Hello 60! Being a Grandma.

When I got married, I didn’t think about the fact that one day I would have grandchildren. At the time, I wasn’t even thinking about children. My husband and I had discussed kids, and we both agreed that we wanted to have them at some point in time, but we figured that was maybe four or five years in the future. Two years later I had our daughter, Rebecca. Nineteen months later her sister Rachel came along. Neither of our daughters was planned, at least not by us, but God, the master planner has it all figured out.

In the same way, eighteen years after we had our youngest, she had our grandson Quintin. I won’t tell you it was a beautiful time. Our daughter had walked away from the belief system we had raised her in, and she struggled to figure out who she was. When that little guy came along, all of our worlds were upended, and she was in the throes of becoming an adult, but still needing to be a child, and having a child to now be responsible for. Eleven years later, our oldest had our next grandson, Lewis.

My mother-in-law used to tease me when the girls were young. She’d say, “Just you wait until you become a grandma. There is nothing quite like it.” The first time I got to hold Quintin in the hospital, the proverbial lightbulb came on and I realized she was right. Having grandchildren is something very different than having your own children. You love your kids, and would die for them, but grandkids, well, that love just goes a bit deeper. Maybe it is the fact that grandchildren and grandparents now have a common enemy. Ha, ha. I don’t know how many times I have muttered under my breath, “Pay back,” when my younger daughter bemoans something about her newly turned teen, or when my older daughter complains about how much work it is having a toddler. Not a very Christian attitude, I know, and as I grow closer to the One, these thoughts come less frequently.

Being a grandmother is awesome. I have had the privilege to be part of both of my grandsons’ lives on a very regular basis. I helped my single daughter take care of Quintin from the time he was very small. Now, he’s moved into the time of school, video games, and friends and grandma doesn’t see him very often, but I am still here if he needs to be picked up from school, or if mom wants him to hang out with us for a few hours when she has a long shift at the hospital. I also watch Lewis once a week, or sometimes more if needed. I have enjoyed every minute with both of them.

Style for grandmothers is a bit different than it was when I was a child. My grandmother wore dark, floral dresses, often with an apron over the top, sturdy block heeled shoes, and never got down on the floor to play with us. She did, however, make a mean pot roast with gravy and mashed potatoes. These days you can’t tell who is a grandmother and who is not. Most women have been influenced by the anti-ageism movement, as well as social influencers and bloggers who remind them to wear what they want and age is just a number.

When I’m on grandma duty, I dress in an outfit that is stylish and comfortable. I want to be stylish in case I need to run to the store, the mall or somewhere else with the boy(s). I also want to be comfortable so I can get down on the floor to play or move furniture around to make a fort. Quintin is much more likely to just want to sit on the couch watching YouTube videos, but occasionally we will venture out to a movie or to get lunch at the mall. The toddler loves to go outside, play with Play Dough, and pull things out of grandma’s drawers and cupboards. I do a lot of bending, lifting and getting up and down when he is here.

My 70’s style SO hoodie was a recent purchase from Kohl’s. I saw it and fell in love. The black, distressed Stitch Star jeans were from Meijer. The boots, scarf and bag were all thrifted. The Eiffel Tower sweater is Elle brand and has been around for a while and I think was also from Kohl’s.

I hope you enjoyed this little look at the Grandma side of me. I have been enjoying sharing with you more about the person I have become. Don’t worry. February will be back to my regular Fashion posts and not nearly so wordy. Ha, ha.