Outfit Inspiration: Winter Trends and Embroidery

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome back to the blog. After a couple of weeks off for the holidays I am ready to get back to sharing outfits through shopping my closet, sources of inspiration, and studying up on the latest trends and colors for each season. We are in the full throes of winter here in the midwest. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately for many) we are only experiencing the cold and very little snow. Being a Buffalo girl I definitely miss the snow in the winter and would much rather have a full blown blizzard to maneuver than the psychological ramifications of drab gray and brown.

Seasonal Affective Disorder is real and many people are affected by it in the cold, cloudy months. The lack of sunlight drives us into our self made caves where we try to comfort ourselves with layers of cozy blankets and pillows, fuzzy sweatshirts and sweaters and snacks that all contain some amount of carbohydrates. If we, like bears, would hibernate in the winter we would be just fine, and all those treats we ate through the holidays would simply melt off as we slept the weeks away.

To counteract my own struggle with SAD I looked up what colors and patterns were trending for winter and came upon a few favorites, so this month I am going to put the color burgundy on repeat and show you outfits full of layers and textures that will be sure to make you think about your own pieces in a new, although dim and clouded, light.

I was having a hard time with pictures on the day I took these. It was freezing outside, with a wind chill of 9 degrees Fahrenheit. I did attempt a few outside, but the light was too bright even though there was solid cloud cover, so most of the pictures looked washed out. What you get is a blend of indoor and outdoor pics.

What inspired me to follow the winter trends for this month was this gorgeous cardigan my best friend gifted me when we went to New York the weekend between Christmas and New Years. She felt it was too big on her and thought it might look better on someone with a bit more height and with broader shoulders. I absolutely love it. It is a thrifted Christopher and Banks piece and what can I say except the embroidery is stunning, and contains a beautiful blend of burgundy, pale to medium pink, as well as white and gray. The sweater has a bit of luminous silver threads through out and is gathered in the back for a better fit. I’m adding a few embellished cardigans, though they may not have embroidery.

With burgundy being the color choice for this winter I rifled through my shelves to find these thrifted Westport pants. They are comfy and have a straight leg, which is one style that is always in. Whatever you think about wide legs versus skinnies, boot cut or flares, you really can’t go wrong with a classic straight leg pant. I know I have said this before, but that’s why I hang on to various silhouettes.

I decided to do some subtle print mixing with this plaid SO shirt that I got from Kohl’s a few seasons ago. Plaid is also in for winter, which makes me ask the question, when has it not been in? Ha, ha. I wear plaid pretty much all year round and flannel is my go to for cool weather days in fall, winter and spring.

My necklaces were thrifted and hand-me-overs, and I had a few silver bracelets on that I forgot to take pictures of, but you can add your own jewelry to your own outfit. One of the things I like to try is layering different pieces of jewelry, just to add a bit of fun and interest. Here you can see I did that with two different necklaces.

My bag was another hand-me-over from my best friend. It is a brand called The Sak.

My patent leather ankle boots are a thrifted pair and are Forever 21’s own brand. I do not shop at those stores as, for the most part, they are not using sustainable practices, and the turn over of product is rampant. However, when it comes to second hand, I am fully aware my purchasing it keeps it out of a land fill.

What do you like best about this outfit? Are you fond of the color burgundy? What would you do differently with these pieces? I always love to hear your ideas and thoughts, so be sure to leave me some love.

All shopping links throughout this post are affiliate links and are brought to you at no cost. These are provided to give you ideas or possible sources for similar items. If you purchase something through a link I have provided I get a few cents as a commission. I appreciate all you support.

I hope you have a fabulous Tuesday!

Spring Trends - 2020

This year’s list of Spring Trends is full of interesting things. Many of the trends are repeats from the past and many are not worth mentioning because, in my opinion, they are not realistic for actual women like you and I. I believe in modest dressing, so bralettes as tops and sheer clothing with nothing underneath does not measure up to my standard. My plan is to introduce some of the trends to you in this post and then for the rest of the month of March, I would like to show you my own takes on some of these trends. I have been aggressively shopping my closet to put together outfits that might be trendy and cost effective. You’d be amazed at how many things you already have.

Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay


Polka Dots

This fun, versatile print is back in full force. The great thing about polka dots is anyone can wear them. The dots can be tiny or large; on just your top, just your bottom or all over. You can even mix differing polka dot sizes, and polka dots mix perfectly with most other patterns and textures.

Abstract Florals

Florals, like polka dots are still very popular. This spring the trend is towards florals that are more abstract, rather than more realistic looking. I have a lot of floral in my wardrobe and personally prefer that a flower look like a flower, but having one of these abstract pieces would be a fun addition to the norm.

Tropical Prints

Once again, tropical prints are ushering in the warmer weather and making us all want to go on a vacation to a tropical paradise. Ha, ha. You can find these prints on tops, skirts, shorts, dresses, bathing suits and bags, so whether you want a little or a lot, you should be able to find something either in your closet, a thrift store or at the mall.

1960’s & 1970’s Influence

These bright, whimsical patterns are very reminiscent of the 1960’s and 70’s which was the fashion designers’ intent. In addition to these typical bright, paisley swirls and other designs, the trends include patterns that hale from the walls and couches of these two decades in the form of suiting, disco collared button ups and long dresses.


Head to Toe Denim

This is one trend, many of us can easily put together. If you have a pair of jeans, a chambray shirt and a denim jacket you can do this head to toe denim trend without investing a penny. The denim’s do not have to match, so wear a dark wash pair of jeans, a medium wash shirt and a light wash jacket and you are good to go.

Head to Toe White

White is back and party ready in the form of dresses. The length and style is up to you, but anything goes when it comes to white. I think you could also pull off a similar look with a white skirt and top, so be sure to shop your closet before you purchase anything new.

Other Interesting Trends


Neon colors are back and bolder than ever. Be prepared for head to toe looks that are bright, festive and make you stand out in a crowd. This is one I will be showing you in a few weeks from my own closet. Neon isn’t something I would regularly reach for, but it is definitely fun to add into your clothing mix.


Drawstring details are trending this year. Think utility meets jogger chic. I don’t think this is such a big deal, but I do have a few different things with drawstrings and just the other day found a pretty blush sweater while thrifting that has a drawstring in the bottom hem, which makes it more casual. As with many of the trends, sometimes a little is better than a lot. A drawstring here or there can add interest to an outfit, but overdone and you begin looking like a walking pile of spaghetti.

Large Bags

Who doesn’t love a fun tote bag? I enjoy carrying a large tote, particularly when I am going on vacation. That way, I can carry a book or notebook, in addition to the usual stuff. The only thing I don’t like about a large tote is, if you are like me, it will be crammed full of stuff and way too heavy to carry on a shopping trip. For that, I will stick to my smaller, cross body bags.

Chunky Chains and Colorful Jewelry

Thinking about getting rid of those bright colored bracelets and large link necklaces, well don’t. Bright colors and large, chunky chains are trendy for spring and summer. This is one, I think I can get behind, because I like all sorts of jewelry. I have a large link necklace that I haven’t worn much, so now I have an excuse. Hooray! Think twice before you get rid of things you think you’ll never wear again because they have gone out of style. Don’t worry, they’ll be back.

Chunky Soles and Loafers

I’m not sold on the chunky soles, but I actually like the light colored combat boots and the leopard print sandals above. They are cute and not over the top. Loafers are like polka dots: they’ll be around forever, even if they aren’t trending in any given season. I was surprised when I started rummaging through my closet for a pair of loafers, that I actually have a number of pairs in addition to my loafer heels.

There are numerous other trends I could talk about, but these were a few of the ones that I thought were fun. This year it seemed the trends were sort of all over the place. I usually google, Spring Trends and the year and get the main fashion names and their takes on the trends, such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Harper’s Bazaar, Who What Wear and Marie Claire. It is always interesting to see what’s out there, but only use it as a guideline. The fashion gurus do not determine what is best for you, that is your job. If you don’t like chunky soled shoes, don’t wear them. If you are especially fond of stripes, but they are not currently trending, don’t get rid of them. Most patterns, with the exception of the very unusual ones, will come back around. Relax, and enjoy the trends just for the fun of it.

Which trend is your favorite? Which trend do you loathe?

I hope you enjoyed this post. If any of the items look interesting to you, just click on the picture and it will take you to the retailer website. These are affiliate links. Every time you click a link, I get a few cents. I value all of your support, but especially your comments. Thanks for all you do!

Have a great Tuesday!

Chasing Away the Winter Blues - Week 5

This is the final installment in my Chasing Away the Winter Blues Series. With the month of February starting tomorrow, it will be time to think about love and romance. Today, however, I wanted to share what I call the comfort outfit. 

Let's face it, we all have a day or days where we just can't work up the gumption to get dressed up. Maybe you are home sick from work or maybe the winter blues have just beaten you down enough that you need a day of rest and complete comfort.

I found this comfy sweatsuit when I was shopping a friend's closet. I would have never picked it up except that it has bling on it! I'll get to that in a minute. I normally do not wear sweatsuits. I like to dress up, even if it is just jeans and a sweater or nicer sweat shirt, but this little number is perfect when I want to just stay home and be extra warm and comfortable. 

In keeping with my love of this berry color I decided to wear a striped 3/4 length tee and added my berry colored Puma sneakers. The sneakers are thrifted and the tee was from Christopher and Banks. 

Here you can see my sneakers, but you can also see the line of faux rhinestones along the outside leg of the pants. 

The tee also has a line of bling along the neck and I opted for my lovely cross necklace hubby gave me for Christmas and the ring he gave me as well. 

The next few shots are just me being silly.

And of course I had to channel Rocky Balboa!

So maybe I am trying to beat away the winter blues. Ha, ha.

I hope you enjoyed this series on chasing away the winter blues. Join me on Thursday for the Piece Perfect column for February. Be sure to come back next Tuesday for a new series titled Romance is in the Air.

Have a great day.

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull. Make up Rachel Christensen.

Shopping Options:

Black sweatsuit - Zulily - $16.49

Maroon striped tee - Target - $8.40

Maroon sneakers - Macy's - $59.98

Saturday linking up with Rena of  It's All Fine. Whatever Tickles the Fancy. Monday linking up with Catherine of Not Dressed as Lamb. Tuesday linking up with Jess of Elegantly Dressed and Stylish and Shelbee in the Spread the Kindness link up. Thursday linking up with Nicole of High Latitude Style. 



Chasing Away the Winter Blues - Week 3

I have been talking about chasing away the winter blues this month. January can be a long, cold and typically overcast month here in the mid west. As I discussed the last few weeks, wearing bright colors and getting out to do something fun can be two "blues" chasers. This week I wanted to take another look at color, but approach it from a more spiritual aspect.

For those of you who follow my Faith page on the blog, you know that I am a Christ follower and what some would term a Bible thumper, not to be confused with Thumper, the rabbit from Bambi fame. I am a supporter of intelligent design, believing that an almighty God crafted us and the world we live on, from nothingness. This being said, I am not here to preach at you or convert you to my way of thinking, but to share with you a fashion idea that makes perfect sense to me. 

Think about the colors in nature. Green grass, red cardinals, purple flowers, yellow sun and blue skies. Since these things were put into place by an intelligent creator for our benefit and pleasure wouldn't it also make sense that color and how we wear it can affect our mood and outlook, as well as affect how other people perceive us.

For this outfit, I was dreaming of blues skies, blue seas and gentle warm breezes. 

Cobalt blue is really in right now, so when I spied these ankle pants in my dresser I joyfully pulled them out! That made me remember my cobalt suede heels. I wore these in this Denim Days post from back in the summer. In keeping with the blue theme, I lightened up the sweater and scarf near my face.

My younger daughter gave me this pretty scarf for Christmas. The button up cardigan was from Kohl's last year. The three strand gold and bling necklace was thrifted.

To add a bit more interest to the outfit, I added the snakeskin clutch. I think it adds a fun contrast to the "same color" theme of the outfit. 

I hope you enjoyed this post on another way to chase away those winter blues. What is your favorite color out in nature? Have you ever tried to incorporate that color into an outfit? How did it make you feel? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below or leave me a comment on my Facebook page. 

Thanks for following along. Check back on Thursday to see who my Beautiful Blogger is for this month.

Have a great day.

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull. Make up Rachel Christensen

Shopping Options:

Cobalt ankle pants - JCPenney - $48.00

Cobalt heels - DSW - $39.95

Light blue sweater - Lord & Taylor - $59.95 (cashmere on clearance!)

Light blue scarf - Target - $14.99

Snakeskin bag - Charming Charlie - $22.00

Monday linking up with Catherine of Not Dressed As Lamb, and Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge. Tuesday linking up with Jess of Elegantly Dressed and Stylish, Thursday linking up with Nicole of High Latitude Style,  Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge, and Carrie of Curly Crafty Mom. Friday linking up with JoLynne in the Fashion Friday Link Up, Jennie of A Pocketful of Polka Dots, and Nancy of Nancy's Fashion Style.

Chasing Away the Winter Blues - Week 2


My little series this month centers around styles and ways to chase away the winter blues that often accompany long weeks of cold and gray skies. For those of us who suffer with Season Affective Disorder, anything to give us a bit of a lift is well received. Last week I talked about wearing bright colors. You can see that post here. Wearing bright colors, not only gives us a lift because it makes us look light and cheery, but it reflects light into our faces and light is one of the essential things missing in these winter months. 

Another thing I like to do when I am feeling blue is force myself to get out of the house and do something different. Saturday was my 53rd birthday. My two daughters Rebecca and Rachel decided to plan a day out with me. 

We started our day, getting our make up done by my younger daughter Rachel, who is a make up artist. You can see her Instagram page here

The first pic is me getting made up and the second is my eldest. And yes I was taking the pictures with her fancier-than-mine, camera! Rachel was already done before we got there. While Rebecca was being done, I took a picture of another cutie. 

Rebecca added a few other cutie pictures of Rachel's pets.

Here are the three of us read to shop!

We went up to Ann Arbor, MI which is less than an hour away. Since it was lunch time when we got there we went to a famous Ann Arbor eatery/deli called Zingerman's. 

When you first walk in you see a typical deli with glass cases full of a wide variety of meats and cheeses. We didn't stop for a look, but continued further into a maze of walls, doorways, signs and displays, to the ordering station for lunch. The menu was on the walls up close to the ceiling and held every possible configuration of beef, pork, turkey, chicken, fish and so on. A bit on the pricey side we ordered the small size of our sandwiches and we were glad we did. 

Rebecca ordered the chicken while Rachel and I got turkey. It was amazing. It was all we could do to open our mouths wide enough to take a bite. The bread was grilled and crispy and the toppings varied from avocado and tomatoes to pesto and peppers. We certainly did not need the large size. Ha, ha.

After lunch we headed to Arborland Center, a strip mall that houses stores like DSW, Marshall's, Maurice's and Ulta. Recently I won $100 in gift cards from Jodie on Jodie's Touch of Style, for Nordstrom. Seeing as we do not have a Nordstrom in our town and the fact that I like to try things on, especially at a store I have never shopped at before, the girls did the online research and found a Nordstrom Rack at Arborland Cener. 

I did find a few nice things at Nordstrom Rack, which I plan on featuring in a later post. Rebecca even found a nice, warm winter coat to replace her old one and Rachel found some make up and a jacket for her son. Success!

After Nordstrom we ran across the street to a thrift store. My girls learned their love of thrifting from me. They both are trying to keep a budget and being able to get clothing at thrift stores really helps. Rachel found a cute stained glass lamp for $10 and I found a velvet, knee length jacket from J.Jill for only $6. 

Since we still had a few minutes before we had to head south to meet the men for dinner we stopped at Maurice's. I had never been in this shop and it was cute. The clothing seems to span generations which I like. There were things my daughters would wear and things I would wear and the prices weren't too bad either. Click here to check out their online site; Maurices.

This was one of the cute dressing rooms at the store. The clerks actually write your name on the door. Rachel got two pairs of pants for work. Rebecca and I didn't buy anything, not because we didn't want to. I will definitely be visiting this store again, either in person or on line. 

I had Rebecca snap a few more pics after we got back so you could see my outfit for the day.

The outfit consisted of black knee high boots, dark wash skinny jeans, charcoal gray cowl neck top, maroon fly away cardi and a retro styled fringe necklace.

I hope you enjoyed coming along with me and my girls on my birthday, chase away the blues, excursion. I had a good time with my daughters. And that night for dinner we met my husband, son-in-law and grandson at a favorite Italian restaurant for dinner. 

Thanks for visiting the blog and be sure to leave some love in the comments section below, or follow me on Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram. 

Check back on Thursday when I will reveal an Awesome Accessory that I got for Christmas. Have a great day.

Monday linking up with Catherine of Not Dressed as Lamb. Tuesday linking up with Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge, and Jess of Elegantly Dressed and Stylish. Thursday linking up with Nicole of High Latitude Style. Friday linking up with Nancy's Fashion Style