Are Things Getting a Little Prickly?

You all know the feeling. Something nagging at the back of your brain like some sort of prickly bush; that voice that keeps asking, "Is your conscience bothering you? Why? What have you done?" 

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines conscience as "the part of the mind that makes you aware of your actions as being either morally right or wrong." As Christians we allow that it is the Holy Spirit who makes us aware of our actions and whether they are right or wrong. It seems to me, however, that we pay less and less attention to what the Spirit is trying to tell us, especially with regards to sin. God created us with a conscience to guide our choices and our acts. When we receive His Spirit, the Spirit speaks to us, to our conscience to guide us, but also to remind us when we have broken faith with the Creator. Once again God provided a way for that break in our relationship to be restored; through the act of confession.

As we think about Easter and what Christ did for us, it is only fitting that we examine our own lives and hearts to see where we might be breaking faith with God. We need to ask Him and His Spirit to reveal our sins to us. Sometimes sins are obvious, but not always. It is easy to point fingers at others and think, "Well, at least I'm not as bad as So and So!" But that attitude will not restore your relationship with the Father. Humility demands that I ask myself, "What have I done to hurt You?"

God is all knowing. 

O Lord, you have searched me and known me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether.
— Psalm 139 1 - 4 (NESV)

We may think that our internal sins, pride, lust, envy...are hidden from each other, but they do not make it past the Holy One's gaze. And dear one, that gaze is one of love. He knows that those things we cling to are only hurting us, not helping. He wants to heal you and He wants restoration of His relationship with you.

So, if you can and if you care and if that prickly bush is poking you, find a moment to go to Him and confess. 

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
— I John 1:9 (NESV)

You will not regret that conversation and you will get rid of that prickly bush.


What is the Point of Easter?

We live in a day and age where sin is no longer called sin. We classify, categorize and explain it away; or we don't talk about it. It doesn't matter how we define it, what God called sin from the beginning of time is, in fact, still skipping around on planet earth, just like those dust bunnies lurking under your fridge. Sure you can sweep them away; suck them up in your Hoover, but before you know it they will be back, breeding and growing.

Easter Eggs

I mean, what is the point of Easter? Colored eggs? Candy? A new dress? All those things are great, especially in the context of family, but that is not what Easter is about. Easter is about Jesus. Christmas is about Jesus. One is about life and the other about the death that leads to life. Without Jesus there would be no Easter. So what was that all about? The blood sacrifice, demanded by God, paid for by His only Son....It was because of sin. There! I said it! It was because of disobedience. Jesus died and rose again because of anger, rebellion, pride, gluttony, murder, rape, gossip, addiction, adultery, bullying, incest and a plethora of others.

So today, in this month, when we think about, ponder and celebrate Easter, ask yourself, "Why?" I'm celebrating because I believe in a God who is so good, not only did He love me in my most pitiful, dark and sinful state, but He provided a way out of it.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6 - NESV)

Photo Credit: Rebecca Trumbull

Photo Credit: Rebecca Trumbull

Exclusivity? Absolutely. Show me a belief system that is not is some way exclusive. But in Christianity we are not able to cross the gap that came about because of sin and it separates us from God. Only Jesus can do that. That is what Easter is all about.


Today was an unusually warm February day here in the midwest. The sun was shining, a warm breeze blowing and it honestly felt like spring. I decided to get some much needed light therapy and go for a walk. The sun touched my face and it felt like God caressing my cheek. As I walked I thought how beautiful it was, yet I could tell that it was still winter. It was as though creation had taken a deep breath and held it, for a little while. The weather forecast shows that "mother nature" will be letting out her breath tomorrow and chilly temps and clouds will return.

The Psalmist penned these words in Psalms 19:1-2, "The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge." Walking around my neighborhood, I could see the drab signs of winter in the brown plants and grass and the leafless trees stretching their branches heavenward. But I found myself thankful, even though I knew tomorrow would bring the reality that we were still a month away from Spring. I thanked God for the respite.

Life get's hard. In his book Our Ultimate Refuge: Job and the Problem of Suffering (also known by Baffled to Fight Better), Oswald Chambers says, "The basis of things is not reasonable, but wild and tragic..." Satan is not going to let this world go without a fight and many of us struggle with battle fatigue. We often feel like soldiers on the front, with nothing to eat, no cigarettes and very little ammunition. Just when we think we can't take it any more, something happens. Yes, once in a while, not only are they shooting at you, but they decide to send in the mortars as well.

But God knows! God is good. God Cares, for by the very definition of the word good, He has to care. So once in a while He gives us a respite. It might come in the form of a call from a friend, a card of encouragement in the mail, a silly joke that made you actually laugh, or a restful night's sleep. Or, for me, it was two days of sunny delight in an otherwise long winter.

Beth Moore often refers to these times as "God sightings." Ann Voskamp calls it "eucharisteo" in her book One Thousand Gifts, but whatever term you want to use, there are moments, sometimes very brief, when God tells that roaring lion to, "Stand back!" I love that picture. Not only does it remind me that God is always watching, but it tells me who is really in control.

When in Doubt.

Have you ever struggled with doubt? If you haven't you must be an exceptional individual. Most of us doubt at some point. We doubt ourselves, we doubt our families, we doubt our friends, and we doubt God. Doubt can stem from fear and anxiety, unmet expectations, fatigue, and other factors.

James says, "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God,who gives to all men generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea driven and tossed by the wind" (Js. 1:5-6 NASB).

Photo Credit: Rebecca Trumbull

Photo Credit: Rebecca Trumbull

When I sat down a few minutes ago to start working on this blog I was assailed by doubt. It's the same old voices. Softly, whispered poison,

"You're no good!"

"You have nothing to offer!"

"Why would anyone want to read your blog?"

I have been hearing these voices for most of my life. However, God had been speaking too. His voice is much clearer than the whisperers. I always know when the enemy is speaking, he whispers, not like a seductive lover, but like an annoying mosquito! He always condemns and criticizes. So I swat him away with a heavy duty fly swatter.

Romans 8:1(NASB), "There is therefore, now, no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

Many believe this verse only refers to the condemnation that comes from not being saved in Christ, but I believe it goes far deeper than that. I believe it is a weapon against the very doubts that so often hit us between the eyes. Once we are in the family of God, through our belief in Jesus Christ, we are no longer under any condemnation. Conviction, yes. If I sin, I come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit. 

"You did something wrong."

That's it.

The voices of guilt and condemnation come after the fact and usually drag on and on.

Doubt is just another whisperer. If you are walking in the Spirit there is no reason to doubt. God doesn't play games with us. His commands are clear as written in His word, the Bible. 

"Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks..." I Thessalonians 5:16-18(NASB)

That seems pretty straight forward. That doesn't mean it is always easy. We are, much like the waves "driven and tossed by the wind." However, if we begin to recognize our struggle and our shortcomings we can ask God for help.

In the gospel of Mark (9:14-29 NASB) a man brings his demon possessed son to the disciples and asks them to cast the demon out. They are unable to do it. They bring the boy to Jesus and the boy's father says, "....But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us!"

As a parent or a grandparent you can feel for this poor man who is nearly at the end of himself. His son has been this way since he was a small boy. He had probably seen all sorts of supposed healers and religious sorts promising a cure, to no avail.

Jesus' response to him is pointed, "If You can! All things are possible to him who believes."

"Immediately the boy's father cried out and began saying, 'I do believe; help my unbelief.'"

He knew his limitations. He understood his own struggle and he knew he needed help. He wasn't too proud to admit, "I don't get it! Help my lack of faith!" So, I am like that man, crying out, "I do believe," but recognizing my weak faith, I add, "help my unbelief."