When Darkness Comes - Part 7: Revealing our True Hearts

I have been doing a series on the darkness as it pertains to times of struggle in our lives. The last two posts revolved around truth; the truth we know about God and the truth we know about ourselves as seen in the Word of God. We cannot, however, have truth and not acknowledge the feelings and emotions that God created us with. As we saw last time, we often put on False Faces, so that we can cope and pretend the truth has penetrated our hearts, but in reality it hasn’t. I have been sharing my own experience with you, because through my own walk in the dark, I have learned that truth must be wrestled with before it can become a part of our inner being.

Image by Herbert Aust from Pixabay

Image by Herbert Aust from Pixabay

God knows our delicate frame and also knows He gave us a mind that can think, reason and question. However, we must remember our minds were meant to be in communion with Him. The longer we let our minds dwell on what is false, hopeless and destructive, the less we will be able to recognize His truth. When we are walking in the darkness, there is no doubt, the Unseen Enemy will try to manipulate that shadowed path to his advantage. That is precisely why it is so important to stand on the God’s truth, but not just stand, we have to wrestle with it and allow Him to pierce our souls with it.

He has done that with me. Even as I type this, tears come to my eyes, because I realize, as an Almighty being, He owes me nothing. He has no reason to gift me His time or attention. He does so, because He chooses to. The incredible, lavish fact is, He chooses to do this, even when I am at my lowest, ranting about how unfair life is or how hard things are, or questioning impatiently when will this darkness end.

In order to get to this point of allowing God to pierce us, we must acknowledge our feelings, as ugly as they can be. Feelings are often tied to experiences, both good and bad. In my heart I have a room. Inside, there are shelves full of experiences, mostly those with other people. Most of these are bad experiences. When I feel bad, I unlock that room and I go inside, closing the door behind me. It isn’t a comfortable room, filled with fairy lights and comfy, overstuffed furniture. It’s more like an old attic, full of cobwebs, dark corners and lots of junk. I find a place on the hard floor and I start reviewing all that junk…all those times I yelled at my kids; all the angry words between my husband and I; all those feelings of never measuring up…of not being enough…of being invisible.

Image by József Kincse from Pixabay

Image by József Kincse from Pixabay

Most of us have something like my attic room, where we revisit things that happened or didn’t happen. These are part of emotional make up of who we are and God is patient with us. He allows us those moments, but He doesn’t want us to stay there. Eventually, it would be nice if I could hand that key over to Him and walk away. I haven’t done that yet, but I am getting closer.

I am going to share an except from my journal, when I was revealing my true heart to God. I share these things, not to make you feel sorry for me or to make you think how hard I have had it, but I hope by being vulnerable with you, you will choose to be vulnerable with God.

I guess what it comes down to, Lord, is I am sad that I am invisible. I know there are lots of people struggling with far worse things than feeling invisible. There are wives whose husbands are unfaithful; there are children whose caretakers are abusive; there are elderly men and women fading like an old photograph with no one to visit or care about their needs, or desires. There are people who have felt the pain of divorce, the death of a child or spouse...and here I am feeling sad...that I feel invisible.

But I would not be a healthy person if I did not acknowledge I am sad, and it hurts. It hurts to be forgotten; to have a face that is unmemorable; to have no voice except one that is deemed naggy, bitchy or emotional. I am only acknowledged when I mess up. I am only texted or called when someone wants something...”
— Amy's journal from 5/23/21
Image by Vojtěch Kučera from Pixabay

There are several things I want you to notice. I am acknowledging my feelings. I am unloading. I have remembered God’s truth about Himself and about me, and now I am letting Him know how I feel. My intellect knows what is true…I am not invisible. I have a family who does love me. I have friends…but the acknowledgement of feelings is so important in healing and in allowing God to bring His word into the deep places of our hearts. I go on to make this very point in my journal.

Lord, I am venting. I know what Your word says. I am not invisible. Your word says You knew me before I was born. You know my thoughts from afar. There is no place I can go to get away from You. I am not invisible to You. (Psalm 139)
— Amy's journal from 5/23/21

The other thing I want you to notice is that I recognize I am not alone in suffering. There are many who are suffering; many who have it far worse than I do, but that does not diminish my feelings or my need to lay those feelings at His feet. This is a process.

The next step follows: I recognize that some of my struggle is a result of sin, and the work of the Unseen Enemy.

Lord, I ask Your forgiveness that I struggle with these feelings over and over. I should be mature enough to be so over it, but right now I am not. I am weak.

I ask for Your protection. I know my enemy would like to devour me, my family, but he cannot. Renew my mind, because I cannot. I choose to lean in to You; in to your comfort, mercy and grace; into Your sufferings. I embrace it all and I call on Your name...the name of Jesus, knowing He is the Great Warrior Prince and He will rescue me.
— Amy's Journal - 5/23/21

Finally, I acknowledge the power and supremacy of the Almighty One.

Thank you for You hem me in behind and before; that You are my rear guard; that You hold my hand and walk with me through every single valley. You are the Wonderful Counselor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. You alone are the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
— Amy's Journal - 5/23/31
Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Don’ be afraid to let God peer into the deepest places of your heart. Allowing Him access to those attic rooms will eventually bring about true renewal and cleansing. Wrestle with God’s truth. Tell Him how you really feel as you maneuver the darkness of your path. Let Him pierce you deep and He will bring you to new understanding and heights of His love.

Next time we will look at another piece of this refining process as we continue our journey in the darkness. I hope you are able to join me. Thank you for all your support and I pray God will become more real to you today than He ever has before.

Thinking About Christmas - A Closer Look at Scripture: Part 3

I had a bit of a busy week last week and was unable to get this faith post written. I apologize for my lack of consistency. The holidays are always busier and even in the midst of a pandemic, that is still true. This week is going to go by in a flash and I really can’t believe Christmas is on Friday. Where does the time go?

Image by anncapictures from Pixabay

Image by anncapictures from Pixabay

This speedy passage of time can be overwhelming and it can be very hard to find the time to take a breath and truly think about or dwell on the real meaning of Christmas. It is easy to lose Jesus in the midst of buying presents, baking cookies, decorating and planning family gatherings. I know they are saying to not gather, but I think most of us are going to still have at least a small get together. My daughter’s and I are already very regularly around each other, so it will be the six of us on Christmas morning for brunch.

Let’s take a final look at Isaiah 9:6-7.

6 For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of his government and of peace
there will be no end,
on the throne of David and over his kingdom,
to establish it and to uphold it
with justice and with righteousness
from this time forth and forevermore.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.
— Isaiah 9:6-7 (ESV)

Today we are going to look at the final two names for this Child who is born to us; this Son who is given to us.

If you don’t remember we had been looking at how each of these names reveals the fully God, fully man characteristics of Jesus. We looked at Wonderful Counselor and Mighty God last time. If you need a refresher you can go back to that post here.

Image by 4144132 from Pixabay

Image by 4144132 from Pixabay

“…Everlasting Father…”

The word everlasting is fairly easy to define. It means, lasting forever. Webster’s Online Dictionary defines it as, “…lasting or enduring through all time.” Other words that mean the same thing include, ceaseless, eternal, dateless, deathless, immortal, timeless and imperishable.

The word father is also fairly self explanatory; it means, “…a man who has begotten a child, one who originates or institutes, or to care or look after…”

We probably can easily understand the God aspect of Jesus as everlasting, since He Himself is part of the Godhead and the triune God has no beginning or end. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are timeless and eternal. The thing that might stump us a little bit is the human concept of fatherhood, when it comes to our Savior. Jesus never married, or had relations that would have produced a physical offspring. How, then, can we call Him father?

Jesus exemplifies the concept of fatherhood in three ways:

1 - He has begotten children through His work, death and resurrection. Those of us who believe in His person and what He did are spiritually His children. We are called the sons of God and since Jesus is God, we are His sons and daughters.

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.
— Romans 8:14 (ESV)

2 - Jesus instituted the way of salvation. He originated our rebirth. Once we become a Christ follower we are part of the family of Christ followers.

18 So then, as through one offense the result was condemnation to all mankind, so also through one act of righteousness the result was justification of life to all mankind. 19 For as through the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the One the many will be made righteous.
— Romans 5:18-19 (NASB)

3 - Jesus cares for us, just as a father cares for his child. Obviously, earthly fathers can fall far short of what a father should be. Earthly fathers can be neglectful, removed, uncaring and abusive. How good to know, our Lord Jesus is not that kind of parent. Our Everlasting Father is one that cares for our good and desires only what is best for us. He makes the tough calls to sometimes let us wander in our own selfishness for the purpose of directing us back to Him. He protects and He offers guidance, and it is only our choice that keeps us from His gentle and loving arms.

16 Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, 17 comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.
— 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 (NASB)
Image by RÜŞTÜ BOZKUŞ from Pixabay

“…Prince of Peace…”

In a world divided by hatred and marred by sin, it is good to know that Jesus is the Prince of Peace. The word prince is a title given to one of royal blood. Webster’s defines the word as, “…monarch, king, ruler of a principality or state, member of a royal family - especially the son of a sovereign…” Jesus is all this and more. He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He is the ruler over all creation. He is the Son of God.

The word peace is defined by Webster’s as, “…a state of tranquility or quiet; a state of security; freedom from disquieting thoughts or oppressive emotions; harmony in personal relations…” Are you living in a state of tranquility? Are you hounded by oppressive thoughts and emotions? Are you experiencing harmony in your relationships?

The phrase says that Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He is the ruler of peace. He is the one who is able to bring about complete harmony, quiet and tranquility, even in the midst of the most turbulent storms of life.

These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.”
— John 16:33 (NASB)

Jesus knew we would have tribulation. He knew this life would be hard. When sin entered the world it completely changed the relationship we were supposed to have with our creator. It changed our relationship with creation itself. That is why Jesus came. To reunite us to the Almighty and right our relationship with what He created. Only Jesus can give us this peace. Only the prince of peace can calm the torrential storms of life.

Looking quickly at verse 7 of Isaiah 9, we can see that this Child; this Son’s kingdom will never end. He will rule over all, and His kingdom will be one of peace. While this kingdom is not established yet on this earth, we know a day is coming, when all will come under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. It will be established and it will be upheld forever, because of the zeal of the Lord. This is something God is excited about, and we can be too.

The baby child that we celebrate on Christmas day is this King. The Wonderful Counselor. The Mighty God. The Everlasting Father. The Prince of Peace.

Merry Christmas and God bless us, everyone!

Thinking About Christmas - A Closer Look at Scripture: Part 2

Last week I started looking at an Old Testament passage that is considered part of the Messianic prophecy. Scripture passages in the Old Testament that point to the coming Messiah are not unusual and Isaiah 9;6-7 is one of the more famous pieces.

For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon[d] his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
7 Of the increase of his government and of peace
there will be no end,
on the throne of David and over his kingdom,
to establish it and to uphold it
with justice and with righteousness
from this time forth and forevermore.
The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.
— Isaiah 9:6-7 (ESV)

Last week I focused on the first three lines of verse 6 talking about the Child of Mary and the Son of God. I also mentioned how the phrase, “…and the government shall be upon His shoulder…” referred to the authority Jesus was given by the Father and how, when at last, all others have come under that authority, Christ Himself will then subject Himself to the Father, so that God can be all in all.

This week i want to continue by looking at the rest of verse 6. When it comes to the names of God, we could easily spend a long time, looking at what each one means and how those names apply to us as His created beings. For today, I just want to look at two of the four mentioned in this verse.

“…and His name shall be called…”

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The thing that struck me about this phrase is that it has a forward look to it. Isn’t Christ already called these names? Since Christ has been with the Father from the beginning of our time and most likely from times time before that, wouldn’t all of these names already apply to Him? I think the answer lies in understanding what becoming human did to Christ.

Taking on human form, was a choice to limit Christ’s Godly abilities. Think about his very birth. This God-Man, became embryonic cells inside His mother’s womb. He spent nine months in the darkness of that womb and at the end of His life He spend three days in the darkness of a tomb. During His earthly life He knew hunger, fatigue, sadness and pain. He felt the hurt of betrayal and the stab of thorns and nails. When He was with His Father in the Heavenly realm He was perfect, powerful and a present part of the triune God. When he became a man he suddenly felt dirty and distant from His holy family.

This dichotomy of being fully God and fully man leads us right into the list of names given in the passage. I want to look at two of these this week and two next week.

“…Wonderful Counselor…”

Image by Tiyo Prasetyo from Pixabay

Image by Tiyo Prasetyo from Pixabay

The word wonderful is an adjective. It describes something, such as when I say, “That was a wonderful performance.” According to Webster’s dictionary wonderful means, “…marvelous, astonishing, staggering, stunning, unusually good..” How perfect are these words to describe our God. There is no one as marvelous or good as the Creator. There is no beauty on this earth that can compare to the staggering and stunning beauty of a Holy, Perfect being like Jehovah.

When we use the word counselor, it brings two ideas to mind. The first, is that of a mental health professional who helps people work through their emotional and relational issues. The second image is a lawyer, or a person who gives legal advice and aid. These both convey human professions, yet they fully apply to the God-Man.

Jesus is one we can turn to when life is beating on us. He always listens with an attentive ear and sound advice. He truly understands the human condition and knows that all things are meant to bring us back to center…His center. He is the marvelous counselor.

Jesus is also the perfect lawyer. He knows exactly what our sentence is and He also knows how to totally abolish our punishment. He knows when we are standing before that jury of demonic beings, he need only say, “She is washed in my blood,” and the judgment is done. There is no prosecutor who will be able to argue against us, when we have Jesus in our corner. He is the astonishing counselor.

The summary then is this; Jesus is wonderful, because He is fully God. He is a counselor, because He is fully man.

“…Mighty God…”

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Here again we have two words. One is a descriptor and the other is the object being described, or in this case the who. Mighty, according to Webster’s means, “…possessing might, powerful, accomplished or characterized by might, imposing in extent or extraordinary.” While it is true that men and women can be described as mighty, it is more likely the word would be used in tandem with a being beyond our infinite human understanding.

The word God is described in the dictionary as, “…a Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe.”

Turn to Me and be saved, all the ends of the earth;
For I am God, and there is no other.
— Isaiah 45:22 (NASB)

We can see how the name, Mighty God, fully reveals Christ’s Godliness, but how does it describe His humanity? I believe the revelation lies in the contrast. Only a being who is mighty, could transform Himself into that which is not. It is only a Mighty God, who could change into a fully human man and still be fully God.

This may seem a bit confusing, but it is in the mystery of those things we do not understand, that the beauty of faith and belief truly reveals itself.

Next week we will look at the names, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. Until then, I hope that this will help to remind you of our blessed Savior’s birth and why it is so important to keep that focus not just at Christmas, but all year long.

Have a great weekend!