Whatever Happens by Robert J. Morgan - A Book Review

(This book review is being done in exchange for the book. No money has exchanged hands for this review.)

I was contacted again by FrontGate Media to review a book. They send me numerous titles throughout the year, and I only choose certain ones to review. It needs to be worth my time to read the book, and it has to be something I am interested in keeping. This book by Robert J. Morgan is just that. You can read more about the author here.

Whatever Happens: How to Stand Firm in Your Faith When the World is Falling Apart is a deep dive into the book of Philippians, one of my favorite letters of Paul. The Apostle Paul is writing from Rome where he is a prisoner, to the church at Philippi. The introduction to the book gives us a good synopsis of what follows.

Whatever. Whatever happens. The apostle Paul was facing uncharted circumstances and an unsettled future. He didn’t know if he would be released or executed. He didn’t know if he would live or die. But he knew one thing: Whatever happened, he was going to stand firm in the faith and conduct himself in a manner worthy of the gospel.
— Robert J. Morgan, Whatever Happens p. x

This is the call for all of us who have given our lives to Christ. Whatever. Whatever happens, to stand firm in the faith and to live a life worthy of the gospel.

Morgan’s first two chapters set the background for how Paul came to Philippi by taking a look at the events in Acts 16:6-34. Reading through the passage we can see how God closed many doors to get Paul to the place He wanted him. Morgan makes a point that God’s will for our lives is progressive, premeditated, and purposeful, and that is why we need not get discouraged when a door closes. God always has the best plan.

Morgan also points out that during his stay in Philippi Paul doesn’t just make converts, he makes enemies who actually have him arrested, beaten, and thrown in jail. It is during this time of incarceration that we see the apostle and his companion Silas go from tending their wounds to worshipping their God in song. The aftermath of this time of worship includes an earthquake, a distraught guard, and the eventual conversion of the guard and his whole family.

Through song and suffering, the church was planted in Philippi, and through song and suffering, we, too, serve the Lord faithfully with joy, even in our midnight hours.
— Robert J. Morgan, Whatever Happens pp. 15

With a casual, easy to read style, Morgan gets into the meat of the book of Philippians by breaking the chapters down into bite sized sections. Each chapter of Morgan’s book delves into a group of connected verses. Morgan uses relevant stories, quotes, and examples to tie in how this letter of Paul is just as relevant to us today as it was to the new converts in the church at Philippi.

Each chapter starts with the words, Whatever Happens…Here are a few.

Chapter 3 - ….Layer Your Life with Generosity

Chapter 5 - …Remember God is Still Working on You

Chapter 7 - …Replace Gloomy Thoughts with Glorious Ones

Chapter 10 - …Never Be Intimidated

Chapter 20 - ...Actively Press On

Chapter 26 - …Discover the Secret to Contentment

Whatever Happens brings new insights to the book of Philippians, and how it applies to the times we are living in today. It is a strong reminder that God gives us the strength to press on when life is difficult, and He gives us the ability to have joy in the midst of those hard times.

Here are just a few of the quotes I highlighted in my copy:

As we grow in Agape, we make wiser decisions because we develop greater knowledge and depth of insight.
— Robert J. Morgan, Whatever Happens pp. 43
The circumstances of our lives have become servants of Christ’s commands. Our circumstances must bow before Jesus. We may not be able to control them, and chaos may seem to reign. But the Savior who turned water into wine and death into life can bring about a mutation, a transfiguration, a reversal, an evolution of our circumstances. The Savior can turn our circumstances into His servants for the advancement of His Kingdom. This is part of redemption.
— Robert J. Morgan, Whatever Happens pp. 52
The attitude of exalting Christ whatever happens has the power to weaken or destroy the grip of circumstance-based anxiety in our lives—-to live is Christ and to die is gain.
— Robert Morgan, Whatever Happens pp. 69
I cannot grow spiritually without keeping a positive attitude about life.
— Robert J. Morgan, Whatever Happens pp. 103
God put the burning stars into a dark sky to teach us something about our own lives and about the mission He has for us. We are to shine His light into a dark world. I cannot think of a single better way of using my time than by holding forth the Word of Life.
— Quote Source
...I had never before thought of joy as a safeguard, as a shield, as a weapon, as an invisible cloak around me, or as a guardian who served as a security officer.
— Robert J. Morgan, Whatever Happens pp. 127

I could go on, but I hope reading a few of these quotes gives you a taste of the knowledgable and thorough insight the author has put into this look at Philippians. I believe this book is apropos for the times we are living in. We are living in a darkened world, and God desires we be the lights that shine spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I found this book spoke to my heart, bringing a new understanding of the Letter of Paul to the Philippians. It reminded me that my faith is never stagnant and I have never arrived. There is always more to learn. I would strongly recommend Whatever Happens to every Christ follower.

Creative Christianity - Midlife Battle Cry by Dawn Barton - A Book Review

This book review was done in exchange for the book. No money has exchanged hands for this review.

About a month ago I was contacted by a company who does marketing for Christian books and movies. I was asked if I would post a review of a book in exchange for the free product. I have been asked before to do these, but this is the first one that really pulled at me. I said yes. What follows are my thoughts and opinions on Midlife Battle Cry: Redefining the Second Half by Dawn Barton.

I had never heard of Dawn Barton until I received this book. A blonde, southern gal, Dawn has an infectious smile and an earthy sense of humor that pokes fun of life in all of its beauty, and ugliness. Dawn is no stranger to success, she left a thirty year career in sales marketing to become an author; and she is no stranger to difficulty, she has been through the loss of a child, divorce, rape and cancer. Anyone who has been through that much bad stuff and still has their sense of humor, has my attention.

The premise of the book assures us there is more to come once the kids are grown and retirement is looming. Many of us who have reached mid-life, and are moving into our late forties, fifties, sixties and beyond feel like we are done. We are done raising kids, retirement is not that far away and we feel like we have nothing to offer a society that looks at youth and beauty as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. We are afraid, as Dawn says, “of becoming irrelevant to the world.”

The story is always the same: look younger, dress younger, eat younger, just BE younger. The message is clear: old bad, young good. Thanks for coming. Good night.”
— Midlife Battle Cry by Dawn Barton (p. 13)

Dawn is encouraging us to get out of the “irrelevant” mindset through practical steps, exercises, and entertaining stories, all with her sassy, southern comedic voice. This is Dawn’s second book and she is an Evangelical Christian Publishing Association best selling author.

When I am reading Dawn’s book I feel like I am sitting down on a lovely wrap around front porch, with a gentle breeze blowing. I am chatting with a close friend, one who gets me, and really understands the hard bits of life. This friend is one who gets to the point quickly and though her honesty is sometimes hard to handle, she accepts and loves me immensely.

Here are a few of the chapter titles from Midlife Battle Cry:

1 - Did the Fat Lady Sing?

2 - The Shift

3 - Hello You

4 - The “I Love Me” Challenge

5 - The Black Hole of 45+…..

and more.

If you order Dawn’s book at midlifebattlecry.com you get a free Book Club Kit, which is good wether you use the book in a group, or use it for individual study.

This book spoke to me. It came into my life at the precise moment that I needed the reminder that I am still important and I still have something to offer the world, even though at the moment I feel I am in the chapter where Dawn talks about God forcing us to rest, to prepare us for the next thing (Chapter 16 - Hello, God, Remember Me?)

He needs you ready for the next thing, and in order for that to happen you need rest. You need to recharge, and you need to pour into your soul, you mind, and your body. Remember, a season of rest is not because you are forgotten or that He doesn’t love you; it’s because He does love you.
— Midlife Battle Cry by Dawn Barton (p. 171)

I hope you will check out Midlife Battle Cry. It is a book worth your time, especially if you are entering the next phase of life and feel unsure how to proceed, or that you are done.

I’m not sure if we’ve done the damage ourselves listening to generations before us or if it’s the rambling of social media and society, but we are a huge group that for the most part has become silent during a time when we are profoundly needed in this world....This is not our time to stop being wild participants of life and just become mere spectators...It’s time for us to lead.
— Midlife Battle Cry by Dawn Barton (p. 184)