My Style - Blue Jeans and Plaid Blazer

Nothing says comfort and style like a good pair of jeans and a fun blazer. This is the kind of style I love and dressing like this always makes me feel stylish, and confident. An outfit like this can be worn on casual Friday’s at the office, out for lunch with your gal pals, or for a casual date night with your significant other.

In keeping with my month long attempt to use mainly Valentine’s colors in my outfits I had to showcase this recent purchase from Maurice’s. I got this red plaid blazer and a few other fun items at great prices as they are moving fall and winter stuff out to make room for spring and summer. This piece may just be wearable for at least three seasons if not all four. It is a medium weight knit, but still structured enough that it lays well. It has a double breasted feel, with a one button closure.

My jeans are oldies that I have worn for many blog posts and Instagram photos. They are a brand called Kikit, and like many of my favorite jeans are beginning to show their wear. Do you have a few pairs of favorite jeans that you always find yourself reaching for over and over?

I thought this Elle brand, Eiffel Tower sweater would be a good mix with the black and white in the blazer. While this interpretation of the French tourist attraction is by no means symmetrical, I like the way it is filled in with the black velvet paisley swirls, flowers, and lace.

Since I was going for a casual, fun look I opted for my thrifted black marled Converse sneakers. My jewelry was simple with a short chain necklace with blingy globes and the burgundy twist bracelet. Last, I chose my black top handle/cross body bag, which was from Amazon.

Do you like to wear a blazer with jeans? What is your go to style for a casual Friday look or going out with friends? Let me know in the comments below. I love to get your feedback.

I’m including a few shopping links for you to look over. These are affiliate links, which means I get a few cents when you click on a link. I appreciate every click. All opinions are my own and you are not charged anything extra to make a purchase through my links. I supply these links mainly to give you ideas and options for outfit pieces you may not already have. I appreciate all you clicks and purchases.

Shopping Our Closets - Unique Cardigan: A Casual Valentine's Day Outfit

I am pretty sure all of us have a unique cardigan in our closets. This would be the piece that has a different pattern or print that you simply love, but aren’t sure how to use it in an outfit. It has been hanging there for a while, and you are starting to think you should just get rid of it. Don’t do it, until after you have read this post. I am hoping to give you style tips on how to take that unique cardi and turn it into a masterpiece of an outfit.

I found this thrifted cardigan recently at my local thrift shop around the corner. I liked that it is a bit shorter, so for me gives the appearance of a cropped cardigan. It’s actually a petite size, so the sleeves are a tad short, but again this gives it a different look.

Style Tip - Always shop all size sections at thrift stores and even at full priced retailers. Sizing has become such a circus of silliness today. A size 12 now can be worn by someone who wears a size 10 or someone who wears a size 14, depending on the manufacturer. A small might fit someone with a very petite frame or it might be way to big.

Obviously, I was drawn to the color and the Fair Isle pattern on this piece. It actually has some wear around the button holes where the threads are starting to fray, so I need to see what I can do to fix it. I like that it has the red, white and a touch of olive green, so a great piece for Christmas, but also a bit of pink which makes it perfect for Valentine’s Day.

In order to build this outfit, I started with my unique sweater. I thought about pairing it with jeans, but then decided I needed to get out of that box. Seeing as I have several olive colored pairs of pants, I knew that would be a good choice. Thus, my Gloria Vanderbilt, olive, cargo skinnies. Black or white pants, or a skirt would have been another good choice.

Style Tip - When building an outfit start with the most colorful piece, then choose the rest of your pieces using colors from that. You can do this with a scarf, a bag, a top, a cardigan, a skirt or even a pair of pants that are very colorful.

My oddly colored long sleeve tee was a clearance find at Kohl’s. It really is a nondescript color. It leans towards an extremely washed out olive, but could also be seen as a very light tan or beige depending on what you wear it with. It is very light weight, so my thought was it would be a good layering piece, especially as the weather warms up.

Style Tip - Colors can be deceiving, which works to our benefit. A color can look quite different depending on what other color it is paired with. This is especially true for lighter colors in the green, orange and yellow categories. Depending on what you pair them with they might look more blue, pink or beige. Do an experiment and hold one of your lighter colored tops next to a variety of more saturated tones and see how it changes.

My jewelry also mimics the color tones in the sweater with the pinks, reds and olive greens. I thought this beaded necklace made a beautiful statement against the drab backdrop of my tee. Especially, with the somewhat monochrome look of the tee, pants and ankle boots.

Style Tip - Accessories are a great way to show off your own unique personality. Your shoes do not have to match your bag and your jewelry can be a whimsical - this is what I feel like wearing - choice; no matching required

I chose my faithful SO ankle boots and then added the bright red bag to pull it all together. (Don’t mind my blue socks! Ha, ha.)

What do you think of this outfit? What would you have done differently? Tell me about that unique cardigan in your closet and how you plan on using it to build a fabulous outfit.

Note in the picture below, the olive threads in the sweater look more beige. Maybe color is as fickle as fashion. Ha, ha. As my photographer daughter will tell you, color is definitely influenced by lighting.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Leave me some love in the comments. Your comments help keep my blog interesting and also keep it growing. I am including a few shopping links for you to look over.

Thanks for stopping by the blog.

Color Play - Black and Olive

I love color. Bright color, dark color, bold color, muted color, neutral color, pastel color, and all manner of prints and print mixes. I do not think I have met a color I didn’t like, or at least that I didn’t see potential for its use. Many people will disagree with me when I say, every woman can wear every color, but my reasoning is based on two factors: the shade or hue of the color, and where the color is worn on the body. While it is true that not every woman can wear a stark black next to her face, there are numerous shades and hues of black from gray black, to blue black and even brown black. In addition, if a woman just doesn’t like any shade of black near her face, there is no reason she can’t wear black pants, or have plentiful black shoes and bags.

My desire with this monthly look at color is to open your mind to embracing colors outside your normal comfort zone. There is no problem with being an all neutrals kind of gal, but start thinking about adding a little pizzazz to your outfit with a bright pink beaded necklace and earrings , or a lovely printed scarf with rusty oranges, reds and yellows. This isn’t just about how you look to the outside world. This is also about loving yourself and enjoying all the beautiful color in this world we live in.

For today’s post, I decided to start with two colors that are fairly classic and unobtrusive: black and olive.

Let me first say, having a daughter who is a professional photographer always makes me keenly aware of what I lack in the picture taking realm. I will give you pictures. I will either take them on my phone or on my camera, but they won’t be to the standard I would like, ha, ha. Now that I have said my piece, on with the post.

Olive is one of those greens that can come in a variety of shades. Check out this page from when I Googled olive color shades. The olive color of my older Sonoma cardigan from Kohl’s, and on this thrifted, Forever 21, camouflage sweater is what I would call olive drab, or military olive. It leans more towards brown than a true olive green. However, if you put it next to a brown sweater, it definitely looks green.

It is easy to pair olive with black. For that matter, any color pairs just as well with black as with white. Just envision this same outfit with a pair of white wide leg jeans instead of the black skinnies. It would work perfectly and give the look a whole new vibe.

My black skinnies are Simply Vera by Vera Wang and I either got them on the clearance rack at Kohl’s or at a thrift store. I really can’t remember. Yes, I know! I am still wearing my skinnies. They will likely come back around, as most things do, so I won’t be getting rid of them.

My Seven Dials combat boots are starting to show some wear, but they are one of my faves and so comfortable.

I added a few pieces of jewelry and a thrifted Tignanello bag.

I actually got this cute little bag when we were in Wisconsin for my father-in-law’s funeral. Since we ended up staying the whole week we were a bit underprepared, so I went to a thrift store to get us a few things for the funeral.

Olive and black are a great color combination for any season. In the spring you could combine a pair of black joggers with an olive zip up hoodie for a cozy, casual lunch as the temps are still cool. In the summer try pairing olive trousers with a black silky sleeveless for a classic work look. In the fall reach for that warm olive pullover to wear with your black maxi skirt.

Remember you don’t have to go full bore with these colors. You can just use each of these colors as accents with any other colored outfit. Wearing a navy dress? Reach for a set of olive beads and an olive bag and shoes. You can still have fun with a variety of colors without having to invest a lot of money.

What do you think of these colors? Do you wear olive and black together, or do you wear them separately? I’d love to hear your thoughts so leave me some love in the comments.

I’m including a few shopping links. I am going to try to find a few other affiliate programs so I can bring you more moderately priced shopping and brands you know and love. Keep an eye out for that.

Have a great Tuesday. Be sure to check back on Thursday for the first installment in a creative fiction series brought to you by me. Ha, ha.

Love and hugs!

A New Year, A New Plan

Hi everyone. A month and a half has trudged by since I last posted anything on the blog. I say trudged because, as quickly as it has flown by, it has been difficult. The end of November I got a nasty sinus infection and did a round of antibiotics. It was actually a blessing, because by the time I took my last antibiotic I was able to taste and smell again, so I enjoyed all the delicious treats the Christmas holidays provided. I enjoyed Christmas with our kids and grandkids even though over the course of the month our one grandson got Covid again, and our son-in-law ended up with the flu. There were a few days where we were not even sure we were going to be able to celebrate Christmas on the day, but it all worked out.

During this time, my husband and I were also intending to go see his parents. First we were going to go the week before Christmas, and take our younger daughter and grandson, but with him having Covid we were not able to do that. We then decided we would go the day after Christmas, during the week, but with my son-in-law having the flu we did not want to expose my in-laws to any germs. We waited. Finally, just my spouse and I left on the 30th, to visit for a quick weekend, before he had to start getting ready for the semester. We arrived late afternoon on Friday along with a large Chicago style pizza that we had picked up along the way.

That evening we enjoyed a talkative dinner with my husband’s mom, dad and sister, and were so pleased that dad, who has struggled with Parkinson’s for years, enjoyed two pieces of the thick cheesy pizza and was animated and talkative. Saturday morning, with family by his side, my father-in-law walked into eternity with Jesus. Obviously, my husband and I made the decision to stay the whole week following and help his mom with the planning and implementation of the burial and Celebration of Life service.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

I cannot emphasize enough the sovereignty and mercy of our mighty Lord. That we should be there at exactly the right time to be with our family, not only as dad passed, but during the long week of adjustment and planning after the fact is simply amazing. I saw on a daily basis how God gave strength and courage, as well as peace and calm. He used me as servant as the rest of the family dealt with all the details in the planning process. It is hard to say when facing all the loss experienced in this life, but the truth stands, God is good; His mercies are new every morning, and He loves us with a lavish love.

Image by Sophie Janotta from Pixabay

With the coming of a New Year I want to make an effort to get back to consistent posting on this little blog of mine. I came very close to completely giving it up when I got sick, but I believe this tiny piece of the internet has a place and purpose put into play by God. To the rest of the world this might seem like a waste of time. Why do I want to put effort into something that I am not even getting paid for? The answer is YOU. Every once in a while, one of you will make a comment or send me a short email saying, “I love what you are doing.” “You inspire me to look at my wardrobe differently.” “You have a gift from God.” Wow! And you know what? Those comments always come, just when I begin to think I need to stop doing this.

What I am learning is that we need each other. We need a little place we can go to, like a favorite coffee shop or bookstore, where we can spend a little time hanging out, laughing, telling stories and being encouraged. Encouragement is so important. Encouragement and inspiration can be a bright flame in a world that is filled with clouds and dreariness.

Image by Marlon Sommer from Pixabay

I have a few ideas that I would like to share with you about the organization and content of the blog. I still plan to post twice a week. One day will feature fashion and one day will feature faith. There might be occasions where I have more than two posts for a week, but that is my desired minimum. I want to work towards a more structured approach for the fashion page rather than flying by the seat of my pants, so that I can have an organized plan for upcoming content.

I want to go back to more of a weekly column of sorts, so this is my tentative plan.

1st. Tuesday - Outfit Inspiration - a look at sources for outfit inspiration including outside entities like Instagram and Pinterest, and inspiration hiding in our own drawers and closets.

2nd. Tuesday - Shopping Our Closets - on this day we will look to our own closets where we will start with basics that most women own, and build whole outfits around them.

3rd. Tuesday - My Style - here we will begin to explore what style is and how we can begin to find our own style. I will also talk about my own style and share some of my every day looks.

4th. Tuesday - Color Play - one of my favorite things to do is talk about color - think Pantone series - and try new combinations. This will also include patterns, textures, print mixing and sources for color inspiration.

5th. Tuesday (once every few months) - Topics - this will be a time when I discuss topics that are relevant to aging and fashion including: ageism in fashion, sustainability, modesty, being a Christian in the fashion arena, and others.

I am also looking at a few ways to bring in a little income without cluttering up my posts with advertising or pushing products. I do not feel that either of those things is part of who I am or what I want this blog to be. I am hoping to start a little resale shop, possibly through Facebook Marketplace or for those of you who are not on Facebook through Poshmark. I am also toying with the idea of adding a tip jar button to my blog, so if the Spirit moves you, you can buy me a cup of coffee or send a small thank you gift if a post was particularly helpful for you. I am not pushing for money, I just thought it would be a way for you to support something you enjoy and believe in without having to buy new products or wade through ads. I will still try to include shopping links so you can peruse at your leisure. As always, your comments and input mean more to me than anything monetary.

There is a lot to think about, research and figure out, so I covet your support and prayers as I try to make this blog a better place through consistent, quality content. If you have any ideas, thoughts or feedback, please shoot me an email or leave a comment below. Your input is what helps this be a better blog.

If you have made it this far thank you so much for reading. I appreciate all of you. On Thursday I will be sharing my plans for the Faith page, so if you enjoy reading those posts as well please come back then. Next week look for my first outfit post for the new year. Until then, love and hugs!

Pantone Autumn/Winter 2022 - New York Palette: Samoan Sun, Martini Olive and Chiseled Stone

Today is my last post for the Pantone Autumn/Winter 2022 New York palette series. I decided to do a flat lay for a change due to several factors that are affecting my ability to get posts done. The first is time. I do not know where time goes, but it sure seems like I have less of it than ever before and I am not even working a regular job right now. Second, I injured my knee a few years ago and recently I tweaked it and it has been very painful. I have an appointment Thursday to have it checked out, but I knew it was going to be hard to get pictures done with changing clothes, running up and down the stairs and going outside, so I thought a flat lay the next best thing.

The three colors today’s outfit revolved around are great colors for fall and I think this outfit would be perfect for a casual Thanksgiving celebration. My yellow Samoan Sun sweater is a thrifted Old Navy piece. It has more orange undertones to it, but I still think it works great for this outfit.

My Chiseled Stone striped tee is another thrift find from a brand called Company Ellen Tracy. I looked up Ellen Tracy and it is a clothing retailer with some nice pieces. You can check it out by clicking on the link. The brand seems to exude class and modesty. Prices are a tad high for my limited resources, but I like to show you retailers you might be interested in. If I had the money, I would definitely shop this brand more often.

My Martini Olive utility skinny pants have made multiple appearances on the blog. They are Gloria Vanderbilt brand. You can see these pants styled with a floral bomber, a light weight pullover, a snakeskin print jacket, a floral dress, a lace vest, and a floral dress as a jacket.

My accessories were simple and I chose to emphasize the black to coordinate with the stripes in the tee.

I love this simple charm pendant necklace. It adds a touch of interest to almost any outfit without being overly garish. I couldn’t even tell you where I got it, but knowing my past shopping habits it was either thrifted, or bought at Kohl’s or JC Penney. Ha, ha.

I’ve shown you this black Aidebam bag on the blog before. I got this one from Amazon, but Amazon’s inventory changes pretty regularly and I don’t see this exact style on there anymore. I will include a few shopping links at the end. Here is a very similar one.

These black boots are a very recent thrift find. They were my size and I loved the “witchy” vibe of them. They are a brand called Rampage. I have a wedding coming up and right now I am planning to build my outfit around one of two pairs of ankle boots. I also found a blue velvet pair, another thrifting treasure that I wasn’t lookin for, (but I was). I hope to do a blog post next week on what to wear to a fall wedding using the outfit I come up with. Keep a look out.

Style Tip - The right shoes or boots with an outfit can absolutely make the outfit. If you are not sure about which pair of shoes to wear when going to an event or celebration, try on a few different pairs. Remember, heels of any height will upgrade a look, even when wearing distressed jeans and a tee. If you are going for a more casual look, then think flatter souls and a heel that is an inch or less.

I hope you enjoyed this flat lay and the conclusion of my Pantone series. From now through the end of the the year I hope to bring you holiday inspired and winter looks. Leave me a comment or two, letting me know what you thought of this outfit. Which was your fave in the series? 1 - Lava Falls, Amazon, and Arctic Wolf, 2 - Orange Tiger, Nosegay, and Autumn Blonde, 3 - Rose Violet, Caramel Cafe, and Polar Night, 4 - Waterspout, Midnight and Loden Frost or today’s.

I am including a few shopping links for you to look over. Remember these are affiliate links, which are brought to you at no extra cost. You do not pay anything extra to purchase something through one of my links. In fact, it helps me by putting a few cents into my pocketbook. I really appreciate every little bit.

Have a great week!

What I've Been Wearing Lately: Fall Edition

I have one more Pantone post to do, but I am going to save that for a later date. This week I wanted to share with you a few of my day to day outfits that I have been wearing this fall. As I have done before, I will give a bit of the philosophy behind my outfit choices, why I like it and a few style tips. I hope you enjoy this quick look into my every day style.

Outfit 1 - Colorful Flannel with Gold Chenille Sweater and Fall Tee

Inspiration - Instagram challenge prompt on favorite fall fabrics

Thrifted Pieces - Flannel tee, and combat boots

Style Tip - Don’t be afraid to layer over layers and think outside the box when it comes to color. Bright colors are our friends, especially in the dreary days of winter. In addition, flannel shirts make great shackets for those not so cold early days of fall.

What I like about it - It’s casual, cheerful, comfortable, and incredibly cozy. (Fun tee purchased at Love in Faith tees.)

Outfit 2 - Brown Velvet Blazer with Black Jeans and Gray Button Down

Inspiration - Pinterest Dark Academia Style

Thrifted Pieces - Brown blazer, black cropped flares, and gray polka dot button down

Style Tip - Don’t be afraid to try new styles. I came across the Dark Academia Style on Pinterest and instantly knew it was something I wanted to try. It combines dark pieces to make outfits that look ready for the college campus, or that could easily be translated to the work arena.

What I like about it - I definitely like the modest factor, at least in many of the pins I found, though there could be some very short skirts or shorts, but even there, the styles are often worn over top of dark hose or tights. In addition, this is a look I am comfortable in that makes me feel confident. I am excited to try more styles in the Dark Academia vibe.

Outfit 3 - Purple Tie Dye Top, Utility Vest and Jeans

Inspiration - Instagram challenge prompt on our favorite layer.

Thrifted pieces - Utility vest

Style Tip - Just like boots are made for wearing, so are vests. Don’t be afraid to wear them over dresses, sweaters and even sweatshirts. A vest can make a casual outfit look a bit more polished and dressier. Just add a heeled boot and a bit of jewelry for a fun date night look like this.

What I like about it - I like the way the vest pulls everything in the outfit together. The purple in the sweatshirt didn’t really match the blue of the vest, and yet when the whole thing came together it was perfect. The dark navy boots and the beaded necklace were the cherry on top.

Outfit 4 - Tulle Skirt, Tee and Cropped Denim Jacket

Inspiration - Instagram “Roctober Style Challenge” prompt For Whom the Bell Tulles

Thrifted pieces - Tulle skirt, cropped denim jacket

Style Tip - Get a tulle skirt! These things are the bomb. I have yet to wear it out in public, but just having it in my closet to wear for an Instagram challenge, makes me incredibly happy. I looked for a long time for one at the thrift store and when I found this I felt like I had won the lottery. Ha, ha.

What I like about it - What’s not to like? A tulle skirt combined with a kick butt Wonder Woman tee, denim jacket, and burgundy combat boots?? It is my description of pure fun.

Outfit 5 - Yellow Cable Knit Sweater, Dark Floral Scarf and Distressed Boot Cut Jeans

Inspiration - Instagram challenge prompt, add an extra accessory

Thrifted pieces - Yellow cable knit sweater, and distressed jeans

Style Tip - Layering accessories is a fun way to wear more of your pieces all at once and it adds texture and interest to your outfit. Using a long pendant necklace with a simple scarf wrap like this highlights the necklace, the scarf and the bright sweater backdrop.

What I like about it - I love the contrast of the bright yellow with the darker burgundy and green in the scarf as well as the bronze color of the necklace.

I hope you enjoyed this look at some of my every day outfits, or outfits I donned as part of Instagram challenges. All of these looks, except for the tulle skirt, I wore for the whole day and is very typical of what I normally wear. I like to be intentional about what I put on each day, because it reminds me that I am a special, and beautiful individual with a creative eye and a love for color, fabrics and fashion.

Let me know which outfit is your favorite, or which one you most identify with. I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Have a great week everyone!

Pantone Autumn/Winter 2022 - New York Palette: Waterspout, Midnight and Loden Frost

Today’s Pantone Autumn/Winter colors include a bright blue, a dark blue and a light green. Waterspout is a bright aqua blue which seems an odd choice for an autumn palette, but the color gurus will do what they do, and actually it is rather nice to have a few brighter, lighter choices as the days get shorter and the skies begin to gray. Midnight is not really like the midnight blue crayon we all had in our big boxes of Crayolas growing up, but perhaps more like the night sky just after the sun sets, but before the stars start to come out. Loden Frost is a sage green with a little bit of depth and richness.

So far in this series, I think this is my favorite outfit. I like the combination of blues and greens and thought it was an appropriate look for a warm fall day.

I’ve styled this thrifted dress before on the blog. I have had it for years and it is getting a little snug since all my weight has done its post menopausal thing and moved to my mid section. Ha, ha. But that is the beauty of layering. You don’t notice it as much. This is a brand called Oliva Rose, however, there are numerous brands out there with that name, so I have no idea where it originated.

I found this Maurice’s brand sweater at a thrift store. I really like Maurice’s, but I try to stay out of that store. They have so many cute things every season. I like their tees, tops and jeans, but I wait for good sales and coupons, because things cost more now than ever. I am also really trying to curb my buying all around.

My sea turtle scarf is from the dollar store. Back when my oldest was pregnant and we were putting together the shower the theme was Sea creatures. I found a few cute scarves for game give aways and this was a left over. My necklace was a product of two different thrifted pieces that ended up breaking, so I put them together.

My olive Fossil hobo bag is also thrifted. It is another work horse in my closet and is continually in and out of rotation. Fossil brand is a good quality brand and while I never buy them full price, I do love when I can find one on clearance or at a thrift store. This one is a great utility bag with multiple pockets and compartments for everything you need.

I found these navy boots last year online at Kohl’s. They are Journee brand. I am not too adventurous when it comes to my boot colors. I like browns, black, and gray, but I thought it would be nice to have a navy pair, specifically of knee high boots, for a different vibe. Do you like your boots to be a more basic color, or do you like a bright, bold look for your feet?

I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know what you think of these colors. I am including a few shopping links. These are affiliate links. When you click on a link, I get a few pennies. When you purchase the item through the provided link, I get a little bit more. I appreciate all you clicks. All opinions are my own.

I hope you are having a great week.

Pantone Autumn/Winter 2022 - New York Palette: Rose Violet, Caramel Cafe, and Polar Night

As I continue the Pantone Autumn/Winter color series, I want to remind you my graphics are interpretations of the colors and do not match exactly. I have provided links to the Pantone website and the colors, so you can see what they actually look like. This week’s colors are a combination of a bright pinky purple, an earthy caramel brown and a deep navy. My Rose Violet is definitely too purple. If you click on the link you can see it really is more of a Fuchsia pink than purple. I don’t know why I thought my kimono was the right color. Oh well, I still think it makes for a bright, interesting outfit, even if the colors aren’t exact.

I received this beautiful silk robe from my younger daughter when she and her sister gave me my spa day for my birthday this past January. I really only wear robes in the winter when it is cold, so I thought this pretty piece deserved to be showcased.

Style Tip: Think outside the box when it comes to your clothing pieces. A bathrobe might suddenly be the perfect topper for a holiday party, or your cute checked pj pants might be a great addition to your casual Friday work wear routine.

I was having a hard time smiling when I took these pictures. I still feel tired and the dreary weather wasn’t helping my sinus headache. My hair is a bit fly away too. Oh well, you don’t follow me so that I’ll show you fake pictures and phony smiles. This is the real me, so thanks for loving me anyway! Ha, ha.

My Polar Night tee is an older Christopher and Banks piece. I like to have multiple solid colored tees in short sleeve and long sleeve versions strictly for the purpose of layering, either under pieces like this or just for added warmth under a pullover sweater.

You’ve seen these Stitch Star patchwork jeans on the blog before. I think they worked well for the Caramel Cafe color. The last two times I combined them with red. See the red sweater, and the red knit vest. I think they work well with the purple and with the navy colors.

Style Tip: Don’t be afraid to try new color combinations. You might find you like something even better than your regular go to choices, plus it makes you feel almost a bit daring stepping outside your comfort zone.

I kept my accessories simple. I liked the contrast of the navy tee with the pale purple necklace. I also chose my thrifted silver cross body bag.

I thought the navy SO ankle boots were a compatible choice with the navy tee, but a pair of caramel or cognac colored books would have worked too and the similar color would elongate the leg.

What do you think of these colors? Would you wear a kimono like this anywhere but the house? I’d love to hear your thoughts. I’m including a few shopping links. Enjoy shopping and remember these are affiliate links brought to you at no added cost. If you click on a link I get a few cents. I appreciate all your clicks.

I hope you are having a wonderful October. We have had some beautiful days and the leaves have been just gorgeous. I will not be posting next week as we are taking a few days away with our family, but look for more posts on the blog the following week and as usual I will be posting regularly on Instagram and Facebook.

Have a great weekend!

Pantone Autumn/Winter 2022: Orange Tiger, Nosegay, and Autumn Blonde

Welcome to another outfit in my Pantone Autumn/Winter 2022 - New York Palette color series. For today’s look I combined the colors Orange Tiger, a lovely fall orange, Nosegay, a rich pastel pink and Autumn Blonde, a neutral classic for a cozy outfit with watercolor brushstrokes and southwest vibes.

When I decided to pair Nosegay and Tiger Orange I had this watercolor skirt in mind. The colors are mixed together with bold strokes and finished off with the southwest hem along the bottom of the skirt. I found this piece thrifting a few years ago and thought it would be great for spring and summer, but it seems to work for fall as well. It is a brand called ECI NY.

My light Nosegaybutton down is a thrifted Eddie Bauer piece. Originally I was thinking of wearing it over the sweater like a shacket. I ended up putting it under the sweater, but I’m not in love with how this looks.

The Autumn Blonde sweater is a recent find and is Forever 21 brand. I really like the ties along the outer seams on the torso.

I decided to grab the olive color in the skirt with my bag and booties. The Fossil bag is thrifted, and the SO booties are from a few years ago at Kohl’s.

I am not thrilled with this outfit, but life happens and I wanted to get something thrown together to at least share the Pantone colors with you. Though I love the color pink, it is not one that I use regularly in the fall. I also go more for rusty oranges rather than a bright orange like this one. What are your thoughts? Do you like these colors? How would you wear them?

I’m including a few shopping links for you to look over.

I hope you enjoyed this post. Thank you for all you love, support and feedback. I always appreciate hearing from you!

Have a great week.

Pantone Autumn/Winter 2022: Lava Falls, Amazon and Arctic Wolf

Here we are, once again, looking at another color palette from the Pantone Color Institute. For the next few weeks I will be concentrating on the New York colors. In the past I have tried to give you both palettes, but with changes in life, so too come changes with the blog. For now, I want to bring you the New York palette which was where the institute was founded in 1962. From the Pantone website it looks as though the London palette was added in 2017.

For this look, I wanted to combine the bright red of Lava Falls with the energetic green of Amazon and see if I could come up with an outfit that didn’t look like I was getting ready for a Christmas get together. Let me know in the comments if you think I pulled it off.

My Lava Falls flag tee was a thrift store find this summer. Unfortunately, I didn’t have it washed to wear for Independence Day celebrations. When I was pulling clothes for this series, I saw the tee and thought, why not. Our gratitude for our country and our freedom shouldn't be restricted to one or two days a year, just like Thanksgiving shouldn’t be the only time we dwell on what we have to be thankful for.

This Amazon green sweater was new from Christopher and Banks a few years ago. I love a longer cardigan like this for fall, and an open front cardigan has no buttons or zippers for things like coats or bags to get caught on. Most of the time, I leave my cardigans open anyway to show off the top underneath, so an open front piece is a great choice.

Arctic Wolf is a creamy off white and these thrifted Gloria Vanderbilt pants probably tend towards a little more gray where as the actual Pantone color has more yellow undertones. However, you get the idea and when it comes to the color cream, off white, ivory or whatever title you want to give it, they are all in the white family.

For accessories I went with black to go with the black stripes on the flag. My black bag was an Amazon purchase a few years ago and is Aidebam brand. My sneakers are new to me, a thrifted pair of Vans high tops with a fun floral design.

For jewelry I added a simple choker pendant. I found this at a thrift store and love the pressed flower look of the pendant.

What do you think of these colors? Would you wear them together, or do you think red and green are strictly for Christmas? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

I’m including a few shopping links for items in similar colors. These are affiliate links, which means when you click on a link, I get a few cents. If you purchase something through my site, I get a little bit more. I appreciate each and every click.

I just tested positive for Covid yesterday, after my hubby tested positive on Friday. Our two friends who came for the weekend have also tested positive. I feel so bad, but here we are. I would appreciate good thoughts and prayers, as with my asthmatic condition it puts me in a higher risk category. Thank you everyone!

Have a good week and stay healthy.

Fall Trends 2022 - My Take: Outfit 3

For today’s look I am combining the Fall 2022 trends of a fitted vest, feminine sheer top, floor length maxi skirt, and western style boot into a trendy boho style outfit. Let me know what you think at the end and whether you think I pulled it off.

When I first started putting this outfit together I originally had a black pleated type skirt, but I got to thinking I wanted something that gave the look a more boho vibe, and there is nothing like a tiered skirt and a fringe bag to add that element. This brown skirt, has been in my closet for a while. You can see how I styled it before with a dot print shirt. It is St. John’s Bay brand and I got it from JCPenney.

I’ve styled this Manteau gold dot blouse from Macy’s on the blog before. You can see it styled with jeans, and with a leopard print blazer. Sheer is in, and while I appreciate a pretty sheer blouse with the appropriate coverage underneath, I do not feel the sheer outfits I have seen on the runways and the celebrity news photos are justified, practical or modest. Ladies, please show a little respect for yourself and leave something to the imagination.

My Cabin Creek vest was thrifted and it really is too big. However, once in a while a piece is just worth the problems. How could a book nerd, writer like myself say no to this fun piece? I am going to try to make some adjustments to it, so it fits a little better.

This fun Mossimo fringe bucket bag has made multiple appearances on the blog. Here it is with a navy blazer and jeans, an olive utility vest and pink sweater, a burgundy dress. a burgundy pleated skirt, a grey city scape cardigan, and a floral pleated skirt.

These thrifted boots are not truly Western gear, but they have just a little bit of that vibe and apparently Western is also trending this fall. These lovely leather boots were made in Brazil and are a brand called Nurture. Apparently this brand is no longer viable, but you can find the brand second hand on Ebay, and on Poshmark.

What do you think of this outfit? Do you like longer maxi skirts? Do you like button down vests? I love hearing your thoughts, so leave me a comment or two.

I’m including a few shopping links for you. These particular styles might be better found in thrift stores or shops like Poshmark, Ebay or Facebook Marketplace. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Have a great week.

Fall Trends 2022 - My Take: Outfit 2

This week I am focusing on three more fall trends: an oversized button down, cargo pants and a cozy coat. Here in the midwest cozy coat season is not upon us quite yet. In fact, it still feels summery and seeing as summer doesn’t end for a few more weeks, I think these warm temps are around for a while longer. That makes it hard for me to transition to fall outfits. As much as I want to, I am still reaching for my tees and cropped pants, rather than sweatshirts and boots.

For this outfit I started with the cargo pants, then the oversized button down, followed by the tee. I realized as my outfit came together, that it was going to have a monochrome vibe, so I kept my accessories more understated with similar tones. Let’s take a look at each piece separately.

Cargo pants

I found these Sonoma straight leg pants at a thrift store and I liked that they were a lighter weight version of a cargo pant. Like typical cargo pants they have extra pockets on the legs, as well as the normal pockets front and back. These also have full seams on the front of the legs giving them extra texture and interest. In addition these have tabs on the lower leg so you can roll them up and button in place, if you want to use them as more of a crop pant.

Basic tee

My Time and Tru tee is another thrift find. I was looking for a few tees like this that would work as good layering pieces. You can also see my necklace and a little bit of my belt, both of which have black and silver.

Style Tip: A light weight tee or cardi is a great way to add warmth in the cooler weather without adding too much bulk.

Oversized button down

I found this J. Crew button down on the men’s rack at the thrift store. The men’s rack is a great place to look for oversize pieces that have a more masculine flair. I often see gingham patterns in women’s departments, but they are usually larger checks. Sometimes it’s nice to also have a smaller print.

Style tip: Men’s shirts typically have longer sleeves since many men’s arms are longer than women’s. If you are a seamstress just cut the cuff off and make a hem. Otherwise just roll the cuffs once. You still get a cuffed look, but it’s not hanging down past your knuckles.

I added my olive green Sperry’s and a recently thrifted silver cross body bag.

Last but not least my topper.

Cozy coat

I fell in love with this cozy number that I found thrifting last year. Using it in the cold weather, I found it to be quite warm. The brand is Emma James which is an off shoot of Liz Claiborne. It is faux suede and has a faux fur lining throughout.

I think many of us have more than one cold winter coat. I have a wool one that I like to use in the really cold weather, and a real leather jacket that gets used before it gets super cold. This one is great for cold days and lighter weight so a good coat for shopping.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Let me know what sort of coats you have. Do you wear oversized button downs? Do you wear cargo pants? I love to hear from you, so be sure to leave a comment. I am adding a few shopping links for you to peruse. Every time you click on a link, I get a few pennies. When you make a purchase through one of my links, I get a little more. Thank you for all your support. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Fall Trends 2022 - My Take: Outfit 1

The next few weeks, I am going to show you my take on some of the Fall 2022 Trends that I talked about last week. I think it is one thing to see these styles on the tall, thin models on the run ways, but something quite different for those of us with real post menopausal bodies. There is always a small body of fashionistas that say wear whatever you want because it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, but the reality is most of us still care what other people think about how we look. That is precisely why I like to be more reasonable and realistic when it comes to what trends we might like and be able to pull off.

Today’s look combines three trends I talked about last week: a pair of baggy jeans, a white tank top and a bomber jacket.

Let’s start at the top. I have had this white tank top for years, and typically, I just wear it under things as an added layer in the cold weather, but it does have a tiny bit of embellishment around the neck line, so I thought it would be good for this post. The brand is St. John’s Bay, but I can’t remember if I bought it at JCPenny when it was brand new, or if I bought it second hand.

Next lets talk about jeans, and more specifically baggy jeans. I think jean trends are not realistic for all women. Baggy jeans don’t necessarily look good on every body. This pair of Sonoma mom jeans I found on the clearance rack at Kohl’s. I bought them because I wanted to try something with a higher waist. They are not truly “baggy”, but they are not fitted either. The biggest problem I have with baggier jeans is that they add volume to my lower half, and I have enough volume there already, thank you very much! Ha, ha.

This pair is ankle length, which I think makes my legs look shorter. They are also a straight leg rather than a flair or a skinny. The wash of a jean will also change how it makes you look. A darker wash is always better if you want a more slimming line on the bottom. I am going to try these with ankle boots when the temps get cooler to see how that works.

I didn’t bother with a belt, although my normal tendency would be to tuck the shirt and wear a belt. Most of the things I saw that captured this tank and jeans trend left the jeans without a belt.

I have several bomber jackets, but I chose this burgundy colored one for the quilting. Quilting or puffer style is another trend that seems to be popular for this fall season. Now you can find quilted phone cases, hats, vests, jackets, skirts and more. I thought the quilted bandana a rather unique piece I would definitely wear. If any of the pieces below, just click on the picture and it will take you to the retailer.

My bomber jacket was a thrift find. It is light weight, so for me it will serve more as a layering piece for inside, just like a sweater or blazer would. There was not brand tag in this one.

Style Tip: Think outside the box when it comes to layering pieces. Not every jacket you own has to be for outerwear. Light weight bombers, utility jackets, moto jackets and even sweater coats can be used as the top layer for a work outfit, or a lunch date. I even wear these sorts of layers at home to keep me extra cozy in the winter.

When it came to accessories for this outfit, I just threw a few things together. Since the look was ultra casual, I didn’t add any jewelry. I reached for a thrifted, tote bag with a little more structure. Work horse bags are trending right now, so I thought this one met the criteria. It is large enough that I can carry all the essentials plus notebooks, a sweater and whatever else I may need for the day.

Here are a few other fun bags to look at.

For shoes I chose my leopard print flats. I got these a number of years ago at Christopher and Banks. I really don’t love them, so they will be going into my “get rid of” pile. I think I like a toe that is slightly more pointed for a flat, or a loafer style. There’s something about a rounded toe, that I don’t think looks great on my feet.

Leopard print is trending once again, and most likely will always be the classic animal print seen on the runway, and in our closets.

I hope you enjoyed this outfit. Let me know what you think in the comments below. Do you own a bomber jacket? Do you wear it as outer wear or inside? Are you a fan of leopard print? I always love to hear from you, so leave me some lovin’! Of course you can also leave me a criticism. It is all part of being real with each other. I just like to hear from you!

This post contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Have a super day everyone!

Outfits from a Short Trip

As I said last week, I wanted to show you this week how my outfits turned out that I packed for the trip to my mom’s. Most of the days I showered, got dressed and put on my make up, but Friday I spend cleaning my mother’s house: a job that needed to be done for some time now. Wearing all pink enabled me to not even think about how my pieces were going to go together. I already had it figured out ahead of time. That is the reason I like to have a theme or color(s) when packing for a trip.

Day 1: The Drive

I chose a comfortable pair of jeans with a good amount of stretch. My short sleeve tee is thrifted and I opted for the Christopher and Banks chambray shirt as a light weight extra layer. It was cooler and with the windows down this shirt was the perfect topper. I added my fun blue Converse sneakers which are comfortable and light weight.

Style Tip: Use a long sleeve button down as a light weight jacket. Rolling up the sleeves gives a little extra freedom and coolness. Add shoes that match your pants for a more elongated effect.

Day 2: Thrifting with My Bestie

I love the simplicity of the this outfit and the vibrant touch of color. No matter what is trending, florals are always in season, just like animal prints. Spring, summer, winter and fall, you can’t go wrong with a floral print. Everything I had on this day was a thrifting find, making it even more appropriate to wear when going thrifting with your best friend.

Style Tip: When deciding on accessories for an outfit with a busy print like florals, choose a statement piece that will stand out against the background using an accent color that appears in the print. For my outfit I chose a green pendant necklace with a bold silver chain and border around the stone. Also, don’t be afraid to wear fun shoes. I found these bright purple Sperry sneakers at the thrift shop around the corner from my house. They are a party for my feet!

Day 3: Birthday Picnic at the Park

Obviously I have a thing for florals. Ha, ha. I really needed to iron this blouse before wearing it, but who wants to iron? Once again, I chose my necklace according to a color in the print. I decided to keep to a shorter, layered piece to allow the beauty of the flowers and soft colors to show off fully.

Style Tip: When wearing a lower cut v-neck add a tank top with some sort of neckline embellishment that just peeks out the top for added interest and coverage. This also adds warmth in the cooler fall temps.

Day 4: Cleaning Day

This was my outfit after I spent about almost eight hours cleaning my mom’s house, then took a shower. Seeing as she just turned 96 and has become quite frail and unsteady, it has been a while since a thorough cleaning happened. My niece has been doing occasional cleaning, but she also has her own family, so is very busy.

I started at the top of the house with vacuum in hand and sucked down every cob web, and spider I could find. I did bedrooms, closets, the hall, down the steps, the back entry way, the laundry room, kitchen and living room. I also mopped and cleaned the bathroom and kitchen. I finished by vacuuming the living room carpet. My mom was very appreciative and now she can have a little piece of mind.

Style Tip: Wear comfortable clothes while you clean and after. Ha, ha

Day 5: Company

This look was great for playing with the grand baby, and visiting with, not only my daughter and son-in-law, but another niece and her daughter and their pup, who stopped by to wis my mom a happy birthday.

Style Tip: You can be comfortable in jeans and tees, but still look neat and classy. Try choosing jewelry with a bit of sparkle and bling or a metallic toned belt to bring the look up a notch.

This outfit is another fave. It is comfy and classic. The floral tee is not bold and bright like Day 2, but is more delicate and whimsical in its print. Plus the message is so appropriate. I was also impressed that this necklace matched almost perfectly with the green and pink tones in the tee.

Day 6: The Drive Home

Once again, a comfy outfit for the ride home. Thrifted tee, and jeans, and back to my Converse. The pale pink sweater was just the right coverage for the last half of the drive as the temps went down.

Style Tip: If you like to wear tee shirts like I do in the summer be sure to choose ones that portray messages, graphics and movies or music groups that you identify with. I love tees that give messages of encouragement and hope.

So those were my outfits for my time away including my travel days. I hope you enjoyed this post, and I hope you are having a great week.

Packing for a Short Trip

I thought I would do something a little different and take you through my thought process when I am packing for a short trip away. I am not really into capsule wardrobes, because I really love my clothes, and I also love having variety and choices. I think capsule wardrobes are great and maybe some day I’ll give it a try, but for now I am trying to use the many clothes that I have. However, that does make it harder when I am packing for a trip to decide what to bring with. I try not to get into a rut and wear the same things over and over as far as my tops, so when I pack for a trip I usually pick a theme, an accessory like a scarf or bag or a color to work around to limit my choices.

For this little trip I am taking to my moms for her birthday, I decided to go with the color pink. Usually I pick two or three colors to focus on, but this time I chose a dark pink and a light pink. I have two lighter weight sweaters that I thought would be perfect for a late summer trip where the temps will still be warm during the day, but possibly cooler at night and also thinking about air conditioning in stores and restaurants.

Once I chose the two sweaters, then I started to pull out tops that would coordinate with those and this is what I came up with.

After I chose my sweaters and tops, I decided to add a necklace for each outfit, even if I decide to not wear one, at least I have the options with. I also swapped out the coral tank top under the floral button down for a more neutral light beige one.

I knew I was going to be ultra casual as is my normal style so I chose simple shoes and jeans to complete my looks.

Using things like colors, a special accessory or a theme can help you narrow your selections for a trip whether short or long. Next week I’ll show you all the outfits as I wore them.

How do you decide what to wear for a trip? Do you have a capsule wardrobe or a large wardrobe like I have with many choices? I’d love to hear your thoughts, so leave me a comment or two.

I hope you are having a great week.

Pantone Spring/Summer 2022 - NY Palette: Harbor Blue, Dahlia, and Northern Droplet

These are the last three colors from the Pantone Spring/Summer 2022 New York Palette. Today’s colors are festive and fun, the perfect combination for a summer event. I always love a brighter, richer approach to color anyway, so these are probably two of my faves from this palette. Click here to see the actual Pantone colors.

Harbor Blue is a medium blue green giving it a teal vibe, but with a little less intensity. Dahlia is a beautiful shade of purple that reminds me of spring and summer flowers like Azaleas, Cosmos and Pansies. Northern Droplet is a light shade of gray much like an early morning fog over a mountain lake.

For my outfit today, I ended up using a slightly darker gray rather than a light gray. I don’t own a lot of light gray because it is one of those colors that doesn’t do me justice. It is also what I would term, a non color, meaning it doesn’t really do a whole lot for very many people. Certainly there are women who look wonderful in a light shade of gray, but it seems to me that a medium to dark gray is a better choice for most of us.

As of the posting of these photos it is still cool in the midwest. We have had so many gray and rainy days, I am honestly starting to think we are turning into the new northwest and joining our friends in Seattle. However, I did want to give you an outfit where I at least showed a little bit of skin on my legs, just to give the feeling of oncoming summer and warmer weather.

My Harbor Blue bomber jacket was a clearance purchase from ShopNational a few seasons ago. I love the floral textured pattern. The banding at the neck, sleeves and bottom makes it extra comfy to wear. It is a unique piece that I don’t wear a lot, but one that I will hang on to for its versatility and vibrant color.

My thrifted jeans are a brand called Stylus. This appears to be a discontinued brand that may have once been sold at JC Penney and Walmart. I like that they have a tiny bit of distressing near the pocket and above the knee.

My Bambi tee is a thrifted Sonoma piece. When I first got it I knew the print was of deer, but after closer inspection it is definitely Bambi’s silhouette. You can also see my silver necklace that my bestie gave me back in March when we were in NY visiting my mom. I opted for the olive canvas belt because there is a bit of olive in the scarf.

My beautiful scarf was gifted to me by a dear friend who was clearing out her home in preparation for their move to Tennessee. Every time I wear it, I am reminded of her and her husband who moved to be near their youngest daughter, her husband, and their first baby. I just love all the colors in this scarf and feel like it is the perfect piece for every season.

Style Tip: When you don’t know what outfit to put together, pull out a favorite printed scarf. Take cues from the scarf on putting the ensemble together by choosing pieces with matching or similar colors. It really helps for picking out outfits and I do this often, when I am going away for the weekend.

My Ked’s sparkly sneakers are quite old, and perhaps need another run through the washer. I chose my simple Aerosmith tote (a hand me over from my younger girl) for my bag.

Do you like these colors? Would you wear these colors together? Let me know what you think of this outfit by leaving me a comment.

I’m including a few shopping links for you to look over. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own. Thank you for all of your support. Have a great weekend!

Pantone Spring/Summer 2022 - NY Palette: Spun Sugar, Coca Mocha, and Perfectly Pale

Today’s Pantone colors are a blend of earthy and pastels. Spun Sugar is a light, airy blue reminiscent of hazy summer skies. Coca Mocha makes me think of a double scoop of chocolate ice cream and Perfectly Pale is the perfect summer alternative to basic white. See the actual Pantone colors here.

I think these colors are a great pairing for spring and summer. We often think of brown as a fall color, just like we think of white as only a summer color. Well, girlfriends, we definitely needing to change our thinking about color, as in all colors work at any time of year. I will forever love my darker browns, oranges, yellows and burgundies in the fall, but that doesn’t mean I won’t occasionally put them on in the heat of summer. God made color and color is good, all year round.

My Sugar Spun tee is a Sonoma piece. I don’t know that I consider myself wild, but I definitely am glad I live in a free country. That is something I never want to take for granted. I am thankful for all who have fought for so many years to keep our country the free nation it is. I have come to have a deep affection for graphic tees, especially those with words on them.

This outfit is all me. The colors work for me and the pieces are all thrift finds except the necklace, bag and sneakers. The Coca Mocha velvet blazer is a brand called SSA, and is definitely showing wear. I need to do some stitching around the cuffs as it has been wanting to come apart. But overall, I think the blazer still has some wear left in it. This is not something I would normally gravitate towards in the summer, but with our weather being so wacky, I think I will keep this available.

Style Tip: Don’t put your blazers away for spring and summer. Think of them as light weight jackets that you can throw on with cropped pants, capris and even shorts. They make any casual outfit look classy and put together.

My pants are Gloria Vanderbilt and a newer thrift purchase. I knew I wanted a few other lighter weight and lighter colored pants for spring, so this utility pair does the trick.

Style Tip: If pure white is not your bag, find light colored bottoms for summer in pale creams, tans and yellows. You’ll get a similar effect to wearing white and won’t have to worry as much about your colored underwear showing through.

Summer for me means less in the accessory department. I can’t wear most scarves as I get too hot and many of my jewelry pieces make me break out in the warmer weather. These warm months are where I turn to pieces with hippie vibes that use cording, or heavyweight string for pendants and bracelets. I am thinking about taking a few of my hubby’s metal detecting finds and turning them into jewelry, so I guess this would be the time.

My daisy necklace was a Christmas gift from my husband. I like the little quirk it has, because that’s me, just a little quirky. Ha. ha. I am also showing off my round Nine West snakeskin print bag, that I got a few seasons ago from Kohl’s on clearance. Last, but not least, I had to use my bright blue Converse again, since they went along with the Spun Sugar color.

What do you think of these colors? Do you like the colors together, or would you put them with other colors? I love hearing your thoughts and ideas. You inspire me too!

I’m including a few shopping links for you to peruse. These are affiliate links. All opinions are my own.

Have a great day!

Pantone Spring/Summer 2022 - NY Palette: Gossamer Pink, Skydiver and Poppy Seed

Hi everyone. It is time for another set of colors from the Pantone Spring/Summer New York Palette. These colors include the pastel Gossamer Pink, the pretty, bright, Skydiver blue, and a charcoal gray called Poppy Seed. I was glad to see a darker gray on the Classic color palette, as that has always appealed to me more than the lighter gray. These are my choices from my closet for each of these colors. To see the actual Pantone New York palette colors, click here.

My blue cardigan is not a perfect match for the Pantone color, but I try to give you ideas for outfits with interesting color combinations, not do a paint by number. I love this light Gossamer Pink with the bright contrast of the Skydiver blue. This would have been another pretty combo for Easter, but any spring activity where you have to dress up a little would welcome these colors. This would be perfect office attire as well.

I have had this Christopher and Banks cardi for a few years. It is a lighter weight sweater that is perfect for the spring, or for summer when you need a little something in the air conditioning. They don’t seem to be carrying this same type of sweater, but you can always check here at Kohl’s for a few solids and prints on a basic button down cardigan.

My pink blouse is Elle brand, and was a clearance purchase from Kohl’s a few seasons ago. It is a sheer material with little sparkles throughout, which are not visible in the picture. It has 3/4 sleeves and ties to make a bow. I also added this pretty spring scarf that one of my daughters gave me a few years ago.

My Poppy Seed gray plaid trousers have been around forever. They are Style & Co. brand. I know Macy’s and a few other retailers sell Style & Co. brand, but I honestly can’t remember if I got these at Macy’s or if I thrifted them. Macy’s isn’t a retailer I have typically frequented, but I have gone a few times with my bestie and might have bought these on one of those trips.

My black belt was a recent thrift find.

My shoes are my Aerosoles black heeled pumps. I like the lower more stocky heel in my older years. My feet are not used to wearing heels at all anymore, so when I do they have to be ultra comfortable. Aerosoles fit the bill in that regard. Check out their website for great looking shoes at reasonable prices.

My bag is a thrifted NY & Co. and can be a tote or fold it over for a smaller clutch option.

Do you have these colors in your closet? How would you were these, with each other, or with other colors? What is your favorite spring color combination? I’d love to hear your thoughts, so leave a comment or two below.

I’m including a few shopping links below. These are affiliate links, which means I get a little money when you click on a link. These are brought to you at no cost and I appreciate all the clicks. All opinions are my own.

Have a super week everyone!

Pantone Spring/Summer 2022: Glacier Lake, Daffodil and Snow White

Welcome to the New York Palette of the Pantone Spring/Summer 2022 colors. Pantone has changed the way it allows usage of products, so images are no longer free. Now you have to have a subscription to use the color swatches via the internet, so I have had to get creative in putting together my graphics. I am also not using my daughter’s photography services now, as she is very busy with her business and her baby. I am definitely creating new pathways in my brain, but that is good.

If you want to see the actual Pantone colors click on the following link: Spring/Summer 2022 - New York Palette. I try to get my colors as close to the palette colors as possible, but they are not exact. I appreciate the Pantone Institute’s use of color and always enjoy seeing what the colors are for each season.

For today’s outfit, I thought the mix of yellow, blue and white perfect for spring and even for the upcoming Easter holidays. This color combo makes me think of the sunny flowers the color is named for, and the many blues of summer including skies, lakes and denim. White is always classic, not only for summer, but every season.

My Glacier Lake vest is a Christopher and Banks piece that I found at a thrift store. It has the utility look with the larger, square pockets, encased drawstring and metal buttons. I love using my utility vests in the spring and fall.

Style Tip: If you want an extra layer but don’t want all the bulk choose a light weight vest. A utility vest or a dressier suit vest will provide extra warmth, but won’t add the bulk of a quilted, or sherpa type piece.

My bright, yellow cable knit pullover is St. John’s Bay piece. I honestly can’t remember if I bought it at JCPenney or if I got it thrifting. Ha, ha. My white Gloria Vanderbilt jeans I have had for a number of years now. They are just the right weight and thickness for no-show issues, and can be dressed up or down.

My floral scarf is a piece I recently thrifted. I love scarves. I think they add so much to an outfit.

Style Tip: When styling an outfit with two or three solid colors, add a printed scarf for additional color and interest.

You’ve seen my Merona thrifted bag a few times now on the blog. I thought it was a good choice for this springy look. I also opted to wear my Steve Madden platform sneakers. When it comes to platforms, these are very low, which I like. I really don’t like all the extra bulk of a thicker platform or a really thick lug sole on boots.

What do you think of these colors? Would you wear them together? Do you have these colors in your closet? I’d love to hear your thoughts, so leave me a comment or two. I am including a few shopping links for you to look over. These are affiliate links, which means I get a small commission when you click on a link. All opinions are my own.

Have a great week everyone!