Fickle Fashion
In an effort to speak more intelligently about fashion I often browse the latest fashion magazines at the bookstore, or scan online articles on the latest trends and colors. Recently, I have been reading information on fashion through the ages. We may have thought that it was only recently that fashion trends were influenced by movie stars, music and the socio economic status of the world around us, but that has been the case ever since Adam and Eve sewed the first fig leaves together.
Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay
In today’s world fashion is now being influenced by several other factors which include technology, social influencers, environmental factors and identity. With the influx of technological advances there is an influx of information. In other words, we now have instantaneous exposure to the latest trending outfit, colors and accessories. We live in the information age and we are inundated with info to the point of being regularly overwhelmed.
Social influencers have taken advantage of the tech revolution and many are earning a good living showing their followers the latest Coach bags, Jimmy Choo shoes or Giorgio Armani fragrance. There are also many sharing their ideas on enjoying fashion within a budget and learning how to better put outfits together from the clothes they already own.
It is only in the last decade or two that the idea of sustainability has really been making inroads into the fashion realm. Manufacturers and retailers are beginning to be more environmentally conscious and they are taking a long hard look at practices and outcomes that are hurting the environment and discussing and putting changes into place. Unfortunately, the idea of fast fashion is probably here to stay. It is quick, which caters to the constant stream of new trends every season and cheap which caters to many younger people who are working minimum wage jobs and still want to be able to have a fun, changeable wardrobe.
Finally, the idea of identity has definitely influenced the fashion world. Identity has always been involved in our fashion choices from a Goth wearing black to a Grunge wearing ripped jeans and oversized flannel, but now we also have added identifying terms like non-binary, gender fluid and pansexual as well as other gender choice related terms.
My reason for saying fashion is fickle lies in the fact that what goes around comes around, and what is here today is gone tomorrow, but will be back again in a season or two. All cliches aside, I believe the most important influence in fashion is you. You determine what you are going to wear on a day to day basis. You decide what clothes you are going to invest your money in, and which ones you will overlook. As a consumer, you are the one who decides if your fashion buying choices are hurting or helping the world around you. You decide how much time you are going to invest in looking at social media influencers and how much they are going to influence you. You decide what you believe about your identity.
Fashion will continue to be fickle, at the whim of societal influences, trends and consumer demands, but fashion for you and I doesn’t have to be fickle because we can choose how we dress, how we spend our money and who we allow to influence our fashion choices.
Have a wonderfully, fashionable day!