A New Year, A New Plan
Hi everyone. A month and a half has trudged by since I last posted anything on the blog. I say trudged because, as quickly as it has flown by, it has been difficult. The end of November I got a nasty sinus infection and did a round of antibiotics. It was actually a blessing, because by the time I took my last antibiotic I was able to taste and smell again, so I enjoyed all the delicious treats the Christmas holidays provided. I enjoyed Christmas with our kids and grandkids even though over the course of the month our one grandson got Covid again, and our son-in-law ended up with the flu. There were a few days where we were not even sure we were going to be able to celebrate Christmas on the day, but it all worked out.
During this time, my husband and I were also intending to go see his parents. First we were going to go the week before Christmas, and take our younger daughter and grandson, but with him having Covid we were not able to do that. We then decided we would go the day after Christmas, during the week, but with my son-in-law having the flu we did not want to expose my in-laws to any germs. We waited. Finally, just my spouse and I left on the 30th, to visit for a quick weekend, before he had to start getting ready for the semester. We arrived late afternoon on Friday along with a large Chicago style pizza that we had picked up along the way.
That evening we enjoyed a talkative dinner with my husband’s mom, dad and sister, and were so pleased that dad, who has struggled with Parkinson’s for years, enjoyed two pieces of the thick cheesy pizza and was animated and talkative. Saturday morning, with family by his side, my father-in-law walked into eternity with Jesus. Obviously, my husband and I made the decision to stay the whole week following and help his mom with the planning and implementation of the burial and Celebration of Life service.
I cannot emphasize enough the sovereignty and mercy of our mighty Lord. That we should be there at exactly the right time to be with our family, not only as dad passed, but during the long week of adjustment and planning after the fact is simply amazing. I saw on a daily basis how God gave strength and courage, as well as peace and calm. He used me as servant as the rest of the family dealt with all the details in the planning process. It is hard to say when facing all the loss experienced in this life, but the truth stands, God is good; His mercies are new every morning, and He loves us with a lavish love.
Image by Sophie Janotta from Pixabay
With the coming of a New Year I want to make an effort to get back to consistent posting on this little blog of mine. I came very close to completely giving it up when I got sick, but I believe this tiny piece of the internet has a place and purpose put into play by God. To the rest of the world this might seem like a waste of time. Why do I want to put effort into something that I am not even getting paid for? The answer is YOU. Every once in a while, one of you will make a comment or send me a short email saying, “I love what you are doing.” “You inspire me to look at my wardrobe differently.” “You have a gift from God.” Wow! And you know what? Those comments always come, just when I begin to think I need to stop doing this.
What I am learning is that we need each other. We need a little place we can go to, like a favorite coffee shop or bookstore, where we can spend a little time hanging out, laughing, telling stories and being encouraged. Encouragement is so important. Encouragement and inspiration can be a bright flame in a world that is filled with clouds and dreariness.
Image by Marlon Sommer from Pixabay
I have a few ideas that I would like to share with you about the organization and content of the blog. I still plan to post twice a week. One day will feature fashion and one day will feature faith. There might be occasions where I have more than two posts for a week, but that is my desired minimum. I want to work towards a more structured approach for the fashion page rather than flying by the seat of my pants, so that I can have an organized plan for upcoming content.
I want to go back to more of a weekly column of sorts, so this is my tentative plan.
1st. Tuesday - Outfit Inspiration - a look at sources for outfit inspiration including outside entities like Instagram and Pinterest, and inspiration hiding in our own drawers and closets.
2nd. Tuesday - Shopping Our Closets - on this day we will look to our own closets where we will start with basics that most women own, and build whole outfits around them.
3rd. Tuesday - My Style - here we will begin to explore what style is and how we can begin to find our own style. I will also talk about my own style and share some of my every day looks.
4th. Tuesday - Color Play - one of my favorite things to do is talk about color - think Pantone series - and try new combinations. This will also include patterns, textures, print mixing and sources for color inspiration.
5th. Tuesday (once every few months) - Topics - this will be a time when I discuss topics that are relevant to aging and fashion including: ageism in fashion, sustainability, modesty, being a Christian in the fashion arena, and others.
I am also looking at a few ways to bring in a little income without cluttering up my posts with advertising or pushing products. I do not feel that either of those things is part of who I am or what I want this blog to be. I am hoping to start a little resale shop, possibly through Facebook Marketplace or for those of you who are not on Facebook through Poshmark. I am also toying with the idea of adding a tip jar button to my blog, so if the Spirit moves you, you can buy me a cup of coffee or send a small thank you gift if a post was particularly helpful for you. I am not pushing for money, I just thought it would be a way for you to support something you enjoy and believe in without having to buy new products or wade through ads. I will still try to include shopping links so you can peruse at your leisure. As always, your comments and input mean more to me than anything monetary.
There is a lot to think about, research and figure out, so I covet your support and prayers as I try to make this blog a better place through consistent, quality content. If you have any ideas, thoughts or feedback, please shoot me an email or leave a comment below. Your input is what helps this be a better blog.
If you have made it this far thank you so much for reading. I appreciate all of you. On Thursday I will be sharing my plans for the Faith page, so if you enjoy reading those posts as well please come back then. Next week look for my first outfit post for the new year. Until then, love and hugs!