Just Stop It!
The past two weeks I started looking at how our thoughts have an affect on what we do or don’t do. I wanted to specifically examine this connection since the beginning of a new year is typically when we are trying to get back into shape, form new habits and reset ourselves to do and be better people. I have always felt that it is easy to start something new, but to keep at it is where the difficulty lies. To me it seems that our minds need rebooting as well as our bodies, so that we think differently about the habits and changes we are trying to adapt to.
Last week I looked specifically at three mentalities that most often prevent us from continuing a good thing. I call them Train Wreck Mentalities due to the fact that these mindsets often derail us from embracing a total life change. Being self absorbed, demanding our rights and not caring go a long way in causing us to crash and burn, rather than continue and thrive.
This week I want to give you two little words, but before I do, please watch the following video.
You heard the man. Stop it!
I hope that brought a smile to your face. Let me just say, this is not meant as an insult to people who struggle with mental illness. We know those things are a reality. Anxiety, multiple personality disorder, bipolar disorder, are all very real and most often have to be managed with counseling and medication. There are many of us however, who simply don’t think right and that is where our problems lie.
“For as he thinks within himself, so he is. He says to you, “Eat and drink!” But his heart is not with you.”
This verse actually has to do with a ruler having you to dinner, but then begrudging every bite of food and every drink you take. He is a selfish person, only thinking about the cost of the soiree he is throwing and completely unable to enjoy it. The ruler says to eat and drink, but he doesn’t really mean it.
We are often the same way. We make grand proclamations.
“I’m going to lose 50 pounds.”
“I’m going to exercise 5 days a week.”
“I’m going to work on cleaning out clutter every day.”
“I’m going to become a millionaire by the time I’m 30.”
“i’m going to floss my teeth every night before bed.”
“I’m going to eat healthier.”
We make these proclamations, never really considering how much work and effort it will take to succeed. In reality, we can not succeed if our hearts, like that ruler’s, is not really into it. Here in lies the problem. Our minds can create all sorts of ways to succeed. We can make lists and draw up diagrams of how we are going to get it done, but if our hearts do not agree with our minds, success is going to be long in coming. In fact, if you are anything like me, you will just give up on certain things all together.
So, how exactly do we get our hearts to agree with our heads? The first step is to combat the train wreck mentality. In other words, just stop it!
Let’s first look at train wreck #1 - being self absorbed.
Stop it!
Wow. Wasn’t that simple?
Train wreck #2 - demanding our rights.
Stop it!
Whoo, hoo! See how easy it is.
Train wreck #3 - don’t care.
Stop it! Start caring.
Obviously, if things were really that easy we would all be doing much better and I wouldn’t be writing this post. The struggle is real folks and I am in there with you.
Next week I am going to delve into ways to stop the train wreck mentality, but for now, I want you to burn those two words on your brain…STOP IT.
When you want to give up the good habit your are trying to start; when you want to eat that second bowl of ice cream; when you want to yell at your kids or husband; when you want to bring home another hand bag, pair of shoes or sweater that you don’t need or you don’t really love, then think about those two little words.
Stop it.
Run them over and over in your mind and see if it helps you to make a better choice.
I’d love to hear your thoughts. Leave me your experiences and wisdom in the comments. I appreciate it.