A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

These photos were taken in a local graveyard. No disrespect was intended to the families of those laid to rest in its borders, nor to the spirits who might walk its paths.

Probably the spookiest of Dickens’ Christmas spirits is the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. This specter is darker and more formidable than either of the previous phantasms. In both of my favorite movie versions of the story, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come is personified as a dark, flowing, faceless creature who stands head and shoulders above Ebenezer Scrooge and who never speaks. He simply points his long, skeletal like fingers to what he wants Ebenezer to see.

When I started thinking about an outfit to typify this gruesome ghoul, I knew I wanted to go with gray colors. I thought gray, rather than a stark black spoke more to the shaded veil our futures seem to be. No one can know the future, but God alone, and I personally would rather not have the so called privilege of knowing what is to be, except that blessed assurance of life with Him, after I die.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

There was no doubt, I wanted these pictures, done in a graveyard. The most telling scene in the movie version of A Christmas Carol, is when the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come brings Scrooge to a lonely, forsaken graveyard. In his creepy, speechless manner, the Ghost points to a specific, unattended grave, which in overwhelming despair, Ebenezer wipes aside the snow and sees his own name engraved on the stone.

I wanted my look to be work appropriate, so I chose pieces that created a classic monochrome look, but still gave the illusion of movement. I also wanted the layers.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

My plaid Style & Co trousers have been around quite a while. I honestly can’t remember if I bought these new or if I got them at a thrift store. Style & Co are still sold at Macy’s.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

My gray turtleneck is Worthington brand. Once again, I have had this piece for years and I don’t remember if I got it new at JCPenney’s, or if I thrifted it. Not only is my memory in need of help, so is my waistline. I know the above picture is not the most flattering, but ladies, this is the real me at the current moment. I have a spare tire or maybe two, and I am probably in the worst shape I have been in, in years, due to achey joints, not eating well and not enough exercise. I can’t blame it all on the pandemic, as much as I would like to. Most of it is my very undisciplined nature. Maybe you can relate. I hope so. I really don’t want to feel like I am the only one in this rocky boat. Ha, ha. I am really hoping, that once this busy holiday time is over, I can try to implement a few changes. Never give up!

The light weight shrug that I put over the turtleneck is also Worthington brand. This piece I did buy new at Penney’s. It has an asymmetrical hem, so the longer front pieces can be tied, to create a different look. You can see how I wore it tied with a black maxi dress.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

My long, wide scarf was not only a purply gray color, but it had bugs on it, which somehow seemed fitting with the grave theme.

You know me, I had to try keeping in character. Ha, ha. I do look like a fitting specter to haunt this old graveyard, especially in black and white.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

Here are my grays together.

A Dickens' Christmas - the Ghost of Christmas yet to come

Since this was meant to be an outfit, one could actually wear for work, or for a night out, I did have to style it with a few accessories. I chose silver and gray to maintain the monochrome look. A small silver clutch, to give it a bit of bling, a three strand statement necklace and my dark gray Impo ankle boots completed the look.

A Dickens' Christmas - The ghost of christmas yet to come
A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas yet to come
A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come

What do you think of this look? Do you think it personified the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come without looking too much like a costume? A monochrome look in any color can be an easy, fun and interesting way to change up your wardrobe and still look like you put thought and effort into your outfit. Monochrome doesn’t have to be an exact match, but just be pieces with the same color hues and tones. Adding texture is also the perfect way to make a single color scheme look go from boring to fabulous.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas yet to come

This was the last post in my Dickens’ Christmas series. I certainly hope you enjoyed my interpretations of one of my favorite Christmas stories. Be sure to check back on Thursday for a very mischievous, Actual Amy post. Until then, have a great week.

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

This week, I am not including any shopping links, for outfits. I hope to resume regular style posts after the first of the year.

Have a great week and a very Merry Christmas!

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Present

If you have seen any of the more recent versions of A Christmas Carol, the Ghost of Christmas Present is the one that exudes the festive, living presence of the holiday season. In both the George C. Scott version and the Muppet Christmas Carol version the being known as the Ghost of Christmas present is a jovial, boisterous giant of a character who escorts Scrooge on a tour of Christmas day. The day is filled with food, singing, gift giving and game playing. The joyful Ghost, shows Ebenezer a day made even more beautiful by the love of family and the generosity of his fellow man.

When I began thinking about how i wanted this outfit to look, I knew I wanted it to be bright and colorful. I wanted to present Christmas as a joyful celebration full of life and beauty.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Present

Once again, the Toledo Botanical Gardens provided the back drop for our pictures. They have the entryway into the park so festive and pretty.

Everything in this outfit is thrifted, except for the necklace and boots.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Present

My skirt is another LuLaRoe piece that I found at a thrift store just around the corner from me. It really is a little too long and a tad too big (I rarely have that problem…ha, ha), but I love the floral pattern and it seemed perfect for representing the spirit of Christmas.

My daughter was playing around when she was editing the picture and added a smattering of festive green bubbles.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Present

I found this fabulous Tommy Hilfiger red corduroy jacket at one of our local Goodwills. I haven’t really had a chance to show it off, until I thought about this outfit. I definitely wanted to stick with the more traditional Christmas colors of red and green, so this jacket and the lighter green Sonoma v-neck were a good combination.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Present

I found this long, sparkly, fringe pendant necklace at a thrift store as well. You can’t see it real well in this picture, but the beads have a sparkly, iridescent quality. The picture below, shows you a closer look at the textures of the necklace, sweater and jacket.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Present

You’ve seen this faithful leather, Fossil bag on the blog numerous times. I need to find a smaller wallet to use with this purse, as my current one is too big.

A Dickens Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Present

I wanted comfortable boots with this festive outfit, so I chose my suede Massini boots that I found on clearance at Meijer a few seasons ago.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Present

What do you think of this outfit? Do you think it represents the Ghost of Christmas Present and all the symbolism that goes with it? I thought it exemplified the idea of life, celebrations and festiveness; all the things that the Ghost of Christmas Present is fond of.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Present

I hope you enjoyed this post and are enjoying my movie inspired outfits this month. It has been fun to see what sort of outfits I could come up with.

I am including a few shopping links to look over. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Have a wonderful day!

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

Outfit Inspiration - Christmas with the Kranks - Holiday Vest

If you haven’t seen, Tim Allen and Jamie Lee Curtis in the holiday movie, Christmas with the Kranks, it is a must see comedy, that reminds us of the importance of family and of giving to others. When Luther Krank decides to can Christmas and book a cruise for he and his wife Nora, the chaos ensues. From the neighbors demanding Luther release Frosty, so he can be put up on their roof, to the last minute chase for a particular canned ham, the Kranks try their hardest to pretend Christmas isn’t going to happen. That all changes when they realize their daughter, Blair, who was in Peru with the Peace Corp, is coming home and bringing her fiancee.

The character of Nora Krank is someone many of us can relate to. She loves her daughter and is very sad when she flies off with the Peace Corp. She also is a traditional stay at home mom, enjoying all the activities typically associated with the holidays. She even loves to wear festive holiday clothing. When my girls were young, I used to dress a lot like Nora. I would wear the festive turtleneck adorned with Christmas trees, with my colorful Christmas vest donning bells and bows.

I have come a long way since then. Now I more often enjoy graphic tees with a holiday scene or words under a blazer or sweater. I had long since gotten rid of my jazzy Christmas vest. When the thought of doing these Christmas posts came to mind, I started to think, how could I take something like an over the top Christmas sweater or vest and make it look classy and fashionable? This is what I came up with.

Outfit Inspiration - Christmas with the Kranks - Holiday Vest

I found this snazzy vest at the American Cancer Center Discovery Shop thrift store. They typically feature items that appeal to people whose taste might include things like this retro style vest, but they have a great selection of all different items including glassware, pillows, shoes and bags. The vest is a brand called Erika. I like that the vest is black, because to me it still seems somewhat classy and stylish

Outfit Inspiration - Christmas with the Kranks - Holiday Vest

My blue, velvet skirt is Chaps brand and was a Kohl’s clearance find a few seasons ago. Velvet is a classic cold weather fabric, but especially so at the holidays. It really dresses up an outfit, and the twirlier the better!

Outfit inspiration - Christmas with the Kranks - Holiday Vest

My shiny, cream colored blouse was also a thrift find and is Jaclyn Smith brand. Her brand used to be available at K-Mart. We no longer have a K-Mart in our area, but I do remember her pieces being very classic.

I decided to go with gold for my jewelry and bag to elevate the look just a little more. Plus gold goes so well with the gold bits in the vest.

Outfit inspiration - Christmas with the Kranks - Holiday vest
OUtfit inspiration - Christmas with the Kranks - Holiday vest

I chose my Aerosole black heels again. They are comfortable, but still look fairly nice, especially with an outfit like this. I thought blue hose, would be a different option to black and still cover up the legs.

Outfit Inspiration - Christmas with the Kranks -Holiday Vest

What do you think of this outfit? Have you seen Christmas with the Kranks? When I first watched this movie, I wasn’t sure whether I really liked it, but now I enjoy watching it and there are a few very funny scenes. Sometimes you have to watch something more than once to really appreciate it.

Outfit Inspiration - Christmas with the Kranks - Holiday vest
Outfit inspiration - Christmas with the Kranks - Holiday Vest

I am including a few shopping links. I wasn’t able to find very many Christmas themed vests, but there were plenty of sweaters, so I included a few of those. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull. Location Toledo Botanical Gardens.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Past

Today’s outfit draws its inspiration from Charles Dickens’ ghostly apparition of Christmas Past. Before the visitation of the three ghostly characters, Scrooge is visited by the ghoulish presence of his former business partner in life, Jacob Marley. Jacob warns Scrooge that he will be visited by three spirits, for the hopeful purpose of his redemption. The first of these paranormal beings makes their appearance when the bell tolls one.

The idea of drawing fashion inspiration from a ghost, might seem a stretch of the imagination, but I do like a challenge. If you have watched a version of A Christmas Carol, you probably saw the Ghost of Christmas Past as a being dressed in white garments, sometimes shining and sometimes in an unearthly, ethereal manner as if floating and flowing in some unseen breeze. Two of my favorite movie versions of A Christmas Carol are the 1984 drama with George C. Scott, and the 1992 musical, The Muppet Christmas Carol. Surprisingly, the Muppet version stays fairly true to the original tale by Charles Dickens. Both versions are filled with amazing scenery, typical old time London and excellent veteran actors, (the Muppet version stars Michael Caine as Scrooge).

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Past

We often shy away from white in the colder weather. It has long been a color we wear in spring and summer. Obviously, things have changed immensely over the last decade, especially as more and more women have access to fashion blogs and more reasonably priced clothing. White is now a year round color choice. It stands true to reason, that if we live in colder areas in the winter, our white pieces will have to be compatible for those frigid temps. This is where layering, fabric choices and textures all come into play.

My daughter and I didn’t have a lot of time for pictures, so we went, once again, to the Toledo Botanical Gardens. They have so many interesting sculptures, garden areas and small buildings used for various events. These metal arches provided the perfect backdrop for an other worldly vibe.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Past

When I started thinking about an all white outfit, I knew that most of my pieces were not a true white. Not everyone can wear a crisp white near their face, but most people can pull off an ivory or a cream. All of these pieces, except the scarf, have more of a cream, or ivory tint to them.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Past

My long, Apt. 9, chenille sweater was a piece my daughter was getting rid of. It wasn’t really her style, so when I saw it, I took it home, figuring I could always just wear it around the house as a cozy topper for casual days. As I thought about how to make this outfit look flowing, but also updated and fashionable, I knew this sweater would be perfect.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas past

The blouse I have on under the sweater is a recent thrift store find and will be more useful in the warmer weather, but the color went well with everything else. The brand is called Mango, and when I saw the embroidery on it, I knew it was calling my name.

I also added this white scarf from The Jacket Society, that I bought a few years ago. You can’t see it in this photo, but the scarf has tiny silver threads through out, so I thought it added an extra element of texture and shine.

The silver snowflake pendant just seemed appropriate for a ghostly, Christmas outfit.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Past

I chose silver for my accessories, to represent the shimmering appearance that many of the Ghosts of Christmas past seemed to have. Perhaps the shimmering details represented good memories from Christmases long ago; or maybe the light represents the idea that we can learn from our past, thus becoming better people. Whatever your interpretation of the details, I think silver looks very pretty with white.

My silver, sparkly clutch has been a regular on the blog. My SO ballerina flats are from Kohl’s.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Past
A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Past

My cream colored St. John’s Bay corduroys have been around for a few years and were an original purchase at JC Penney.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Past

I really like this outfit. It is something I would feel completely comfortable and warm in and could be worn to a special Christmas outing or just a family dinner, where I don’t have to do the cooking. If I cooked in this it wouldn’t be white anymore. Ha, ha. Here are a few other fun pictures from our shoot.

A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Past
A Dickens' Christmas - The Ghost of Christmas Past

The wind was helping me look a little more ghostly. Too bad we didn’t have fog. Ha, ha.

What did you think of this outfit? Do you think I pulled off showing how taking inspiration from the Ghost of Christmas Past translated into a chic, modern look that could be worn to work, out on a date or to a Christmas concert?

I’m including a few shopping links for you to look over. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Be sure to stop back on Thursday for another Christmas movie inspired outfit.

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

Fall/Thanksgiving Outfit - Maxi Skirt and Pullover Sweater - Dressy

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope your day will be filled with whatever you need to feel peaceful and well. For some that will mean gathering together with family for a feast. Others will, do to the pandemic, opt for a more low key celebration. My husband and I will be on our own. Our older daughter and her hubby are both sick and since I was exposed to them, my hubby and I are self quarantining, so we won’t be seeing our younger daughter or grandson either. I am sure there are many out there who are in similar situations, so please know, you are not alone and you are being thought of and missed by your family. The holidays are proving to be more precious, yet even more difficult with not being able to see those we love, but the key is to try to remember all you do have to be thankful for.

Today, I am thankful for a working furnace, a warm bed and a hot shower. I am thankful for the food we have to eat, even if it isn’t turkey with all the trimmings and I am thankful that our extended family, especially our aging parents are safe and healthy at this point in time. I am also thankful for the sun, when it is shining, because we are already having too many gray days, and I am thankful for the joy associated with the Christmas season, because of what our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ did for us. Like the Grinch realized when he tried to steal Christmas, it comes anyway, no matter if we have our families, the decor or the food, because Jesus came.

Today, I am showing you the more dressed up version of the outfit from Tuesday’s post. Both the tiered maxi skirt and olive pullover sweater were thrifted. For today, I added a thrifted blazer, heels and bag, to elevate the look.

Fall/Thanksgiving - Maxi skirt and pullover sweater - dressy

Out of the three outfit combinations I have done the last few weeks, I feel like the transition from casual to dressy is most evident in this outfit. Each piece that was swapped out or added, to make this outfit more dressy, really seems to add an element of class that is not evident in the more casual outfit. Not that the casual look was bad; it was meant to be casual and looks like the perfect outfit for a day of window shopping or lunch with friends (oh to be able to do that again). This look, while carrying a bit of a boho vibe, is something that could be worn to a show, a nice dinner out or to a Holiday concert.

Fall/Thanksgiving - Maxi Skirt and Pullover - Dressy

This thrifted evergreen jacket is a brand called I.S.B.Inc. Not to be confused with IBS, ha, ha, ha! It doesn’t seem to be a brand that exists any longer. There were a few things that popped up on thredup, but that was it. While it is supposed to be a double breasted look when buttoned, I can’t button it. Ha. ha. However, I knew that when I bought it. I like the way the buttons line up down both sides, so it just looks more decorative with the jacket open. Just because a piece doesn’t fit exactly how it was intended, doesn’t mean you can’t use it.

I decided to go with coppery gold for my jewelry as you can see with my charm pendant necklace and my sparkly bracelet. I thought it went well with the whole look and had more of a fall feel.

Fall/Thanksgiving - maxi skirt and pullover sweater
Fall/Thanksgiving - maxi skirt and pullover sweater

My bag and shoes are both thrifted pieces. The heeled shoeties are Bandolino and the bag is a brand called Kelly & Katie. You can find Bandolino brand shoes at DSW, Macy’s and other retailers. Kelly & Katie brand is found at DSW and on second hand retailers like Poshmark and thredUp.

Fall/Thanksgiving - maxi skirt and pullover sweater
Fall/Thanksgiving - maxi skirt and pullover sweater

The two pieces are different colors. The bag is more of a salmon red and the shoes are more of a burgundy, but when you have them apart, they almost look like they go together.

Fall/Thanksgiving - maxi skirt and pullover sweater

What do you think of this outfit? What are you wearing for your Thanksgiving day today?

Here the two outfits side by side. Which one do you like best?

I hope you are having a lovely day and are feasting, whether it is just two of you or a few more. I also hope you are finding all the many things you can be thankful for even amid the pandemic and other difficulties.

I am not going to include any shopping links with this post, as you will no doubt be looking at all the Black Friday deals online for the retailers you love to shop at.

Have a lovely day.

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

Fall/Thanksgiving Outfits - Maxi Skirt and Pullover Sweater - Casual

To mix it up a little bit, I decided this week I would show you two outfits using a floral maxi skirt and a pullover sweater. I love maxi skirts, and I have a number in my closet, as you probably realize by now, because I am always styling them on the blog. When I was working, I would wear them every so often, but with being home, I don’t usually reach for a skirt. It is hard to clean and go up and down the stairs to do laundry if you are wearing a long skirt. However, I still like to show you options for styling a skirt, long or short. Today’s look revolves around two thrifted pieces.

Fall/Thanksgiving - Maxi Skirt and pullover sweater

For some reason I fell in love with this thrifted tiered maxi skirt the moment I saw it. Not only could I see the possibilities for spring and summer, but I thought it would be a wonderful piece for fall and winter. It is extremely sheer, and even though it has a lining, the lining is also sheer, so I do have to wear a slip under it. I imagined it with a dark sweater and ankle boots, so that is exactly what I did for this outfit. The floral pattern makes be think of greenery and berries for Christmas, but the gold speaks to the colors of fall, so why not wear it for Thanksgiving Day?

Fall/Thanksgiving - Maxi Skirt and Pullover Sweater - casual

This thrifted olive sweater is the brand DIVIDED from H & M. It is simple, but soft and warm and I like that it is a little shorter than most of my other sweaters. Once in a while, you just need a different silhouette.

I also added this beautiful scarf with a watercolor type print. I used this scarf for my Color Play post on Seeing Red, last spring. You can see that post here. I thought the scarf went quite well with the floral pattern in the skirt as both of them have a similar color scheme. This is one way to print mix without getting too worried about whether the prints will clash. The prints are far enough from each other, but compliment each other with their similar hues.

Fall/Thanksgiving - maxi skirt and pullover sweater

Once again, I reached for my thrifted, leather, Fossil crossbody bag. It just goes with so many things and has held up so well. I just need to find a smaller wallet to use in it. Maybe I should add that to my Christmas list. Ha, ha.

Fall/Thanksgiving - Maxi skirt and pullover sweater - casual

My faithful, olive, SO ankle boots are making another appearance. I have no regrets for purchasing several pairs of these in various colors. They are on repeat in my wardrobe all fall and winter long.

The beauty of this outfit is in its simplicity and comfort. There are no zippers or buttons. The elastic waist on the skirt allows for plenty of Thanksgiving feasting comfort. The length of the skirt means you can go without hose or tights, but if you want an extra layer of warm you can add leggings or sweater tights to raise the cozy factor.

Fall/Thanksgiving - Maxi skirt and pulloever sweater

Is this an outfit you would wear on Thanksgiving Day? Have you ever created an outfit using the colors in a skirt? I’d love to hear your thoughts, so leave a comment or two.

I am including a few shopping links for you to look over. I know this week is one of the biggest shopping weeks of the year and with the pandemic situation many of us will be doing most of our shopping on line, so make sure you shop early to ensure your gifts get where they need to go on time.

Have a great week everyone!

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

Fall/Thanksgiving Outfits - Harvest Tee and Distressed Jeans - Dressy

Yesterday was my eldest’s birthday. She ordered us lunch, which I picked up and took to her house, then after we ate, we went shopping. I have to say, I felt almost like life was normal for a few hours. We had fun and I enjoyed my time with her. I have always tried to take my girls shopping on their birthdays since they were fairly young. I used to take both girls and we would get lunch together, but then the gift buying would be for the birthday girl, although I would usually end up buying the other girl a little something too. Life is so busy and with the Covid complications it is hard to find time for those moments.

Today’s look is the dressed up version of my distressed jeans and harvest tee. I only made a few changes to elevate the look. I switched out my cozy sweater for a long burgundy blazer. I also donned a pair of heeled boots and grabbed a snazzier bag.

Fall/Thanksgiving - Harvest Tee and Distressed Jeans

This burgundy blazer is a thrifted Pendleton piece. I have, on several occasions thought to get rid of it, but it is such a classic, tailored piece that I keep hanging on to it, and this is precisely why. I love the way it looks with jeans. Obviously, it would also look good with a pencil skirt or more dressy trousers. The structured collar, more fitted waist, pocket flaps and detailed buttons really make this a class act.

Fall/Thanksgiving - Harvest tee and distressed jeans
Fall/Thanksgiving - harvest tee and distressed jeans

I kept the same necklace, but added a couple gold bangle bracelets and a gold belt to go with the gold on the tee.

Fall/Thanksgiving - harvest tee and distressed jeans

This thrifted, no name bag has such cute details. From the faux alligator print to the fun clasp and more structured shape, I knew I had to snatch it up. Just don’t tell my hubby! Ha, ha. He thinks I have too many sweaters, bags and shoes. Ha, ha. Why would he possibly think that?

Fall/Thanksgiving - Harvest tee and distressed jeans

These boots were also a thrift store find. They are Life Stride brand and I really like the brownish, burgundy color. It makes them unique from the typical black, brown or gray colors of many of my boots.

Fall/Thanksgiving - harvest tee and distressed jeans - dressy

What do you think of this outfit? Do you think the changes I made elevates the look or do you think because of the distressed jeans, it still looks ultra casual? I would love to hear your thoughts, so leave a comment or two.

Fall/Thanksgiving - harvest tee and distressed jeans

Here are the two outfits side by side. Which one do you like better?

Can you believe a week from today is Thanksgiving? I will confess, I have started listening to Christmas music. I just need that little bit of happy in my day to day life right now. I haven’t started decorating, but I hope to get to that soon.

I am leaving a few shopping links. Be sure to check those out. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Have a good evening everyone.

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

Fall/Thanksgiving Outfits - Sweatshirt and Skinny Jeans - Casual

For the next few weeks I thought I would focus on outfits that could be worn for the Thanksgiving Holiday, or just as another fall outfit. Each week I will take one or two main pieces and show how to style them two different ways. This week my pieces are a pair of embellished skinny jeans, and a deep yellow sweatshirt that I grabbed from my daughter’s "to get rid of” pile.

For today’s look I wanted to go with a more casual vibe. The two pieces could be worn by themselves and be perfectly acceptable for a casual, low key Thanksgiving; just add a scarf or necklace and some sneakers or knee high boots and you are all set. I wanted to do something with a little more texture and print, so I decided to top the whole outfit with my plaid ruana that I got last year at Bass Pro Shop. It may sound a little funny, but I love their clothes. They have a little higher price point than I usually pay, but you can read the story of how my hubby surprised me with a mini shopping spree here.

Deep yellow sweatshirt, skinny jeans and plaid ruana

It is always a journey taking my own pictures. Ha, ha. Here is the ruana from more of a back and side view.

Dark Yellow sweatshirt, skinny jeans and plaid ruana

This rich yellow sweatshirt is from a local boutique Eden Fashion Boutique. I did a blog post on their Sylvania location which you can see here. Unfortunately that shop closed up during the pandemic. The original shop is still in business in Bowling Green, OH which is about a 25 minute drive. My daughter decided she didn’t wear it enough for it to warrant taking up space in her closet. I absolutely love color. It also has snaps from about the elbow up on both sleeves, which gives it a fun look. I should have taken a picture of it without the ruana. Oh well! I’ll save that for another time.

Yellow sweatshirt, skinny jeans and plaid ruana

You can see the blingy embellishment on my jeans. There are sparkles on both legs, the right is closer to the hip. These are Juicy Couture brand and I got them a year or so ago at Kohl’s on the clearance rack.

Since I wanted this to be casual, but it is also meant to be for an occasion like a Thanksgiving dinner, I added a little bit of jewelry and a bag to bring out the blue in the ruana. My long pendant necklace I use regularly. The beaded bracelet has a cute owl charm on it and the blue cross body bag was a gift a few Christmases ago from my younger daughter.

Fall outfit - blue pendant
Fall outfit - Beaded bracelet with owl
Fall outfit - blue bag

These rusty colored moto boots are a soft faux suede and have zippers on the inside of the leg. They are Steve Madden brand and I ordered them from DSW last year on clearance.

Fall outfit - rust moto boots

What do you think of this outfit? Would you wear this for a casual Thanksgiving day gathering? What might you have done differently? Leave me your thoughts in the comments. I always love to hear what you are thinking and how the blog is helping or hindering your fashion journey.

Dark yellow sweatshirt, skinny jeans and plaid ruana

This last photo is very fuzzy, but I liked the way it turned out anyway. Ha, ha. I really need to play with my camera more, so I can take better pictures. I am also a perfectionist, as if you hadn’t noticed. Ha, ha.

I’m including a few shopping links. Remember, Christmas is coming, so you might like to look over these links as possible gift ideas for you or yourself. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Pantone - Autumn/Winter - 2020 - All the Outfits

I wanted to end this fall color series by showing you all of the colors from both the Pantone New York Palette and the Pantone London Palette. To make it a little more interesting I thought I would show outfits that have, either a same color or a similar color side by side.

I hope that you enjoyed this series. If there are any other topics in fashion that you are interested in learning more about, or in seeing me talk about or put together in an outfit, I would love for you to let me know. I don’t follow trends too closely and this fall, I totally missed the boat on that, so I do apologize. I know some of you enjoy hearing what the trends are for each season and seeing how I apply those to the “real” world. Often when we look at websites or see magazines with tall, thin models or celebrities who are seamlessly coifed we think there is no way we would want to try this or that, especially when it comes to runway trends. However, there are a lot of trends that we can participate in and enjoy like leopard print, various colors and different types of accessories.

I will keep doing this Pantone series as long as I am blogging, because I feel strongly that even though we might differ from each other in our style, color is something we all have in common. Approaching new, bold and different colors without fear is a way to expand your wardrobe and spice up your style without completely committing to a whole different way of doing things.

The Color Palettes Side by Side.


I love the color red and I think there is a red for every complexion. I think both of these outfits worked quite well and love that both of them present a more neutral palette with a bright pop of red. In the New York outfit on the left Samba is paired with Fired Brick and Sleet. In the London outfit on the right Samba is paired with Tawny Birch and Sheepskin.

Ultramarine Green

Ultramarine was on both palettes and I think it is a pretty green that can bring a peaceful, yet vibrant feel to any outfit. This color green would look great in a bag, jewelry or a scarf and to me it really seems to draw your eyes to it. Maybe it is just my love for the greens in nature that make me like this color so much. In the New York outfit on the left Ultramarine Green is paired with Classic Blue and Blue Depths. In the London palette on the right Ultramarine Green is paired with Exuberance and Sleet.

Military Olive

While I love bright and bold colors like the two I mentioned previously, I love using olive as a neutral. It goes with every color, and has a different vibe than gray or beige. It is classy, yet subtle. In the New York outfit on the left, Military Olive is paired with Peach Nougat and Sandstone. In the London outfit on the right Military Olive is paired with Strong Blue and Jet Stream.

Green Sheen/Celery

It is hard to tell in these pictures, but Green Sheen and Celery are pretty similar. I think, because the lighting is different the colors look brighter in the shaded picture. They are different colors, but not enough different that they couldn’t be exchanged from one outfit to another. In the New York outfit on the left, Green Sheen is paired with Amber Glow and Almond Oil. In the London outfit on the right, Celery is paired with Mandarin and Sheepskin.

The Other Colors

These last two are paired only because they were the last two and don’t really have anything in common. The New York outfit on the left is a combination of Rose Tan, Magenta Purple and Sleet. The London outfit on the right is a combination of Burnt Henna, True Blue and Dress Blues.

Which outfit do you like most? Which color from the two palettes is one you frequently wear? What new color(s) are going to try to add to your wardrobe. As always, I love to hear your thoughts.

I apologize to those of you who subscribe to my blog. The last three weeks, I have completely forgotten to send out my weekly emails. I’ll just attribute that to “squishy brain syndrome.” Ha, ha.

Thanks for following along on the blog. I hope to use the next couple of weeks leading up to Thanksgiving showing you more fall outfits and maybe a few ideas for what to wear to Thanksgiving dinner whether you are going some place or sheltering in place.

If you follow my Faith page be sure to check back tomorrow for the next installment in my series on the Unseen Enemy.

Have a great weekend!

Graphic and photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

Color Play - More Fall Mixing

My daughter has come into her very busy season and has numerous editing projects on her plate from all sorts of clients, so my Pantone - Autumn/Winter - London Palette series is going to be delayed for a little bit. In the mean time I am falling back to my Thursday columns, so today’s is based on, of all things, fall colors. You just aren’t going to get away from my obsession with color. Ha, ha.

Today’s outfits are centered around a thrifted Christopher and Banks jacket. I absolutely love the muted frenzy of colors and I knew it would be something I could wear repeatedly throughout fall, winter and spring. This is the back of the jacket. It is shaped and feels somewhat like a denim jacket, though the material seems a little less stiff. I paired the jacket with a rusty colored long sleeve tee that I got last year at Maurices. I am going to show you three ways these two pieces can be styled for different looks.


Look 1 - With Jeans

This first look was what I wore on the day I took these pictures. This is a simple look with my Rock & Republic jeans that I have had for years. I added my Sonoma faux suede boots to keep the fall color scheme intact, then I added my purple agate pendant necklace and a purply blue gingham scarf. The last piece to add was the thrifted olive hobo bag. I love the little ruffle on the sleeve hem on the tee. The sleeves on this jacket were the perfect length to let the sleeves stick out.

Color play - fall mix
Color Play - fall mix
Color Play - fall mix

Look 2 - With White Jeans

For this look I swapped out the regular jeans fro my white Gloria Vanderbilt pair. I also removed the scarf, put on a different necklace and changed the bag and boots. White all year round is simple the rage, and that is one trend I am willing to put up with. These jeans are especially suited to the cooler weather, because they are a heavier weight. They also have a wider leg, so it is easier to get taller boots under them.

Color play - fall mix
Color Play - fall mix

These brown ankle boots are a new pair I ordered from Kohl’s. I just love my suede and faux suede ankle boots and wear them all the time. I decided to add this dark brown Nine West pair to my collection because they were on sale and I had a coupon. To go with the boots I chose my thrifted bronzy colored shoulder bag.

Color Pay - fall mix
Color Play - fall mix

Look 3 - Green Skirt

In the final look I chose my thrifted Old Navy tiered skirt, which I have styled numerous other times on the blog. I also added a pale yellow gingham scarf that I bought from the Jacket Society three years ago. Nora always has such unique and beautiful pieces. Be sure to check out the scarves and wraps here. I swapped out my bronze bag for this purple Nicole bag with gold chain handle accents, and my ankle boots for these thrifted mid-calf leather heeled boots. You can see I also added a woven belt that goes with the boots, just for some fun added texture and contrast.

Color play - fall mix
Color play - fall mix
Color Play - fall mix

Here are all three outfits side by side. Which one do you like best? Do you have a colorful jacket that you were thinking of getting rid of because you never wear it? How about trying some of these ideas and making your wardrobe work for you?

I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know your thoughts on these outfits. Tomorrow I will have a new Faith post on the blog, so be sure to stop by and check that out.

Have a great day!

I’ve included a few shopping links for printed jackets. These are affiliate links. It does not cost you anything to click on a link to shop, but it might pay me a few cents. Enjoy!

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - New York Palette - Classic Blue, Ultramarine Green and Blue Depths

The Pantone Color of the Year is Classic Blue , so once again we are featuring this medium blue color in the Pantone series. Back in January I showed you this color paired with a furry bomber jacket and plaid skirt. You can also see this color with a multi-print midi dress and with a bright pink top. Classic Blue is a blue that just about anyone can wear. If you prefer not to have this pretty blue to close to your face you could carry it in a lovely bag, or wear it as a brooch pinned on your lapel. I’ll provide a few shopping links at the end with various options.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - New York Palette - Classic Blue, Ultramarine Green and Blue Depths

I didn’t really have anything that seemed to perfectly match the Ultramarine Green, at least not until after the fact. My button up is actually a thrifted men’s shirt; a brand called Zylos. It has very small greenish blue print with white and almost has more of an aqua feel to it. Oh well, I have long ago given up on the idea of trying to be perfect. Ha, ha. You can see a closer look at the pattern, and see my thrifted, fringe, pendant necklace. Actually, the necklace is probably a closer match to the Pantone green.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - New York Palette - Classic Blue, Ultramarine Green and Blue Depths

My Classic Blue pants were a thrifted piece from shopping a friend’s closet. They are Ruby Road brand and I have styled them over and over on the blog. You can see them with a light blue sweater and scarf, Beetroot purple top from last spring’s series, an olive velvet jacket, a plaid bomber jacket, and a multi-print kimono.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - New York Palette - Classic Blue, Ultramarine Green and Blue Depths

I also threw on a few beaded bracelets, just for fun. Sometimes wearing a scarf or jewelry isn’t so much to help with the outfit as a whole, but just to enjoy something I have. Since I rarely go any where other than the grocery store, I occasionally throw on some bracelets, just because I have them and they are pretty.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - New York Palette - Classic Blue, Ultramarine Green and Blue Depths

I thought this outfit would be perfect for my round Nine West snakeskin print bag. It think it adds an element of fall color to this more classic looking outfit.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - New York Palette - Classic Blue, Ultramarine Green and Blue Depths.

My shoes are my old stand by thrifted Relativity loafer heels. If I had an office job, I would probably wear these a lot. They are a nice height for a stacked heel and fairly comfortable.

Pantone - Fall/Winter 2020 - New York Palette - Classic Blue, Ultramarine Green and Blue Depths

What do you think of these colors? Do you like the Classic Blue, or do you prefer the darker tones of Blue Depths? Do you like the color Ultramarine? As it is in the graphic, it seems to be more of a forest green color, which I do like. I like how these three colors worked together into an outfit that would be perfect for a day at the office or a date night with your significant other.

My life would not be complete if I didn’t leave you with a silly picture to make you smile. When I was trying to pose, I almost fell down. Ha, ha.

Pantone - Fall/Winter - 2020 - New York Palette - Classic Blue, Ultramarine and Blue Depths

I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope you’ll leave me a comment or two. Life is lonely around here, so I love to hear from my internet and long distance friends.

I’m including a few shopping links for you to peruse. These are affiliate links. That means when you click on a link I get a few pennies. All opinions are my own.

Graphic and photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - New York Palette - Amber Glow, Green Sheen and Almond Oil

The colors in today’s post are more pastel, but still encompass colors we think of when fall comes to mind. Oranges and yellows are obvious as we look at the trees around us. The Almond Oil color is an off white. When I was growing up, we never wore white after labor day. Our white shoes, bags, dresses, skirts and pants were all put away until the next year. I can still remember going out shoe shopping with my mom before Easter, because that was always when we would get out our white shoes to wear to church. Obviously, those days are gone, but many people still like the idea of wearing white in the summer and darker colors during the cooler, darker months of the year. Almond Oil might be a good alternative for those of you who would rather stay away from a pure white for the Fall/Winter seasons.

Pantone Fall/winter 2020 - Amber glow, Green Sheen and Almond oil

You’ve see this Roz & Ali maxi skirt numerous times on the blog. I got this one at dressbarn. All the dressbarn stores in the area have closed, but I know they still have a pretty major online shop, so be sure to check them out. I used this skirt last fall in the Pantone London series styled with a purple sweater. You can also see it styled with an orange tank top and a brown moto jacket.

Pantone Fall/Winter - New York Palette - Amber Glow, Green Sheen and Almond Oil

My yellowish green short sleeve sweater is a thrifted Gap piece. It is a tad big, but I like the slouchy look of it and tucking it in works great with this skirt.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - Amber Glow, Green Sheen and Almond Oil

The cream colored jacket is a thrifted NY&Co. It is made of a stiff fabric with a good amount of stretch to it. It almost has a bit of a linen feel to it and it tends to be more wrinkly.

Pantone Fall/winter 2020 - Amber Glow, Green Sheen and almond oil

I opted for the orange for my jewelry. I love this tiered statement necklace and hardly ever get to wear it. I have two more in different colors. It just makes a lovely statement, especially in this outfit. It really makes the whole outfit look cohesive. Many people don’t want their outfits to have that kind of matching game, but personally I love it. There is a symmetry and completion about an outfit when it has this sort of cohesion.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - Amber Glow, Green Sheen and Almond Oil
Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - Amber Glow, Green Sheen and Almond Oil

My top handle bag is another Stone Mountain thrift find. It seems to match the Almond Oil color even better than the jacket.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - Amber Glow, Green Sheen, and Almond Oil

Once again, I pulled out my Sonoma suede ankle boots. The small heel gives me less of a chance for tripping over the skirt. Ha, ha.

Pantone - Fall/Winter 2020 - Amber Glow, Green Sheen and Almond Oil

What do you think of these two colors? When my daughter was editing these photos, she said it seemed these two colors would grate on each other, but she really liked the outfit. Pairing a print with a solid in these colors definitely makes the outfit softer and easier on the eye. This is something I would definitely wear…if I had some place to go. Ha, ha.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - Amber Glow, Green Sheen and Almond Oil

I hope you are enjoying this series. If you are leave me some love in the comments. I hope you are having a good week.

Graphic and photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

Feel free to shop a few links below. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - New York Palette - Samba, Fired Brick and Sleet

Red is not everyone’s choice of color, but this fall, both the New York and the London Color palettes offer a number of red shades that are sure to suit in one form or another. Whether you wear a whole outfit of red, red pants so they are not near your face, or just little splashes of red in your accessories, red is meant to be worn by everyone. I decided to pair these two different reds together, unfortunately the pictures don’t really pick up the Fired Brick stripes on my tee. They actually are a more brick red color. Oh well, this is about real life, so real life doesn’t always work out exactly as we planned. In fact, more often than not, it seems to be just the opposite. However, I do like this outfit, so let’s take a closer look.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - Samba, Fired Brick and Sleet

I thought a little print mixing would be fun, so I pulled out these gray plaid crop pants from NY&Co. I’ve styled these on the blog before. You can see them styled with a brown moto jacket, with a silk sweater set, and with an asymmetrical vest.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - Samba, Fired Brick and Sleet

My faux moto jacket is from Christopher and Banks. They do have some nice jackets, so I am always checking on their website to see what’s new. Right now they seem to have gotten away from the moto jackets, but they have this pretty plaid trucker jacket and this fun corduroy one.


My thrifted striped tee is Levis brand. Like I said, in person, you can tee it is a different red than the jacket, but for some reason it looks exactly the same. So many factors are involved in photography as my daughter would tell you.

Since the gray plaid has a light stripe in it that could be blush or tan or cream, I thought blush accessories would be fun and an interesting choice for a fall outfit. The thrifted blush bag you’ve see on the blog before and is also NY&Co brand. The booties are also making another appearance. I found these on clearance at Kohl’s a couple seasons ago and had to have them because they have bling. Ha, ha. they are SO brand.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - New York Palette - Samba, Fired Brick and Sleet
Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - New York Palette - Samba, Fired Brick and Sleet

My jewelry is very simple: a bead fringe necklace and a gold bangle bracelet.

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - Samba. Fired Brick and Sleet

What do you think of these colors? I do have quite a bit of red in my wardrobe, both the brighter, bolder Samba and the darker, more moody Fired Brick. What about you?

Pantone Fall/Winter 2020 - New York Palette - Samba, Fired Brick and Sleet

I hope you are enjoying this series. I am going to forego my Thursday columns for the next few weeks so I can get through the Pantone colors before we head into Halloween and the holiday season. Hard to believe we are already thinking about that.

Here is another look at the entire New York Palette.

Pantone - Fall/Winter 2020 - New York Palette

Have a great week everyone.

Graphic and photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

Here are a few shopping links. Be sure to take a look. These are brought to you at no cost to you, unless you purchase something of course. Every time you click on a link, I get a few cents. I appreciate every click. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.


Actual Amy - Layering Up

As most of you know, I love layers. Layering in these transitional times, from summer to fall, and fall to winter, gives us the ability to create outfits with even more interest and texture. Easy layering pieces include cardigans, blazers, jackets and scarves. These can all add a fun change to your wardrobe and give you layers to put on or take off as needed with the changing temperatures. We are expecting a warm spell these next few days, followed by falling temps for the beginning of October.

In today’s outfit, the focal point is a recent clearance find from Target. This A New Day striped blazer was uniquely different from my other blazers and jackets being that it is striped, so I knew I had to have it.

Actual Amy - Layering Up

It was a chillier day when I took these pictures, so I already had the fall colored knit top and rust colored cardigan on in the house. We are hoping to make it until October before we turn on the heat. Ha, ha.

Actual Amy - Layering Up

My knit, short sleeve multi-print top is a thrifted Loft piece. The rust colored cardigan is Croft & Barrow brand. There is some subtle print mixing going on here with the multi-print tee and the stripes on the blazer. This is one way to print mix without it being overwhelming. The solid color cardigan provides a border between the two prints, but you still see the mix.

Actual Amy - Layering up

These are my favorite thrifted jeans. This is an older brand called Kikit, which are only available from thrift retailers like Poshmark and Thredup. You can see how I styled these on the blog before with a leopard print blazer.


Less is more, when it comes to accessories for an outfit like this. This hand made pendent necklace is a simple piece, but makes just the right statement.

Actual Amy - Layering up

You’ve seen this pretty bag just recently on the blog when I used it with a fall colored fringe kimono.

Actual Amy - Layering up

I chose my black faux suede ankle boots. These are Natural Reflections which are a brand Cabela’s carries. My hubby and I go there every so often and usually pass through the shoe department to see what’s on sale. i really love the buckle detailing on these and I use them a lot throughout the cooler seasons.

Actual Amy - Layering up

What do you think of this outfit? Do you wear lots of layers when it gets cooler? How do you like to put your layers together? I love hearing your thoughts so be sure to leave a comment or two.

I’m including a few shopping links, so be sure to stop by. Every time you click on a link I get a few cents. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Have a great weekend everyone. If you follow my faith posts be sure to stop by tomorrow to see the latest.

Color Play - Fall Color Mix

What better time to play with color than in the fall? I love the bright hues of red, orange and gold, as well as the moodier tones of burgundy, brown and forest green. I have found many Pinterest pins on fall color combos, so drew some of my inspiration from those. The pieces I chose are perfect for this in between time where the days can still be warm but the mornings and evenings cool. Today, took a turn towards the cooler side and I am typing this post with a cup of hot cocoa at my side. I need the milk for calcium, but thought this morning I would add a little chocolate and pop it in the microwave. Yum!

Color Play - Fall Color mix

When I started looking for my Warm Spice colors, I knew I wanted to used my burgundy SO sweater, which was a Kohl’s purchase last year. I have another one just like this in a light pink, which you will see on the Pantone series coming up. I also got two sizes. This one is a large and the light pink is an extra large. I liked the way each fit for different reasons, so I got both. Ha, ha. You can see the side detailing below.

Color play - fall color mix

Yellow was the next color in the Pinterest Warm Spice Pin, so I chose a thrifted short sleeve Sonoma tee with a small white pattern.

I also, knew I wanted this to be a cozy, casual look so opted for my Rock & Republic straight leg jeans.

Color play - fall color mix

The third color is orange. I wasn’t sure, at first, how I was going to pull that off, and then I saw this infinity scarf hanging in my closet. This was another thrift store find. I love getting scarves, bags and jewelry at thrift stores, because there are so many different choices and you can’t be the prices. I absolutely love athe fall vibe of this piece. It contains all those colors I think of when I think of fall and the pattern is reminiscent of the 1970’s. You can see I did a bit of print mixing as well.

Color play - fall color mix

With the mix of orange in the scarf, I thought it would be fun to add another pop of orange away from my face with the addition of this thrifted orange suede bag. It may be small, but this little number packs a powerful color punch.

Color play - fall color mix

It seemed the natural choice to also reach for my Spirit faux suede ankle boots, to balance out the whole look. I love all of my boots, but especially enjoy wearing these ankle boots in the late summer and early fall. Only 5 days until the first day of fall. Whoo, hoo. I have already noticed Halloween decorations in yards and Christmas items in the stores. Eye, yie, yie.

Color play - fall color mix

The only jewelry I added was a fun charm bracelet with a bit of fall color.

Color play - fall color mix

What did you think of this outfit? Would you wear these colors together?

Color play - fall color mix

I hope you are having a good week. I have been busy. My grandson’s 10th birthday was Tuesday. He was supposed to have a small friend party, but one of the boys got sick and with our #covidlife as it is currently we had to cancel. We hope to reschedule for a future date. My husband and I went over and I made a cake and he got to open some presents. This weekend, we are going out to Maumee Bay State Park for one night at the lodge as a part of the birthday celebration. Quintin’s mom and he will go with us and our other daughter and her hubby will join us for dinner. We find ways to make life work, even in our current circumstances.

I am including a few shopping links. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

I hope to get my faith post up tomorrow, so be sure to check back for that. Have a great weekend!

Chambray Dress - Look #3

This is the final look from the sunflower fields at Hirzel Farms. My Massini chambray dress has proven to be a versatile piece and very easy to combine with accessories and toppers to create new and different looks. I think you could do a similar thing with any solid colored dress. For today’s outfit, I wanted to show a look that was more ready for fall.

Chambray dress - Look #3

This pretty, open weave sweater was a clearance find from Kohl’s. I have a number of Liz Claiborne pieces and I really like the feminine, lacy look of this cardigan. The sweater has no closures, which is fine, but what I have noticed is if the piece isn’t folded or hanging just so, the front tends to fold back. I solved that little problem by adding a small brooch to keep it closed and laying flat.

Chambray dress - look #3
Chambray dress - look 3
Chambray Dress - Look #3

I added the leaf print scarf as another way to add interest. The colors of the sweater and scarf were very similar, so I like how this looks. This is an infinity scarf, which I like when I don’t want to worry about how to tie it.

Chambray dress - look 3

Since the leaves on the scarf are black, I added this recently thrifted Scarlton bag. Amazon has a lot of these vegan leather bags. I have many purses that are not real leather. They are sufficient for looking nice and serving the purpose a purse serves, but what they don’t do is last. I have several real leather bags that I bought second hand that look brand new. Many of my non leather bags start showing signs of wear after only a few seasons. We’ll see how this vegan leather bag holds up.

Chambray dress - look 3

My ankle boots are my old, trustworthy, Sonoma suede boots. The neutral color was perfect for this look.

Chambray Dress - look 3

What did you think of this outfit? Do you have a chambray dress, or any other solid dress that you could do looks like these? Leave me some love in the comments.

Chambray dress - look 3

Here are the three looks side by side. Which one is your favorite?

I hope you enjoyed these sunny pictures. It was fun to take pictures with these yellow beauties. Isn’t God’s creation amazing?

I am including a few shopping links, so be sure to take a look at those. These are affiliate links, so every click you do gives me a few pennies. I appreciate every click. All opinions are my own.

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

Outfit Inspiration - Pinterest Fall Fashion

Right now is a great time to look to Pinterest for inspiration for fall outfits. There are so many outfit combinations complete with fall colors, textures and accessories. I don’t know why I haven’t used Pinterest before this to find inspiration for an outfit. This pin is from my Pinterest board titled Fall Fashion. I wanted to find something that would be a subtle shift from summer to fall, to provide both the colors and layers we often associate with this wonderful season.

I decided to give you a three for one deal today too. Instead of just showing you the original Pinterest inspired outfit, I thought it would be fun to show you two additional outfits I came up with as I was getting out my camera to take pictures. The only changes I made were the outer layer, bag and shoes. You’ll see how easy it is to come up with multiple combinations using the same two pieces.

Outfit 1 - The Pinterest Copy

Outfit Inspiration - Pinterest

Yes, there is a huge, red stop sign behind me and yes, my tee is wrinkled. I am going to blame it on the pretty bird bling. Of course I didn’t realize it until after I had taken the pictures. The joy of taking my own shots.

I am a huge fan of striped shirts and have many in my closet in just about every color. I have short sleeve tees, long sleeve tees and sweaters. For this outfit, I decided to choose a thrifted, short sleeve, J.Crew tee since it is still fairly warm during the day. I also love the embellished bird on this piece that I found thrifting. When I find a unique piece like this I grab it. It is just a step above ordinary. Of course with the sweater on, you can’t see it as well, but in the warmer part of the day, I will probably have the sweater off.

Outfit Inspiration - pinterest

For an outfit like this any pair of skinny jeans will do. In fact, you don’t even have to wear skinnies. A pair of boyfriend or bootcut jeans would work just as well and give the outfit a totally different vibe. These jeans are a.n.a brand. I wear these all summer long. They are stretchy and the cropped length is perfect for warm weather. In fact, I usually wear them turned up, but as fall approaches, the ankle length is just right.

Outfit Inspiration - Pinterest

My cognac colored sweater is an old thrift find and is a brand called Maison Jules. It is a soft waffle weave and while I can button it, I usually just leave it open, for more of a fly away look. It has a bit of a high-lo hemline and side slits.

Outfit inspiration - Pinterest

I’ve had this bronzy cross body bag for a while. I think it is a nice color for fall.

For shoes, I chose my white Keds, since the Pinterest outfit was styled with white sneakers.

Outfit Inspiration - Pinterest

Outfit 2 - Utility Jacket and Booties

For this next look, I simply swapped out the sweater for an olive, utility jacket. This one is St. John’s Bay from JCPenney. You could use any color utility jacket. I have a number of these, ahem…just like my striped shirts…ha, ha.

OUtfit inspiration - Pinterest

You can see I also swapped out my white sneakers for my olive, SO ankle boots. In addition I changed the small bronze cross body bag for this large mint green tote. I added the checked scarf as a pop of color and if it was extra cool, I could put the scarf around my neck.

OUtfit inspiration - Pinterest

I took these photos all at the same time of day, with pretty much the same settings, so I am not sure what happened to these. I was sort of misting out, so I don’t know if the weather conditions had anything to do with it.

Outfit 3 - Plaid Jacket and Combat Boots

My final ensemble was chosen for the cooler temps that will soon be upon us. I love this plaid jacket with sherpa trim I got at Maurices at the end of last season. You can see how I first styled it on the blog in a similar look here.

OUtfit inspiration - Pinterest

My black bag was a recent thrift store find. I had been looking for a black one and this Scarlton tote was perfect.

OUtfit inspiration - Pinterest

Once again, my Seven Dials combat boots are featured. I have used these frequently on the blog, since I got them. You can see them styled with a dress, a plaid skirt, distressed jeans, a denim skirt, and black faux lace pants. I like to give you the links to these previous posts, so you can see how one piece, like a jacket or a pair of boots can be used over and over again.

Outfit Inspiration - Pinterest

Here are the three outfits side by side.

Do you have a favorite? It is fun to see what combinations you can come up with for different pieces in your wardrobe. These are all looks I would return to again and again. I would call this a formula that works for me. A pair of jeans, a striped tee and then some sort of top layer in the form of a sweater, jacket or other topper. You could do the same thing with a graphic tee.

I hope you enjoyed this post. I am working on the Fall/Winter Pantone series, so hopefully I’ll have that for you soon. I also want to apologize to any of you who have sent me personal emails over the last few months that I may not have responded to. I love to get your emails, and please don’t stop. I get so many emails that I tend to not keep up very well, so if you have emailed me, I am sorry if I have not gotten back to you. I am going through my in box now, trying to clean it up a bit, so hopefully it won’t happen again. All of you are important to me and it means a lot when you take the time to comment on the blog or send me a little personal encouragement. Thank you so much and please don’t stop!

I’m including a few shopping links for you to peruse. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own. Since there were so many options I’ve included a number of links, so feel free to click and shop.

I hope you had a good week and have a safe and happy weekend!

Thrifted Thursday - Dots and Stripes

Today’s outfit is another one pulled together from my many thrifted pieces. I wanted something casual that wasn’t the same old outfit formula that I have been wearing all summer, which has been skinny jeans or ankle pants rolled up with some sort of warm weather top, whether a sleeveless button up or a light weight tee. I knew I wanted to still wear pants, since I still have to watch my grandson and I never know what I’ll be doing, but I wanted something different. I remembered these salmon colored polka dot pants and knew I had the start of my casual thrifted outfit.

Thrifted Thursday - Dots and Stripes

I have several pairs of Gloria Vanderbilt jeans. I am not a huge fan, although I have worn them on and off through out the years. Don’t get me wrong, they are very comfortable and if you want a fairly high waisted jean, most of hers fit the bill. I like my jeans to fit a little tighter. I also like either a skinny jean or a wider bootcut jean. That gives me the notion that I need to do a post on jeans. Ha, ha. So many things to blog about and so little time.

Thrifted Thursday - Dots and Stripes

I decided to try a blue top with my bright jeans, for a fun contrast. I tried several solid colored navy shirts, but when I saw this thrifted striped tee, I thought it would be fun to do a little print mixing. This is a comfy tee and is a brand called Cotton On. Some people only buy certain brands and that is fine, but one of the many things I like about thrifting is I get to try so many brands that I would have never heard of otherwise. Cotton On has a whole website with all sorts of pieces for men, women and children, from sweats and tees, to jeans and button ups. Their price points don’t seem too bad and I do like the quality of this tee, so they might be worth checking out. My tee is a Large for reference.


Since we are thinking ahead to fall with cooler mornings and evenings, I thought it would be appropriate to show this outfit with a layering piece. This Dalia Collection button up is another thrift store find. I like the dark wash and it has a soft feel.

You can see that I added a navy belt to my pants. The reason I did this is three fold. First, I almost always wear a belt. That is just me. The second reason has to do with the print mix. Since the prints on both of these pieces are so small, a dividing line is not really necessary, but sometimes a belt provides a border between the two prints, making it more pleasing to look at. The third reason has to do with interest. The belt is wide, bold and has texture; all things that add to the interest of an outfit. I did the front tuck, to make the belt visible.

Thrifted Thursday - Dots and Stripes

This is the last thrifted piece in my outfit. I just found this glass pendant necklace at a local charity shop. I thought it was a very unique piece and will go with just about any outfit.

Thrifted Thursday - dots and stripes

I wanted to make this outfit look more like fall, thus my choice of bag. I think velvet is the perfect touch for an outfit that is transitioning from summer to fall. It adds texture and an element of warmth to any outfit. This was not thrifted, but a Meijer clearance find from a few seasons ago.

Thrifted Thursday - dots and stripes

My white Keds are a frequent choice during the summer. I know there is not longer a “wearing white” rule, but I do prefer to put away my white shoes in the winter, mostly because I have way too many cute boots to wear that keep my feet a lot warmer. These were also not a thrift find. I think I got these at DSW on clearance.

Thrifted Thursday - Dots and stripes

What do you think of this outfit? How do you make the transition to fall while still using some of your summer pieces? Leave me some love in the comments. I always like to hear you thoughts.

I am leaving you with a few shopping links. If you click on a link, I get a few cents. Every click helps. These are affiliate links, but all opinions are my own.

Kickin' It with Kimonos - Looks like Sunflowers

I came across another Ohio blogger, recently on instagram named Shannon Solt. She inspired me to check out Hirzel Farms and their sunflower fields. Since she did a fashion post in front of the pretty blooms, I thought that would be a great idea and texted my daughter about getting some pictures in before the heavy seeded sunflower heads started to droop. Being the practical minded person that I am, I wanted to come up with an outfit where I would be able to get more than one blog post. I finally decided on using one piece styled three different ways.

The piece I chose to revolve all three outfits around is this Massini chambray dress that I found on the clearance rack at Target. I have styled this on the blog before as seen with a denim vest.

kickin' it with kimonos - blue and Yellow print

It was a bright day, but with plenty of fluffy clouds flying over, so the sun would shine and then it would go behind a cloud. This can be a problem for taking pictures, but I thought my daughter did a great job. We both prefer shade or clouds for pictures.

Kickin' it with kimonos - yellow and blue print

I found this fabulous kimono, or in actuality a ruana, at maurices. I love the color combination and once again it is a floral print. You can see in these pictures the sunflowers are already getting heavy with seeds. This was about two weeks ago and now they are completely brown and drooping so their heads face the ground. At this point each individual stalk can be cut. Once further dried the seeds can be harvested, or the stalks can be left outside and the seeds become food for all sorts of critters.

Kickin' it with kimonos - blue and yellow floral

Doesn’t it look like the flowers are bowing to me as I walk by? Ha, ha.

Kickin' it with kimonos - blue and yellow floral

I would have had a yellow pendant necklace if i hadn’t forgotten it at home. Ha, ha. The joys of taking pictures somewhere other than home. I can’t just run back into the house if I forgot something. Anyway, there is plenty of activity going on in the kimono and in the back ground, so it is probably okay that I don’t have a necklace on.

Kickin' it with kimonos - yellow and blue floral

I did have this bracelet for another outfit, so I threw that on. I really like the little owl charm.

Kickin' it with kimonos - yellow and blue floral

If you have been following for a while, you know I love these SO ballerina flats. They are comfortable, light weight and so easy to slip on and off. They tend to mold to your foot, so don’t slip off when I am walking.

Kickin' it with kimonos - blue and yellow flora

I’ve used this light blue bag on the blog before too. Unfortunately, in this picture the bag is backwards and you can’t see the pretty gold zipper and blue tassels on the front. I really need to pay more attention to the details.

Here is a fun black and white photo for you. I love the contrast of grays, whites and blacks in this picture.

Kickin' it with kimonos - blue and yellow flora

What do you think of this outfit? Do you own a chambray dress, or a fit and flare dress like this? Do you like to wear bell sleeves? I’d love to hear your thoughts

Kickin' it with kimonos

I’m including a few shopping links. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.

Actual Amy - Tiered Navy Skirt

Today’s Thursday column revolves around outfits I would be likely to wear. What I would like to do with this column is give you some explanation behind my outfit choices. Not only does this help me to be more thoughtful about what pieces I am putting together, but it also helps you as you think about the pieces that are in your closet.

Today’s look is what I would call dressy casual. What makes an outfit fit this description? I believe it is a combination of what types of pieces are worn and how they are accessorized. While we don’t usually think of something like sweat pants or torn jeans as being dressy, there are certainly ways we can make them looked more dressed up.

Actual Amy - tiered navy skirt

With this outfit, I think the tiered skirt, the button up and the tee could all be dressed up or down. Pair the skirt with heels, a silk blouse and a blingy bag and you’d be ready for a show. Layer the tee under a blazer, with nice dress pants and heels and you’d be ready for the office. The button up could be worn with a cashmere sweater in the cooler weather, with nice skinny jeans and boots and it could be date night. I have learned to try not to divide my wardrobe into casual or dressy. I believe there are all manner of levels of casual, dressy casual and dressy between the stay at home in your jammies look and the heading to the Oscars look.

Actual Amy - tiered skirt

I just recently found this pretty, navy blue, Chaps tiered skirt, while thrifting. I really am a sucker for tiered skirts. Why is this me? Part of it is, I like to cover my legs, due to my veins, but I have liked the prairie skirt idea ever since I can remember. I always thought the long dresses of days gone by were so unique and different, whether plain, like the women living on the frontier or the frilly, decorative dresses of the nobility. I am also a bit of a boho girl, and to me a prairie skirt just seems to have a certain hippy quality about it.

Actual Amy - Navy Tiered skirt

There is definitely something fishy about this JC Penney button up from a few years ago. Though this top is not silk it has a certain soft, silky quality to it. I chose this top, because I decided I wanted to go for a more monochrome look. There is just something classy and slimming about an outfit with one main color scheme.

My white, v-neck tee underneath is Time & Tru brand from Walmart. Walmart, Target and Kohl’s are great stores to get basics like short sleeve and long sleeve tees.

Actual Amy - Navy tiered skirt

Rather than tucking the top in and adding a belt, which would have made the outfit more polished, I chose to tie the tails at the waist. Just that simple choice of tying, rather than tucking, can make an outfit more casual or dressy.

My accessories were chosen to finish off the casual look, yet I felt they kept the outfit elevated enough to be something I could wear to an outdoor concert or dinner with friends, especially if walking was involved. I got this great Stone Mountain cross body bag at a thrift store. It is real leather and looks hardly used. I thought it was a fun pop of color and goes with the color of some of the beads in the necklace. Once again, my white Keds sneakers are making an appearance. Adding sneakers to a dress or skirt is an easy way to make the look more casual and right now this is very trendy and also better for your feet, knees, hips and back if you have to do much walking or standing during the day.

Actual Amy - Navy tiered skirt
Actual Amy - Navy tiered skirt
Actual Amy - navy tiered skirt
Actual Amy - navy tiered skirt

I don’t have much opportunity to wear heels any more, though I do put them on with outfits for the blog, because I know many women still wear their heels. That is why I have so many different sneaker type shoes. It’s just what I wear.

Actual Amy - navy tiered skirt

What do you think of this outfit? I am including a few shopping links, for you to look over. Remember every link you click on gives me a few pennies. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Have a great weekend everyone. Stay safe, stay healthy and stay sane.

Photo credit Rebecca Trumbull.