Shopping Our Closets - Light Weight Jackets
I thought it would be useful to do a post on light weight jackets. As the summer draws to a close and fall meanders its way into our areas we all will be reaching for those light weight jackets to ward off the early morning or late evening chill. There will still be plenty of warm days ahead, but having a few light weight jackets, not only gives you something to throw on when chilled, but adds a touch of class to any outfit.
I have been blogging since 2016, so for 7 years I have been showing different outfits in this space. Instead of showing you a new outfit this week, I thought I would go back and cull my posts to find photos for the different types of jackets I am going to talk about. As I always tell you, make it your own. Shop your closet and figure out which light weight jackets will work best as the season of summer transitions into the season of fall.
Denim Jackets
I wanted to start with this one, because it is one of my faves and a regular go to. Denim jackets are much more versatile than in the day when they were thought of as work wear only for the farm, or a style worn by teens looking to get into trouble. Boy, times have changed…Ha, ha. Today jean jackets come in every cut, color and wash, and they are still relatively inexpensive.
Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull
Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.
Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.
Denim and jackets cut in a similar silhouette are great, casual choices for transitional weather outfits.
Utility Jackets
I love my utility jackets and they are the perfect light weight piece to add to your transitional wardrobe. Utility jackets, like denim, now come in assorted colors and prints. They are the perfect casual topper for spring or fall when the temperatures are beginning to fluctuate, and they offer a little more coverage than the standard denim option.
Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.
Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.
I love blazers all year round, and they do double duty in making an outfit look stylish and providing a light layer of warmth for the cooler days of fall or the air conditioning of the office or retail store. The following are a few of my blazers. From solids to prints, a blazer is a fun option for adding interest to your outfit and keeping warm as the weather cools off.
Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.
Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.
Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.
Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.
It was fun going through my blog looking for light weight jackets. Many of these pieces I still have, and a few I have gotten rid of. As we grow in our fashion journey, we realize what works for us and what doesn’t. Sometimes that has to do with what phase of life we are in. Losing my assistant manager job and coming home to help with the grandkids and dabble in the freelance writing arena has definitely changed what I wear on a regular basis.
I’m including a batch of light weight jackets in my shopping links. These are affiliate links, brought to you at no cost. If you purchase something through my link I get a small commission. Every purchase you makes helps me keep this blog going. I really appreciate it. All opinions are my own.
Have a great day!