Word for 2024: Wait
I didn’t do a word for the year last year, but this year I felt as though I needed to take on that task again. I played around with a number of words including trust, and joy, but the word wait seemed to stand out as the place I am in right now.
Wait is not a word we like to hear. We usually associate waiting with something bad, like rush hour traffic and test results on an exam, or from your doctor’s office. We typically look at waiting as something that is forced upon us, that we really, really don’t want to do. Like a child on Christmas morning who wants to open his presents, but mom and dad tell him he has to wait until after breakfast, waiting is a torment.
Think about the first time you went to an amusement park and you were finally tall enough to ride that really big roller coaster. You stand in line with your friends laughing and joking about how exciting it is going to be, but inside you are feeling slightly nauseous. The waiting is like an affliction. “Just get me to the front of the line and strap me in so I can get this over with!” You want to prove how brave you are to your buddies, while at the same time you are trying to keep your knobby knees from shaking. Waiting can be very hard.
The word wait, according to Webster’s online dictionary means: to remain stationary in readiness or expectation; to look forward expectantly; to hold back expectantly; to be ready and available; pause or stop. When I looked at the thesaurus wait had many other related words and I will be looking at some of these over this next year, because I think it is important to fully understand why waiting is so important in our Christian walk.
This week I would like to look at several benefits waiting has for us.
Safety - We all learn from a very young age to look both ways before we cross the street. Streets can be dangerous with cars darting back and forth. If we did not wait to cross we might get run over. The same is true in our Christian lives. We may not always see the dangers ahead, whether they be real physical dangers or dangers from our enemy in the spiritual realm. God sees and knows everything about our lives, and He knows when we are facing the dangers from poorly thought out decisions, toxic relationships, or even self destructive tendencies. Often, the best thing to do when we are not sure what to do is wait.
Image by Tikovka1355 from Pixabay
Rest - A child often finds it hard to rest when they are waiting for Christmas morning, but as adults it seems God will often put us on our backsides when He knows we need to rest, but we are too stubborn to do it. This is very hard for women. We are doers, and we are constantly helping our families, our friends and people in our circles, like church family. These are not bad things. It is obvious a lot of work would go undone if women weren’t around to do it. However, I do think as Christian women we often find our worth, not in the God who made us, but in what we do. We love to check off all the boxes on our to do lists, and if something goes unchecked we are upset with ourselves.
I have news for you. You don’t have to do everything. I have been learning this the hard way over the last few years with illness, and continuous symptoms that make it difficult to do all the things I used to do. More of my time is spent managing symptoms and going to doctor’s appointments than I used to, and I struggle more with fatigue. Through it all I have been learning what it means to come to Jesus and find rest for my soul.
Time - Most of us would agree, the one thing we wish we had more of is time. I often find myself at the end of the day wondering where the day went, and feeling like I didn’t get anything done. We wish our days could be longer, or the weekends could always be three days instead of two, or other time centered thoughts. It is true, since Covid brought the new normal of working from home, some people have more flex in their schedules, but I am pretty sure, even they long for more time.
It might sound strange, but waiting is basically getting back time. Obviously, there are certain situations where waiting involves keeping your focus, such as in a traffic jam, or standing in a slow moving line, but many times waiting affords us the opportunity of time. You might be between jobs, waiting for test results from a biopsy, looking for a long term relationship, or waiting to hear from your son or daughter who moved out. No matter what brought you to the waiting period, it is the perfect place to find God.
The author of the book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament understood this time element of life.
“There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—”
This leads me to believe that even the waiting times are appointed by God. He has a purpose for the busy times and the waiting times. He alone knows why life is the way it is for you, for me, for all of us. Perhaps He knows you need to rest, or that you are facing a situation where you need to be safe and secure, or that you just need time to regroup or decompress.
I am hoping over this next year to learn how to wait better. Perhaps you are in a waiting time in your life as well, maybe we can wait together.
Let me know in the comments if God is calling you to wait.