Color Play: Burgundy with Olive Drab and Gold Accents

This will be my last outfit post focusing on the color burgundy. January is drawing to a close and while we have plenty of winter left on the calendar, I want to move on to a few other ideas here on my Fashion Page. Please feel free to message me or if you subscribe to send me an email if you think of something you would like me to cover in this space.

Today’s outfit started with this fun, corduroy puffer vest that I got from Maurice’s a few months ago. It is different cut and style for me, but I wanted to try it and think up different ways to style it. Right now it is rather stiff, but a few washings may help with that. It is a cropped length and a boxy fit.

I’ve had this Sonoma blouse from Kohl’s for many years. I love dark florals, so this piece is perfect for fall and winter, and of course you could wear it all year round, but I like to transition my wardrobe to lighter colors in the spring and summer. There are no longer fashion rules that say you can only wear certain colors at certain times of year, but we can still have your personal preferences.

These thrifted, Lee corduroy trousers are olive drab. They look gray, but when you compare them to a true gray you can easily see they have a green tone to them. I love cords in the winter and these are super comfy.

You know you have bought a good piece or pieces when you wear them over and over, as is the case with these Impo brand, suede, ankle boots. Do you have pieces in your wardrobe that you reach for again and again?

I thought gold was a good choice for my accessories and they really stand out against the background of burgundy. The gold necklace I purchased from a retail store which might have been Kohl’s or JCPenney. I don’t remember. The gold clutch/crossbody bag was a thrift find.

This outfit formula is very simple and anyone can put something similar together. Pick a pretty blouse, a complimentary pair of pants or a skirt, a coordinating vest and finish it off with shoes, jewelry and a bag. You will be ready for work, a lunch date with friends or even a casual date night with your significant other.

What do you like about this outfit? What would you change to make it your own?

I’ve including shopping links after each clothing piece for similar items. I try to use retailers that I would shop at and choose things at a little bit lower price point. These are affiliate links and are brought to you at no cost.

Thank you for stopping by the blog. Have a fantastic day!

Layering Love - What to Do with a Light Weight Skirt

I own a number of skirts that are light weight and for the most part only meant to be worn in warmer weather. I thought it would be fun to take one of those skirts and style it for cold weather. The beauty of a fuller skirt is that you can add multiple layers underneath and not create added bulges. 

For this outfit, which I wore for Thanksgiving day, I chose my black tiered skirt.

I think I am channeling my inner gypsy again. The combination of a tiered skirt, plaid shirt, Beatles sweatshirt and boots just feels like me. It is sort of eclectic and whimsical in a goth sort of way. 

Part of the reason I chose this skirt was for the bling. To me bling says many things, but especially at the holidays. To keep my warmer, I have a pair of leggings on underneath, which you can't even notice because the skirt is long enough and the boots are tall enough. 

For the layers on the top I chose a burgundy plaid button up that has elbow length sleeves. the sleeves are a bit too tight to button, so adding the sweatshirt over the top hides that problem. I like the pop of color against the gray and the black. I threw on the brown scarf to tie in with the brown boots. 

Though I didn't go anywhere except my kitchen, for the pics I wanted to show what it would look like with a bag, so added my berry colored tote. I also added a layer of beaded bracelets and a wrap bracelet to add to the gypsy look.

This was a fun outfit for me. It's an outfit that epitomizes my inner gypsy, my rocker-biker vibe and my love of all things blingy! I enjoy putting an outfit together that is a bit outside the box. For so long we were told to tuck in our shirts, never wear biker boots with a skirt and don't combine black and brown. Today, however, there is more flexibility in the fashion realm and part of the fun is learning to embrace the trends you like and try new things. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Our family will be traveling to enjoy more extended family time over the weekend. Safe travels to all of you who are traveling and happy shopping to those braving the stores for Black Friday deals. 

Have a great weekend!

Layering Love - What to do with a Light Weight Dress

Just because the temperatures are heading down, the wind is picking up and the snow is starting to fly doesn't mean we have to put away all of our cute, light weight dresses. The way to extend the life of our wardrobes and find new, fun outfits is to think outside the box. A light weight knee length or shorter dress can easily be used as a tunic. The differences lie in the length and weight of the accompanying pieces and the types of accessories that you add to complete the outfit. 

This burgundy dress I found on the clearance rack at Kohl's just recently. I has elbow length sleeves, shirring at the neck and shoulders and an elastic waist. It is incredibly soft and comfortable.

For my layer of warmth on the top I added a polka dot black and white blazer which is Black Label - Evan Picone brand. 

For my bottom layer I chose a pair of heavier Joe Boxer brand leggings that I have worn on the blog before. Leggings provide more coverage and warmth than a a pair of hose or even tights, although a heavy pair of sweater tights would do the job.

Yes, I was doing a bit of print mixing! 

My Mossimo fringe bag was having a few issues, probably because I didn't have anything in it. Yes, sometimes I am a fake. Ha, ha. I thought silver jewelry worked great with the burgundy colors. 

I just picked up these Life Stride ankle boots at a thrift store recently. I was really disappointed to find out that my favorite thrift store here in Toledo closed. It is unfortunate when corporations make these quick decisions. A bunch of people are now out of work because of that decision.

The boots have a sort of burgundy look to them when you compare them to brown, but compared to the burgundy dress they really look brown. Funny how that works. 

Just by adding a few layering pieces you can turn a lighter weight dress into a great outfit focal point, even in the winter. Think about what dresses you normally wouldn't wear in the winter. Do you have one that you might be able to transform into a cold weather outfit, just by adding a warm, chunky sweater, some leggings and boots? I'd love to hear you ideas. Leave me  some love in the comments section.

I hope you'll join me again next Tuesday for my next casual holiday outfit, featuring a fun printed skirt. Have a great weekend!

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull

If you like this blazer JC Penney is having a sale right now on Black Label - Evan Picone pieces. Here are a few to peruse. This post contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own. 

Layering Love - What to Do with a LuLaRoe Tee

I introduced you to Kaylee Barfell in a previous post on LuLaRoe. Kaylee throws these Facebook parties and posts pictures of LuLaRoe pieces which we are then able to shop and buy. She has posted so many amazing outfits and pieces. When I saw this Perfect Tee, I knew I wouldn't be able to pass it up, so I made the purchase. 

The beauty of the Perfect Tee is in its fit. The tee is more fitted through the bodice, but then flares out from the waist. It is a tunic length, so could be worn with leggings, but also looks fantastic with skirts or jeans. For this post today, I decided to style my Perfect tee with my light orange skinny jeans that I got at dressbarn on clearance. 

I wanted to show you the tee with two different layering options. Since winter is on the way, I know I won't wear just a tee by itself, so I wanted to show you how you could still wear your tee, but be a bit warmer. Sorry for the fuzzy pics. I was in a hurry and it was cold. Ha, ha.

Layering from Underneath.

For this look, I put a blue button up blouse under the Perfect Tee. For size reference in the Perfect I went with a medium, because it flares out at the bottom. Many times I buy a large in a top, not because I need it through the bust, but because I don't want all my bulges to show. With the Perfect Tee you don't have to worry about that. It fits just right in the bust area and I was able to get this blouse on underneath without bulges and wrinkles.

Here is a close up of the pattern. LuLaRoe has so many fun and colorful patterns. That is part of the draw. 

To keep the look simple I chose yellow beads for my necklace and bracelets, my blue SO flats and a gray clutch.

I had to add a twirl, so you could see how the Perfect is more like a swing tee.

Layering Over the Top.

For the second look I took the button up off and put my denim crop jacket over the top. I swapped out the yellow beads for a long green and gold fringe pendant necklace. I decided to wear my suede ankle boots and opted for a large yellow tote. 

What do you think? Do you like to dress in layers? Have you ever layered a blouse under a tee? Layering is a great way to extend the wearability of some of your summer clothing into the fall and your fall clothing into the winter. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. Have a great weekend.

Piece Perfect - Spring Transitions

There are numerous pieces we could talk about for the season of spring. Look at what is on the racks at your favorites stores. Light weight blouses, flowy fabrics, pastels, bright floral prints and a variety of hemlines on both pants and skirts. However, if you have ever spent time in the mid-west in the months of March, April and May you know that going from winter to spring is not always easy to style. 

Layering is essential for me, especially until the temperature hits the upper sixties or seventies. However, as the temps begin to climb into the forties and fifties, I do feel less of a need for heavy layers. I turn more towards lighter weight long sleeve tops and pack away my turtleneck sweaters. I wear pants that end at my ankle with shoes that are more open.  

I like a 3/4 length sleeve top for these transitional days. The first is a light weight tee with a pastel floral print. The second is a hooded pullover sweater. The tee I would wear under a cardi or jacket, which I'll show in a bit. The sweater is heavy enough that I can wear it alone or over a tank top or camisole.  Below each idea, I'll show a few alternatives.

These are two pairs of shoes that I consider transitional. They are both flats, but more importantly they are more open than the boots and oxfords I had been wearing in the winter months. 

The reason I consider these transitional is that they are made of canvas. Canvas is perfect for summer months, but not so much for the cold snowy days of January. 

Taking my 3/4 length sleeve tee, I added a pair of ankle jeans. This length of pant is great for spring. It still gives you full coverage on your legs, but allows your ankles to breath and feel the fresh, albeit often nippy, spring air. 

Since layering is still essential I added my fun patterned blazer. This is a lovely piece made with light weight fabric and fully lined. It is not heavy at all, but still adds a layer of warmth.

By the time I posted this the cute leopard print was sold out! Sorry!

Here is another possibility, just by swapping out the jacket with a open front 3/4 length sleeve cardi. I found this light weight cardi at a thrift store this past weekend when I was visiting my mom in Buffalo, NY. Besides the weight I was drawn to the circular texturing. The circles are half cut open.

Here is an easy work outfit. Light weight dress pants, 3/4 length sleeve pullover sweater, canvas sneaks and go!

These are just a few of the transitional pieces that can help you go from winter to spring with ease, comfort and style. 

Let me know what you think of this post. Did you find this helpful. I hope that when you look into your closet you can find inspiration for new outfits to put together a great spring look. Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the the comments section. Your comments help my blog grow. And if you are not a current subscriber, but would like to receive my emails once a week be sure to click on the subscribe button. I appreciate it.

This post contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Thursday linking up with Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge. Friday linking up with Jennie of a Pocketful of Polka Dots and Nancy of Nancy's Fashion Style

Romance is in the Air - Week 1

February is a month that has long been loved and hated by those who are in love and those who wish they were. Whether you are in a relationship or not, you can still enjoy the idea of romance! Watching old romantic movies, reading good books or dressing in a way that puts forth the idea that you are a special person can all give you a sense of joy and satisfaction outside of a relationship. 

I have been blessed to be married to the same man for almost 30 years. We have had our ups and our downs, but we made a commitment at the start of our life together that we wouldn't give up on each other. My hubby loves when I dress up and I don't do it nearly enough. This month, I thought it would be fun to do a series centering on outfits that are a little more romantic. I'm not talking negligee and fishnet stockings, though you could certainly add those things to any of these outfits. I talking more about going on a date to special place or event. Dressing up, just a little bit more, not only pleases the person you are going with, it makes you feel good as well.

This outfit consists of a velvet floral bell sleeve top, pleated skirt, and leggings. I opted to wear the leggings for a bit of added warmth over my nude hose. Hey, when it is cold outside, I get creative in my layering. Thinner layers are key in making an outfit warmer, but not adding bulk. 

To give my waist a bit more definition, I tucked the top in and added a woven yarn belt that ends in fringe. I tied this to the side giving the outfit a little bit of a boho vibe. 

Here you get a good look at the bell sleeve. I think this sleeve type can be very pretty, but it also has to be managed, especially when you are eating. Be careful you aren't dragging the sleeve through your food. Ha, ha. Once again I reached for my dark gray/black clutch with bling. It just goes with all things fancy! You can also see the fringe on the belt. And yes! I did paint my nails a dark maroon! 

My black leggings have a bit of bling on them. I used these just two weeks ago in this Chasing Away the Winter Blues post. I shopped these in a friend's closet and they fit really well and are made of a thermal type fabric. For this outfit I donned my patent leather heels. This is an older pair of shoes I found at a thrift store. I like the height of the heel and the patent leather stays shiny. 

This choker was my first and I got it when I went to Nordstrom Rack on my birthday. I won a gift card from Jodie on Jodie's Touch of Style when she was celebrating her two year anniversary on her blog. This choker was one of the things I bought with the gift card. 

While very simple, the choker adds an element of edgy elegance and allows the square neckline of the top to show off some skin.

My hubby and I are going to a show Thursday evening and I think I will probably wear this outfit. I hope you enjoyed this post. Be sure to check back next week for another outfit made for romance. 

Also, check back on Thursday for another Awesome Accessory post.

Have a great day!

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull. Make up Rachel Christensen.

Sunday linking up with Rena of It's All Fine. Whatever Tickles the Fancy. Monday linking up with Catherine of Not Dressed as Lamb. Tuesday linking up with Jess of Elegantly Dressed and Stylish, and Shelbee in the Spread the Kindness link up.  Wednesday linking up with The Perfect Storm, Tania of 50 is not Old. Thursday linking up with Nicole of High Latitude Style



Chasing Away the Winter Blues - Week 1

January can be a difficult month for many people. The days following the busyness of the holidays can be cold, dark and conducive to illness, depression and fear. How do I know this? Because I am a sufferer of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Probably more of us suffer from it than even realize. With the lack of sunshine during the shorter days of winter, especially in the north we can become reclusive, emotional and even fearful. I have already experienced that descent into darkness this year and I still find myself asking, "Why am I feeling this way?" However, now that I am aware of the issue, and have been for several years now, I can reassure myself, "This too, shall pass!"

There are numerous things that I, or you can do if you suffer with mild SAD syndrome. If your case is really severe you may need to see your practitioner who might prescribe light therapy or mild anti-depressants. I need to get my light out and put it to use! I find there are other things that help me through these gray days. Exercise is very important, if you can get out of bed! Eating well is also a plus, if you can pull yourself away from the carbs that your body craves during this syndrome. Another thing that I try to do is up the color factor in the outfits I pick our for each day. Thus, the outfit for today's post!

Once again I am taking my own pictures, so the quality is not great. Thank you for bearing with me as I continue to learn about taking my own photos. One of the issues I noticed is that when I try to focus my camera, I am not standing there to be the focal point for the lens. A good friend suggested I get a card board cut out of someone like Johnny Depp and have it be my stand in. Ha, ha. 

As you can see I opted for light pink. The bright color, not only reflects light up into my face, but makes me feel like spring might not be too far away. Seeing as it is winter, I layered a lighter pink long sleeve tee underneath and added an orange marled sweater vest over top. 

I added a multicolored scarf to add interest and texture to the outfit. The scarf with its orange and pink floral pattern drew together the pink of the blouse and the orange of the sweater.

I also had this silver and bead necklace that coordinated with the yellow green in the scarf.

I decided on a pair of dark brown jeans. I like the way these colors compliment each other. The dark brown still keeps me connected to the winter season, but the bright colors on top lighten up my whole visage. 

Because my pants are a little bit short I opted for dark brown ankle boots to elongate the leg and keep the eye from noticing the shortness of the pants. 

The thing I like about this pair of shoes is the elastic inserts on the back of the ankle. It makes getting into the shoes easy and it also avoids that cutting feeling that some stiff leather or non leather ankle boots can give.

To keep the colors bright I decided on my Lush Meadow colored bag. You can see it has a few defects like a missing rivet and a little wear on the bottom. But overall it is a lovely bag and makes a statement all on its own.

Next week I will share another idea for chasing away the winter blues. I hope you enjoyed today's post. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below. Check back on Thursday for this month's perfect piece.

Have a great day.

Due to time constraints I am not including any shopping options in this post. If you ever have any questions as to where you can find a particular item, please leave me a comment in the comments section below and I will do my best to find something similar and let you know where to find it. 

Monday linking up with Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb. Tuesday linking up with Jess of Elegantly Dressed and Stylish. Thursday linking up with Nicole of High Latitude Style. Friday linking up with Jennie of A Pocketful of Polka Dots, Nancy of Nancy's Fashion Style and JoLynne Shane in the Fashion Friday link up.

Color Crash Course - Spooky Color Combo (without being scary)

One of the ways I wanted to challenge myself in this Color Crash Course column, was to come up with color combinations that we usually associate with something else. For instance red and yellow make me think of McDonalds; red and green Christmas; green and yellow the Green Bay Packers (my husband's team) and so on. With Halloween only a few days away, I had to look at colors traditionally associated with this holiday. 

It used to be Halloween colors were restricted to orange and black, but in the more recent decades green and purple have been added to that mix. Images of pumpkins, witches, the Frankenstein monster and ghosts flying through a purply black night sky all come to mind. I decided to take those four colors and combine them into an outfit. 

Black jeans make the color subtle, rather than a stark black pant or skirt. Plus the jeans add texture to the outfit. Remember we have been exploring the idea of texture for making an outfit more interesting. 

This orange sweater was from Christopher and Banks last year. I like that it is light weight so perfect for layering and it has.....texture. The little raised bumps give it a polka dot effect. 

You can see the button up I wore under my sweater is black and has little owls on it. What better for Halloween. With the black background the little tan owls really show up as well as the little bits of purple and green in the pattern. I decided to add the lighter purple necklace so as to not overwhelm with a too Halloween-ish outfit. 

I left the shirt tail out to add some color and dimension between the sweater and the black jeans. 

For my bag I decided on a Lush Meadow clutch (more on that color in a few weeks). My shoes are an older pair I just love. A dark purple velvet kitten heel with sequins. They sound quirky, but I really like the way they fit my foot and the dark purple and sequins remind me of that Halloween sky. 

And, of course, I had to throw in a silly one. For another lovely look at black and orange check out Laurie at Vanity and Me. She shows an orange sweater styled two ways.

What do you think of wearing these colors together? What do you think of this outfit? I'd love to have your input. Just leave a comment below. 

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. Thanks for hanging out with me on the blog!

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

Pantone Fall 2016 - Aurora Red

We only have three weeks left of our Pantone 2016 Fall color series. Today's feature is Aurora Red. By the time we took this picture on the evening we were scrambling to fit some photo's in we were both exhausted. The evening was hot and humid for September and I was literally wilting. My daughter had just worked a full day, then came over to squeeze in a few photos before the light was completely gone. 

So yes, our photos were getting a little silly. I styled the Aurora Red 3/4 length sleeve tee with a pair of Palazzo pants. I styled these before here. For this look I added the vest to give the outfit an extra layer of warmth. Granted on the day we took the pics I didn't need it, but with the cooler weather we are now having this vest is perfect. In keeping with the edgy vibe the vest adds I opted for chain link and coin belt and necklace.

I wore simple black heels, which are hardly visible due to the grass and the length of the pants. The taupe bag I am carrying is a thrift store find. 

I have given these pants a second go round and have decided I am getting rid of them. They are very comfy, but in all honesty are not flattering on me at all. I think it might be the way the pattern encircles the leg. It makes me look stumpy. Ha, ha. I only share that, not to get down on myself or because I have body image problems, but to show that some pieces can flatter and others can detract. 

However, I do like the look of the red tee under the vest and the fun chain link and coin belt and jewelry, perhaps with a skinny pair of jeans, a pencil skirt or a maxi. Aurora Red is a beautiful rich color to add to your wardrobe. If red is not your color, try adding it to your outfit as an accessory. In the shopping links below I listed a pair of ankle boots, and a red bag. You could also add a scarf or a necklace to bring that red pop to any outfit.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know your thoughts good or bad in the comments section below. I appreciate input of all types, because it helps shape me as a blogger and a fashionista. Check back on Thursday for my Color Crash Course. This week I'll be styling a spooky color combo, just in time for Halloween. Have a great day.

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull. Make up Rachel Christensen.

Shopping for Aurora Red:

Red ankle boots - JC Penney - $44.99

Red skirt - Loft - $59.50

Cross body bag - JC Penney - $24.00

Red tunic - J.Jill - $44.99

Between the Lines: Week 5 and Styling a Pair of White Crop Pants - Part 1

It's Fashion Tuesday again and that means a new outfit and another segment in the Between the Lines series, which features bloggers over 50. Be sure to read to the bottom of this post where you'll find the link to Katherine's Corners and the next ten bloggers featured in this series.

This week the clothing item I feature is the white crop pant. This pair, I found at Christopher and Banks on clearance. I tried on a bazillion (well, maybe not that many) white pants looking for a pair that had several features. First, they couldn't be see through. Second, they had to be made of fabric that wouldn't wrinkle the first time I sat down in them and third they had to fit my body!

Photo Credit Rebecca Trumbull. Make up Rachel Christensen.

You can't see in these pics, but the pants have little rhinestones on the front of the lower leg adding a bit of bling. Wanting to keep the bling throughout, I paired the pants with a gray tee with rhinestones scattered over the front and my gray sneakers with sparkly dots. I added the denim button up as a light weight jacket, and for that pop of color added a few yellow bracelets and a yellow bag.

Photo Credit Rebecca Trumbull. Make up Rachel Christensen.

The pants have a stretchy feel to them and there are no zippers or buttons to have to deal with. They basically pull on and sit nicely around the waist and through the hips. I am a big fan of Christopher and Banks clothing, but especially their jeans and pants.

Next week my hubby and I will be on vacation. So the second part of this series will be the following week. I hope to post a few things from our travels, so check in sometime next week. My internet service will be spotty as we will be camping part of that time.

Shop a Similar Look:

White crop pants - Christopher and Banks - $59.99

Gray Tee - Kohl's - $19.99

Dk Wash Button Up - Asos - $43.50

Gray Tennis Shoes - Macy's - $39.00

Yellow Bag - Kohl's - $33.00

Yellow Bracelets - Charming Charlie - $10.00

Click on the link below to view Week 5 in the Between the Lines series.

Layers of Fun: the Outer Limits - Week 1

We finally got to the outer layers. Outer layers can include jackets, sweaters, vests, and coats. Follow those with other accessories such as jewelry, scarves, bags and shoes. The pictures below show you some of my final outfits. I did not focus on coats, other outer wear, or bags as we will focus on those in a different post at a later time.

Photo Credit: Rebecca Trumbull

Photo Credit: Rebecca Trumbull

Photo Credit: Rebecca Trumbull

Photo Credit: Rebecca Trumbull

You can see with the above outfit I added a sweater, skinny belt to give me a waist and a scarf. Even though it is print on print the scarf pulls together the black in the shirt and pants as well as the raspberry color of the sweater. The ensemble is completed with a pair of heels.

Photo Credit: Rebecca Trumbull

Photo Credit: Rebecca Trumbull

Photo Credit: Rebecca Trumbull

All the pieces in this outfit except the necklace were thrift store finds. The fun necklace was from H & M a few years ago. As my blog evolves, I hope to be more tech savvy and give you links to possible similar outfit pieces. Right now I am still learning. Thanks for being patient.

Tomorrow I will post Outer Limits: Week 2, as we will be starting a Spring theme next week. Be sure to check out my last two outfits from our first photo shoot tomorrow, then put next Tuesday on your calendar for Spring colors and tips for weeding out your closet. Until next time, keep stylin'!