Pantone - Autumn/Winter - 2020 - All the Outfits

I wanted to end this fall color series by showing you all of the colors from both the Pantone New York Palette and the Pantone London Palette. To make it a little more interesting I thought I would show outfits that have, either a same color or a similar color side by side.

I hope that you enjoyed this series. If there are any other topics in fashion that you are interested in learning more about, or in seeing me talk about or put together in an outfit, I would love for you to let me know. I don’t follow trends too closely and this fall, I totally missed the boat on that, so I do apologize. I know some of you enjoy hearing what the trends are for each season and seeing how I apply those to the “real” world. Often when we look at websites or see magazines with tall, thin models or celebrities who are seamlessly coifed we think there is no way we would want to try this or that, especially when it comes to runway trends. However, there are a lot of trends that we can participate in and enjoy like leopard print, various colors and different types of accessories.

I will keep doing this Pantone series as long as I am blogging, because I feel strongly that even though we might differ from each other in our style, color is something we all have in common. Approaching new, bold and different colors without fear is a way to expand your wardrobe and spice up your style without completely committing to a whole different way of doing things.

The Color Palettes Side by Side.


I love the color red and I think there is a red for every complexion. I think both of these outfits worked quite well and love that both of them present a more neutral palette with a bright pop of red. In the New York outfit on the left Samba is paired with Fired Brick and Sleet. In the London outfit on the right Samba is paired with Tawny Birch and Sheepskin.

Ultramarine Green

Ultramarine was on both palettes and I think it is a pretty green that can bring a peaceful, yet vibrant feel to any outfit. This color green would look great in a bag, jewelry or a scarf and to me it really seems to draw your eyes to it. Maybe it is just my love for the greens in nature that make me like this color so much. In the New York outfit on the left Ultramarine Green is paired with Classic Blue and Blue Depths. In the London palette on the right Ultramarine Green is paired with Exuberance and Sleet.

Military Olive

While I love bright and bold colors like the two I mentioned previously, I love using olive as a neutral. It goes with every color, and has a different vibe than gray or beige. It is classy, yet subtle. In the New York outfit on the left, Military Olive is paired with Peach Nougat and Sandstone. In the London outfit on the right Military Olive is paired with Strong Blue and Jet Stream.

Green Sheen/Celery

It is hard to tell in these pictures, but Green Sheen and Celery are pretty similar. I think, because the lighting is different the colors look brighter in the shaded picture. They are different colors, but not enough different that they couldn’t be exchanged from one outfit to another. In the New York outfit on the left, Green Sheen is paired with Amber Glow and Almond Oil. In the London outfit on the right, Celery is paired with Mandarin and Sheepskin.

The Other Colors

These last two are paired only because they were the last two and don’t really have anything in common. The New York outfit on the left is a combination of Rose Tan, Magenta Purple and Sleet. The London outfit on the right is a combination of Burnt Henna, True Blue and Dress Blues.

Which outfit do you like most? Which color from the two palettes is one you frequently wear? What new color(s) are going to try to add to your wardrobe. As always, I love to hear your thoughts.

I apologize to those of you who subscribe to my blog. The last three weeks, I have completely forgotten to send out my weekly emails. I’ll just attribute that to “squishy brain syndrome.” Ha, ha.

Thanks for following along on the blog. I hope to use the next couple of weeks leading up to Thanksgiving showing you more fall outfits and maybe a few ideas for what to wear to Thanksgiving dinner whether you are going some place or sheltering in place.

If you follow my Faith page be sure to check back tomorrow for the next installment in my series on the Unseen Enemy.

Have a great weekend!

Graphic and photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

Pantone - Autumn/Winter - 2020 - London Palette - Samba, Tawny Birch, and Sheepskin

Today’s neutral palette is interrupted by the bold, daring color red. Samba was in our New York palette and if you don’t remember which outfit that was you can see it again here. In the New York outfit I paired Samba with Fired Brick and Sleet for a chic work outfit with a bit of subtle print mixing. Today’s outfit, once again, would be perfect for the office or a date night with your significant other. In this time of Covid restrictions do you get dressed up to go out, or do you go out at all? Thus far my hubby and I usually get take out and either bring it home or take it to a park and eat it, so I’m afraid I haven’t been getting very dressed up, usually just jeans and a nicer shirt. It really depends on the day. I am not sure what we are going to do when the weather gets real cold.

Pantone - Autumn/Winter - 2020 - London Palette - Samba, Tawny Birch and Sheepskin

When I was looking for pieces for this whole fall Pantone series, I knew I wanted to incorporate this thrifted, red, Calvin Klein, sleeveless sweater. I originally bought the piece thinking I could use it as a sweater vest, which, seeing as it is a larger size will offer enough room to put a blouse or long sleeve tee underneath. It will probably show up again either on the blog or in my Instagram feed. If you don’t follow me on Instagram make sure you do. I show you more of my day to day outfits there and occasional cute pictures of our cat and pretty scenery.

Pantone - Autumn/Winter - 2020 - London Palette - Samba,Tawny Birch and Sheepskin

My Sheepskin colored cardigan was another thrifted piece. I thought it was a good balance between tan and beige and will be wearable with just about any color. This is a thrifted St. John’s Bay piece.

Pantone - Autumn/Winter - 2020 - London Palette - Samba, Tawny Birch and Sheepskin

My Tawny Birch houndstooth patterned ankle pants have been on the blog before. These are Sonoma and were thrifted. You can see them styled in the Pantone Fall 2017 series, and in another series I did on vests.

Since I really wanted the red sweater to be the focal point of the outfit, I kept my bag and shoes a similar neutral tan color to the sweater and pants. Both thrifted, the bag is New Directions and the boots are Aerosoles. Then I added pearls. I thought this made for a great work look.

Pantone - Autumn/Winter 2020 - London Palette - Samba, Tawny Birch, and Sheepskin
Pantone - Autumn/Winter - 2020 - London palette - Samba, Tawny Birch, and Sheepskin
Pantone - Autumn/Winter - 2020 - London Palette - Samba, Tawny Birch, sheepskin

What do you think of these colors? Do you think the more neutral Tawny Birch goes well with the brighter Samba red? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Pantone - Autumn/Winter - 2020 - London Palette - Samba, Tawny Birch, and Sheepskin

I hope you enjoyed this look and that you are doing well. For those of you who follow my faith page, I hope to have the next installment of my series on Our Unseen Enemy up tomorrow. Have a great evening.

I’m including a few shopping links. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Graphic and photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.