weren’t part of DeCaro’s network, there wasn’t much else to do.

She noticed him sitting there, and he noticed her. Eventually, they noticed each other noticing each other. One day when she arrived at her spot, he was sitting on her bench with a bag. Inside were two sandwiches. His pick up line had been, “I made too many sandwiches this morning. Would you mind eating one so I don’t have to throw it away?”

Image by WikimediaImages from Pixabay

They both laughed. No one ever threw anything away in the Rift. Every morsel, every scrap contributed towards keeping you alive.

The people in the line were mainly workers, but there were a few Hy-Breds. These were people from the upper echelon that came into the Rift to gamble, buy drugs, and abuse whoever they could, just because they had money. One couple in particular was getting impatient and tried to cut ahead of others in line. This caused a small fight to ensue.

Check points at the perimeter of the Rift were actual guard stations, all employed by DeCaro. Several guards came out to break up the fight. There were at least two people who scooted past the check point without getting their papers stamped. The problem with this lay in the fact that if they got caught outside the Rift without their papers in order they would be sent back to DeCaro, and from there most likely sent to the Extermination Yard.

Constance kept her head down and stayed out of the way while the guards took control of the situation. The Hy-Breds were taken inside to warm up while they waited for a ride to take them home. The others who fought back were beaten and not allowed to cross.

It was all so incredibly unfair. That was exactly why she was willing to risk an audience with the Lord of Minward. She had no idea what sort of a man he was, but she knew she had to try to get his attention focused on the Rift and the people who were being preyed on who lived there.

Image by gregkorg from Pixabay


The man behind the window was angry, Constance assumed, for having to deal with the fight. DeCaro’s employees preferred to not have to work. She quickly presented her papers. He barely even looked at them before he stamped them and shoved them back at her. She fought the urge to grab them and run. Instead, she began to fold them while she still stood in front of the window.

“Move along!”

Constance moved slowly as if she was still struggling to get her papers back into her coat pocket before the rain completely soaked them. What she was really doing was trying to make herself look as inept as possible. She walked away, breathing a sigh of relief.

Just because she was no longer in the Rift, didn’t mean she was out of danger. Not everyone in the city of Minward were law abiding citizens. She kept alert. She was thankful once the rain slowed eventually stopping. She crossed a few streets, but at the next corner she knew she was being followed.

Image by 652234 from Pixabay

Running was not an option, so she decided to confront the person. She whirled, coming face to face with a young man, probably not more than twelve or thirteen. Startled, he stopped, looking at her with wide eyes.

“Can I help you, young man?”

“I…I…thought…maybe, I could help you…you know…for a little coin.” He gave her a sideways smile trying to look hopeful.

Constance sighed. “I’m sorry, lad. I don’t have any extra coin.”

The boy didn’t give up. “Well, what do you have in that bag? There’s got to be something valuable in there.”

Constance felt bad for the boy, but she also knew she wasn’t in a safe place. He might be working with a gang, and she could be surrounded before she knew it. “This is just my tool bag. Do you live around here?'“

“Here and there.”

She looked around, noting the windows, doors, and side streets. She didn’t notice any movement, so she started to relax.

“Where’s your family?”

“Dad left a while ago and hasn’t come back. My mom said, that’s because he’s no good. My mom….” It was plain to see the boy was grieving. “She got sick. Without a job, she couldn’t afford to go to the doctor. She died a few months ago.”

Constance’s heart broke for the boy. “You don’t have any other family? An aunt or uncle? Grandparents?”

He wiped at his eyes with his ragged shirt sleeve, and shook his head. “I had a baby sister, but she died when I was little. I never knew my grandparents.”

What could she do for this boy? She lived in the Rift. She was just as bad off as he was…well, that was not entirely true. She had been raised by two loving parents. She had known the love of a wonderful man. She had friends, and she had a purpose. An idea came to her; a crazy, but wonderful idea.

“Since I would be negligent to leave you alone would you like to come with me? I am going to see the Lord of Minward.”

The lad’s jaw dropped. “Do you have an invitation? I heard he don’t see anyone without an invitation.”

Constance was quiet for a moment. “Well, no, but I am going to see him anyway. I have to see him.” Her voice grew stronger. “Besides I could use the company, and you look like you could use a decent meal.”

“Hey! I thought you said you didn’t have any extra coin!”

“I don’t, for someone who is trying to take advantage of me, but I do have coin to share for someone who is a friend.”

The boy thought for a moment, then he smiled. “I can be your friend.”

“Good! Let’s be off then. I want to get to the upper city and the Manor of Minward by the time the sun is high over head. What’s your name, by the way?”

“My mom named me Peter, but you can call me Rocky.”

“Rocky it is. I am Constance, but you can call me Connie.”

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Constance wasn’t sure if she believed in God or not, but for some reason this young boy had wormed his way into her heart and her mothering instinct took over. She and Amos had tried to have children, but never did, and then he died.

Maybe, just maybe she was being given a second chance.