Pantone - Spring/Summer - 2021 - London Palette - Intro

I am finally getting around to sharing the Pantone London Palette with you. It has been hard to get things posted in a timely fashion. Even though I would normally try to get these colors to you, much earlier in the Spring, I figure they are meant for spring and summer, so we are still okay. Today’s post will introduce you to the colors and give you a few little sneak peeks from our recent photo shoot.


These are all great colors for spring and summer. The palette is a nice mix of warm and cool colors and there is likely to be a color for everyone. The classic colors, while still showcasing your typical navy, gray and creamy white, also includes a soft light brown and an mossy olive green. I really like the blues included with this palette. They make me think of tropical waters and blue skies.

Enjoy these sneak peeks.


Be sure to check back on Thursday for the first outfit in this series. I hope you had a lovely Memorial Day weekend.

Photo and graphic credit Rebecca Trumbull.